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File metadata and controls

110 lines (79 loc) · 3.91 KB


This plugin (forked from ucb-bar/sbt-chisel-dep, forked from samskivert/sbt-condep-plugin) adds the ability to have conditional direct dependencies on other projects. By default, conditional dependencies will reference an Ivy (or Maven) artifact, but if you create an appropriately named symlink (or directory) in your top-level project directory for the depended-upon project, a direct (SBT) dependency will be established on that project. This allows automatic rebuilding of depended-upon projects when running targets in the depending project, and provides a magical "things just get recompiled when they need to" experience, like one gets with IDEs.


Add the plugin to your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.zipmex" % "sbt-chisel-dep" % "2.0")

In your build.sbt file, declare and use your conditional dependencies like so:

val projDeps = chisel.dependencies(Seq(
  ("edu.berkeley.cs" %% "firrtl" % "1.0-SNAPSHOT", "firrtl"),
  ("edu.berkeley.cs" %% "chisel3" % "3.0-SNAPSHOT", "chisel3")

val dependentProjects = projDeps.projects

lazy val myproj = (project in file("."))
    version := "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
    scalaVersion := "2.11.11",
    publishLocal := {},
    publish := {},
    packagedArtifacts := Map.empty,
    libraryDependencies ++= projDeps.libraries
  .dependsOn( _*)
  .aggregate(dependentProjects: _*)

The arguments to chisel.dependencies() are a Seq() of tuples, where the first element of the tuple is the ModuleID to use for a library dependency on the subproject, and the second is the name of a subdirectory containing the dependency as an sbt (sub)project.

By default, your project will use the Ivy/Maven artifacts (libraries) as dependencies, but if you create firrtl and/or chisel3 symlinks (or directories) in your top-level project directory, it will use direct SBT subproject dependencies.

You can confirm that the direct dependencies are working by entering the following into the SBT console:

show myproj/project-dependencies

It will output something like the following:

[info] List(edu.berkeley.cs:firrtl:1.1-SNAPSHOT, edu.berkeley.cs:chisel3:3.1-SNAPSHOT)

Note that the versions in that list will be the versions defined in the SBT build for those projects, which could differ from the versions you specify for your Ivy/Maven artifacts.

If your subpojects themselves have dependencies, they will automatically use any SBT subprojects found by the top-level project, assuming they use the sbt-chisel-dep plugin and contain a similar call to chisel.dependencies() in their build.sbt

The plugin also defines two sets of settings:

  • chiselProjectSettings default edu.berkeley.cs definitions for Chisel BIG4 projects (this should only be used by Berkeley projects),
  • chiselBuildInfoSettings reasonable settings for the BuildInfoPlugin

Check the source code for the values of these settings.

To add either of these to your build, add either (or both) of the following to your build.sbt:





If you have multiple projects in your build.sbt file and you want to add these selectively:

lazy val myproj = (project in file(".")).
settings(ChiselProjectDependenciesPlugin.chiselProjectSettings: _*).


lazy val yourproj = (project in file(".")).
settings(ChiselProjectDependenciesPlugin.chiselBuildInfoSettings: _*).


This code is released under the New BSD License. See LICENSE for details.