to start the server 'npm start' on the terminal
the server run on the port 8080, the port is in the '.env'
'npm install' to install all the dependecies
to init the config, models,migrations, seeders with sequelize : 'npx sequelize init'
change the name, the password etc... of the config
to create a database : 'npx sequelize db:create'
to create a model (exemple) : Users: npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name Users --attributes firstName:string,lastName:string,email:string,password:string,birthday:date,phoneNumber:integer
BOOKS : npx sequelize-cli model:generate --name Books --attributes ISBN:string,title:string,summary:string,author:string,publicationDate:date,pagesNumber:integer,language:string,photo:string
to migrate the models into the db : 'npx sequelize db:migrate'
to see the error oh migrating db : 'npx sequelize-cli db:migrate --debug'