Problem can be found in here!
Solution: Depth-first Search
def criticalConnections(n: int, connections: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
def make_graph():
for u, v in connections:
critical_paths.add((min(u, v), max(u, v)))
def dfs(node: int, timestamp: int) -> int:
if rank[node]:
return rank[node]
rank[node] = timestamp
min_back_depth = n
for neighbor in graph[node]:
if rank[neighbor] == timestamp - 1:
back_depth = dfs(neighbor, timestamp+1)
if back_depth <= timestamp:
critical_paths.remove((min(node, neighbor), max(node, neighbor)))
min_back_depth = min(min_back_depth, back_depth)
return min_back_depth
rank = [None] * n
critical_paths = set()
graph = defaultdict(set)
dfs(0, 1)
return list(critical_paths)
Time Complexity: , Space Complexity: , where V is the number of servers and E is the length of connections.