You should have admin access to repo because master branch is protected by GitHub.
Release steps:
Make sure that master branch is green on travis:
Switch to master branch:
git checkout master git pull
TODO: update CHANGES file
Open aiodocker/ and edit __version__ string, e.g. replace '0.10.0a3' with '0.10.0'.
Commit changes:
git add aiodocker/ git commit -m "Bump to 0.10.0"
Make a git tag (tag is a version prepended by v letter):
git tag -a v0.10.0 -m "Release 0.10.0"
Push master branch and tag onto github:
git push git push origin v0.10.0
Travis starts deploying tag automatically. Open travis site and wait for end of deployment job. It should be green.
Open PyPI and make sure both tarball and wheel are uploaded.
In case of any errors don't override a tag but create new bug fix release, e.g. 0.10.1.
Open and edit tag by adding release description.
The description highlights significant changes and contains a copy of changelog for the release.
Edit __version__ version in aiodocker/ again by incrementing release string to point on next alpha, e.g. replace '0.10.0' with '0.11.0a0'.
Commit changes and push the commit to github.