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Awesome 2D Generative Model

Awesome Maintenance PR's Welcome

A collection of resources on 2D Generative Model which utilize generator functions that map low-dimensional latent codes to high-dimensional data outputs..


Feedback and contributions are welcome! If you think I have missed out on something (or) have any suggestions (papers, implementations and other resources), feel free to pull a request or leave an issue. I will release the latex-pdf version in the future. ⬇️markdown format:

[Paper Name](abs link)  
*[Author 1](homepage), Author 2, and Author 3*
**[`Conference/Journal Year`] (`Institution`)** [[Github](link)] [[Project](link)]

😄 Now you can use this script to automatically generate the above text.


GAN related sources has been moved to GAN

3D-Aware Generation has been moved to Learn 3D from 2D

  1. Variational AutoEncoder (VAE)
  2. Diffusion Model
  3. Energy-Based Model (EBM)
  4. Flow
  5. Representation Learning
  6. Disentangled Representation
  7. Text-to-Image
  8. Others







The ability to generate and manipulate photorealistic image content (high resolution & content controllable) is a long-standing goal of computer vision and graphics. We try to model the real world by generating realistic samples from latent representations.

Existing generative modeling techniques can largely be grouped into two categories based on how they represent probability distributions.

  1. likelihood-based models, which directly learn the distribution’s probability density (or mass) function via (approximate) maximum likelihood. Typical likelihood-based models include autoregressive models, normalizing flow models , energy-based models (EBMs), and variational auto-encoders (VAEs).
  2. implicit generative models, where the probability distribution is implicitly represented by a model of its sampling process. The most prominent example is generative adversarial networks (GANs), where new samples from the data distribution are synthesized by transforming a random Gaussian vector with a neural network.

From Song Yang

Deep generative models can be divided broadly into three categories:

  • Generative Adversarial Networks

    use discriminator networks that are trained to distinguish samples from generator networks and real examples

  • Likelihood-based Model

    directly optimize the model log-likelihood or the evidence lower bound.

    • Variational autoencoder (VAE)

      😋 fast | tractable sampling | easy-to-access encoding networks

    • normalizing flows

    • autoregressive models

  • Energy-based Models

    estimate a scalar energy for each example that corresponds to an unnormalized log-probability

Generative models are widely used for image synthesis and various image-processing tasks, such as editing, inpainting, colorization, deblurring, and superresolution. Generative models have the potential to streamline the workflow of photographers and digital artists and enable new levels of creativity. Similarly, they might allow content creators to efficiently generate virtual 3D content for games, animated movies, or the metaverse.


  • High-quality sampling:需要生成的足够真实,无法区分真假。
  • Mode coverage and sample diversity:如果数据是具有多样性的,则生成模型也应该具备多样性,而且是在不损失质量的前提下。
  • Fast and computationally inexpensive sampling:一些应用需要实时性,例如实时编辑。

Three key requirements for generative models and how different frameworks trade off between them