This is the famous video store refactoring kata by Martin Fowler. This kata was subsequently translated to Java (as well as slightly modified) by Uncle Bob. Finally, I personally decided to translate the version of Uncle Bob to Python.
In the original version, it is stated that code smells by themselves are not enough of a reason to refactor code. So an additional feature is imposed, namely to also be able to create an HTML version of the current text-based only rental statement
Rental Record for martin
Ran 3.5
Trois Couleurs: Bleu 2
Amount owed is 5.5
You earned 2 frequent renter points
<h1>Rental Record for <em>martin</em></h1>
<tr><td>Trois Couleurs: Bleu</td><td>2</td></tr>
<p>Amount owed is <em>5.5</em></p>
<p>You earned <em>2</em> frequent renter points</p>
There is an instruction (spoiler 😏) video available by Emily Bache that is called What Would Martin Fowler Do? Javascript Code Refactoring Demo.