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Stone CLI

A CLI for proving and verifying Cairo programs.


Stone CLI structure

As shown in the diagram, the lifecycle of a Cairo program is composed of mainly four steps: compile & run, prove, serialize, and verify. The Stone CLI provides commands for each of these steps, except for the compile & run step, which is merged into the prove step.

Once a proof has been generated, it can be verified on three different verifiers: Stone verifier in C++, Starknet verifier in Cairo, and Ethereum verifier in Solidity. The Stone verifier is a local verifier that can be used for testing purposes, while the Starknet and Ethereum verifiers are verifiers deployed on-chain that can be used to verify the execution of a Cairo program. Once the execution is verified, the input and the output of the program can be registered as a "fact" as on-chain data and can be used by any other smart contracts.

For example, say you want to have an on-chain proof that the 10th Fibonacci number is 55. You can run the Stone CLI on a Cairo program that implements the Fibonacci sequence, providing 10 as input. The CLI will create a proof along with some public information that includes the bytecode of your Cairo program and the inputs and outputs. Once you submit the proof to an on-chain verifier, the verifier will verify the proof and register the inputs and outputs as a "fact" that is associated with the hash of the bytecode of your Cairo program. As a result, any smart contract can make use of the fact that the 10th Fibonacci number is 55.

As can be seen in the diagram, the Stone CLI does not directly interact with the on-chain verifiers. Instead, it serializes the proof into a format that is compatible with the on-chain verifier, which can then be verified using the Starknet verifier or the Ethereum verifier. Note that the proof is often split into multiple files since the entire proof usually does not fit inside the calldata limits of a single transaction.

For the Ethereum verifier, there is an additional specific requirement: the proof needs to be generated using a specific Cairo program named the "bootloader". The bootloader program allows one to efficiently run multiple Cairo programs by creating a smaller size proof (see more details in the STARK book). Since only the bootloader program is supported on Ethereum, the CLI provides an easy way to generate proofs using the bootloader program via the prove-bootloader command.

Please refer to the Cairo book for more details on how to create a Cairo program.


Run the following command to install the CLI:

cargo install --path .

Currently, linux/amd64 with AVX and macos/arm64 are supported.



Generate a proof for a Cairo 0 or Cairo 1 program. This includes the process of compiling the program to CASM (Cairo Assembly) and running the CASM code to generate the memory and trace outputs. For Cairo 0 programs, the compile step needs to be done separately via the cairo-vm CLI.

stone-cli prove --cairo_program <program-path>

Additional args:

Additional args for prover parameters. Most of them are related to optimizations or the security level of the proof. You can refer to the RFC for more details on some of them.

  • --field
  • --channel_hash
  • --commitment_hash
  • --n_verifier_friendly_commitment_layers
  • --pow_hash
  • --page_hash
  • --fri_step_list
  • --last_layer_degree_bound
  • --n_queries
  • --proof_of_work_bits
  • --log_n_cosets
  • --use_extension_field
  • --verifier_friendly_channel_updates
  • --verifier_friendly_commitment_hash
  • --bench_memory: requires heaptrack to be installed

Additional args for prover config:

  • --store_full_lde
  • --use_fft_for_eval
  • --constraint_polynomial_task_size
  • --n_out_of_memory_merkle_layers
  • --table_prover_n_tasks_per_segment

Prove bootloader

Generate a proof for the bootloader Cairo program

stone-cli prove-bootloader --cairo_program <program-path>

Additional args:

  • --program_input
  • --program_input_file
  • --layout
  • --prover_config_file
  • --parameter_file
  • --ignore_fact_topologies
  • --bench_memory: requires heaptrack to be installed


Verify a proof generated by the prover

stone-cli verify --proof <proof-path>

Additional args:

  • --annotation_file
  • --extra_output_file

--annotation_file and --extra_output_file arguments are required when serializing a proof for Ethereum.

Serialize Proof

  • Serialize a proof to be verified on Starknet or Ethereum
  • Ethereum
    • stone-cli serialize-proof --proof <proof-path> --network ethereum --annotation_file <annotation-path> --extra_output_file <extra-output-path> --output <output-path>
  • Starknet
    • integrity provides two types of serializations for Starknet
    • monolith type (supports only recursive layout)
      • stone-cli serialize-proof --proof <proof-path> --network starknet --serialization_type monolith --output <output-path>
    • split type (supports dex, small, recursive, recursive_with_poseidon, starknet, and starknet_with_keccak layouts)
      • stone-cli serialize-proof --proof <proof-path> --network starknet --serialization_type split --output_dir <output-dir> --layout starknet

How to create proofs and verify them on Ethereum

Proving and verifying on Ethereum

Currently there is a Solidity verifier deployed on Ethereum, which is mainly used to verify SHARP proofs created by L2 Starknet nodes. The Solidity verifier checks the validity of a Cairo program named bootloader, which can prove the execution of multiple Cairo programs or Cairo PIEs (Position Independent Executable) either by executing them directly in the program or by running a Cairo verifier that recursively verifies (i.e. verify a proof inside the program) a bootloader proof. The bootloader program dramatically lowers the cost of verification as proving a new Cairo program will grow the size of the proof logarithmically as opposed to linearly. Once we create a bootloader proof, we need to serialize it to a format that works for the Cairo verifier on Ethereum. (Note: the Solidity verifier is based on Stone version v5, so the --stone_version argument needs to be set to v5)

Here are the specific steps for the above process:

  1. Call stone-cli prove-bootloader --cairo_programs ./examples/cairo0/bitwise_output.json --layout starknet --parameter_file ./tests/configs/bootloader_cpu_air_params.json --output bootloader_proof.json --fact_topologies_output fact_topologies.json

    • Can also provide multiple programs and pies by providing a space-separated list of paths
  2. Call stone-cli verify --proof bootloader_proof.json --annotation_file annotation.json --extra_output_file extra_output.json --stone_version v5

  3. Call stone-cli serialize-proof --proof bootloader_proof.json --annotation_file annotation.json --extra_output_file extra_output.json --network ethereum --output bootloader_serialized_proof.json

  4. Verify on Ethereum with the evm-adapter CLI using the bootloader_serialized_proof.json and fact_topologies.json files as inputs

How to create proofs and verify them on Starknet

Proving and verifying on Starknet

  1. Call stone-cli prove --cairo_program <program-path> --layout <layout> with a layout that is supported by either the monolith or split serialization types

  2. Call stone-cli serialize-proof --proof <proof-path> --network starknet --serialization_type monolith --output <output-path> or stone-cli serialize-proof --proof <proof-path> --network starknet --serialization_type split --output_dir <output-dir> --layout <layout>

  3. Verify on Starknet with integrity using the output file or files in the output_dir as input


  • Only certain hints for Cairo 0 programs are supported (see examples/cairo0/with_hint for examples that use supported hints)
  • Only the starknet layout is supported for bootloader proofs
  • Programs should use the output builtin--programs that do not can be proved, but won't verify on Ethereum

Versioning guide

  • Minor version changes should be made when the underlying cairo1-run binary built from cairo-vm is updated.
  • When updating the cairo1-run binary, the cairo release version specified in should also be updated to a compatible version.

Additional Resources

List of supported builtins per layout

small recursive dex recursive_with_poseidon starknet starknet_with_keccak
output O O O O O O
pedersen O O O O O O
range_check O O O O O O
bitwise O O O O
ecdsa O O O
poseidon O O O
ec_op O O
keccak O

Common issues

Error: Failed to run cairo1: cairo1-run failed with error: Error: VirtualMachine(Memory(AddressNotRelocatable))

This error occurs when the program uses a builtin that is not supported by the layout. Refer to the List of supported builtins per layout to find the right layout for theprogram.