Last updated Mar 2022 (see change logs)
The Step Wizard pattern provides guidelines for a set of sequential steps to perform a task. This pattern is not recommended for Azure resource creation, refer to Create a Resource pattern.
Users need to complete a set of steps to perform a task in Azure.
To perform a task in Azure, users need an intuitive and consistent way to provide complex information in sequential steps.
The Step Wizard design pattern offers an approach that enables users to walk through a series of steps in sequential order. The experience uses a full screen page with tabs to separate related configuration steps and guide users during the process.
- Sequential wizard
- Wizard
Configure backup in the Backup Center. Go to Backup Center in Azure portal, click on add backup button, choose datasource type “Azure Database for PostgreSQL servers”, and click proceed button.
Step Wizard pattern should be used for sequential tasks that the next steps are dependent on the previous steps.
The Step Wizard pattern is a full-screen experience that offers the following features:
- Title
- Badges
- Tabs
- Labels and corresponding fields
- Footer navigation buttons
Labels should be kept concise and not provide instructions, for example: "Machine name".
Validations are done at every step of the wizard. If there is at least one validation error in one step, the wizard should block users from advancing to the next step.
Tabs and corresponding sections are used to organize sequential content. Tabs are disabled until users reach the given step of the process. Once active, users can interact with the content on that tab.
Badges are used to make it easy for the user to understand the state of the given step. The badge variants show users when the step is active, disabled, finished, or when there’s an error.
- Put fields in steps in order of a natural task flow
- Mark required fields with red asterisk
- Include info bubbles if there are input fields that may not be immediately familiar
- Primary action button should only appear in the last step and the label should reinforce the action (Move, Save, etc)
- Don't use this pattern for non-sequential tasks
- Don't use this pattern to create Azure resources – there is a specific pattern for Azure resources
- Don't put labels on buttons
- Don't include lengthy and unclear explanation text. The text should only be used to clarify and set expectations in a few short sentences.
Developers can use the following information to get started implementing this pattern
- MsPortalFx Wizard view-models are now obsolete and cannot be used anymore; however, one could emulate the same design with the Fx TabControl
- Set a maximimum width of 700px for the page area that contains input fields
- Set the spacing between the items in the footer is 12px
- To show the labels and input field on the same line, include your controls in a Section and set the leftLabelPosition option to true
- For input fields that may not be immediately familiar, include an info balloon (InfoBalloon)
- Updated dev tips after the obsoletion of MsPortalFx Wizard view-models
- Updated UI design
- Published