Problem can be found in here!
Solution: Heap
def reorganizeString(s: str) -> str:
counter = Counter(s)
heap = []
for word, times in counter.items():
heappush(heap, (-times, word))
result = []
while heap:
largest_times, largest_char = heappop(heap)
if result and result[-1] == largest_char:
if not heap:
return ""
second_times, second_char = heappop(heap)
new_times = second_times+1
if new_times != 0:
heappush(heap, (new_times, second_char))
heappush(heap, (largest_times, largest_char))
new_times = largest_times+1
if new_times != 0:
heappush(heap, (new_times, largest_char))
return "".join(result)
Time Complexity: , Space Complexity: , where n is the length of the buildings array.