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Solution: Two Pointers
def longestMountain(arr: List[int]) -> int:
max_length, peak = 0, 1
while peak < len(arr)-1:
if arr[peak] > arr[peak-1] and arr[peak] > arr[peak+1]:
left, right = peak-1, peak+1
while left > 0 and arr[left] > arr[left-1]:
left -= 1
while right < len(arr)-1 and arr[right] > arr[right+1]:
right += 1
max_length = max(max_length, right-left+1)
peak = right + 1
peak += 1
return max_length
Explanation: First, we can iterate through arr to find the peak element such that arr[peak-1] < arr[peak] < arr[peak+1]. After we find that, we can use two while loops to find the boundaries [i, j] (i ≤ j) of the mountain of both sides. If we find a peak, then we only need to search another peak starting from j + 1 instead of peak + 1.