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Solution: Prefix Sum
def maxSubArrayLen(nums: List[int], k: int) -> int:
memo = defaultdict(int)
current_sum = max_length = 0
for i, num in enumerate(nums):
current_sum += num
remaining = current_sum - k
if current_sum == k:
max_length = i + 1
elif remaining in memo:
max_length = max(max_length, i-memo[remaining])
if current_sum not in memo:
memo[current_sum] = i
return max_length
Explanation: To solve this problem in linear time, we can use the prefix sum technique. We need to iterate the whole array sequentially and memorize the subarray sum with a hash table. Suppose we have an array = [-2, 1, 2, -1, 1] and k = 3, we know that the length of the longest subarray sum equals k is 4 ([1, 2, -1, 1]). In the first iteration, the current sum is -2 and there is no -5 in the hash table (if there is one, we can discard the whole subarray starting from index 0 to i that sums up to 5 and get 3 by using subarray starting from index i+1 to current index). Therefore, we know we cannot make 3 with a subarray ending with this index and update the hash map to {-2: 0}. In the second iteration, the current sum is 1 and there is no 4 in the hash table. Therefore, we know we cannot make 3 with a subarray ending with this index and update the hash map to {-2: 0, -1: 1}. In the next iteration, the current sum is 1 and there is a -2 we need. We can update the longest length of subarray equals k.