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Teaclave adopts The Apache Way. Everyone is more than welcome to contribute and make the project better.
Teaclave is now part of the Apache Incubator. We are fortunate to have the following mentors.
- Felix Cheung
- Furkan Kamaci
- Jianyong Dai
- Luciano Resende (Retired)
- Matt Sicker
- Zhijie Shen
Committers are people who have made substantial contribution to the project and being active. In committers, the role of Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) is to help to govern the project and is directly responsible for the oversight of Teaclave. Please contact the community if you'd like to become a member of regular committers or PPMC of Teaclave.
- Mingshen Sun (PPMC)
- Pei Wang (PPMC)
- Ran Duan
- Rundong Zhou (PPMC)
- Tao Wei (PPMC)
- Tongxin Li (PPMC)
- Yiming Jing (PPMC)
- Yu Ding (PPMC)
- Yulong Zhang (PPMC)
- Zhaofeng Chen (PPMC)
Teaclave is a community project and is very thankful for the many community contributions it receives.
List of external contributors of Teaclave and Teaclave SGX SDK (in alphabetical order):
- Akhil Velagapudi
- Bing Duan
- David Phan
- Elichai Turkel
- GeminiCarrie
- Greg Kapka
- Hongbin Mao
- Jackson Owens
- Jimmy Casey
- Jun Jiang
- LookForAdmin
- Meng Yang
- Nick Hynes
- Qinkun Bao
- Sammy
- Shi Wenbin
- Sythanos
- T0day
- Tianjia Zhang
- Zha0Chan
- akoskinas
- czzmmc
- devashishdxt
- dtorfs
- garbageslam
- h4x3rotab
- lhf
- luoyanhua2011
- lyj
- piotr-roslaniec
- rebol0x6c
- volcano
- yc-huang
- zEqueue
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