Problem can be found in here!
Solution: Topological Sort
def findMinHeightTrees(n: int, edges: List[List[int]]) -> List[int]:
# Edge Cases: only one node in the graph
if not edges:
return [0]
# Build up adjacency list
adjacency_list = [set() for _ in range(n)]
for start, end in edges:
# Find the leaf nodes of the tree
leaves = []
for index, neighbors in enumerate(adjacency_list):
if len(neighbors) == 1:
# Remove leaf nodes until there is less than or equal to 2 nodes
leaf_reamining = n
while leaf_reamining > 2:
new_leaves = []
leaf_reamining -= len(leaves)
for _ in range(len(leaves)):
leaf_node = leaves.pop()
neighbor = adjacency_list[leaf_node].pop()
if len(adjacency_list[neighbor]) == 1:
leaves = new_leaves
return leaves
Time Complexity: , Space Complexity: , where N is the number of nodes.