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💹 All content on this page applies to the Trading Terminal only.

Trading Host is an API for interaction between Broker API and the Chart Trading Subsystem. Its main purpose is to exchange information between our charts and your trading adapter. In terms of JS, it is an object with a set of functions. Here is the list of Hosts's methods.


showOrderDialog(order, handler, focus) : Promise

  1. order to be placed or modified
  2. handler is a function to process buy/sell/modify. It should return Promise
  3. focus - Focus constant.

Shows standard order dialog to create or modify an order and executes handler if Buy/Sell/Modify is pressed.

showCancelOrderDialog(orderId, handler) : Promise

  1. orderId ID of an order to be cancelled
  2. handler is a function to process cancellation. It should return Promise

Shows a confirmation dialog and executes handler if YES/OK is pressed.

showCancelMultipleOrdersDialog(symbol, side, qty, handler) : Promise

  1. symbol of orders to be cancelled
  2. side - side of orders to be cancelled
  3. qty - amount of orders to be cancelled
  4. handler is a function to process cancellation. It should return Promise

Shows a confirmation dialog and executes handler if YES/OK is pressed.

showClosePositionDialog(positionId, handler) : Promise

  1. positionId identifier of a position to be closed
  2. handler is a function to process position close. It should return Promise

Shows a confirmation dialog and executes handler if YES/OK is pressed.

showReversePositionDialog(position, handler) : Promise

  1. position to be reversed
  2. handler is a function to process position reverse. It should return a Promise

Shows a confirmation dialog and executes handler if YES/OK is pressed.

showPositionBracketsDialog(position, brackets, focus, handler) : Promise

  1. position to be modified
  2. brackets (optional) new brackets
  3. focus - Focus constant.
  4. handler is a function to process modification of brackets. It should return Promise

Shows a default edit brackets dialog and executes handler if MODIFY is pressed.

activateBottomWidget : Promise

Opens the bottom panel and switches the tab to Trading.


Shows the properties dialog, switches current tab to Trading.

showNotification(title, text, type)

Displays a notification. Type can be 1 - success or 0 - error.


Triggers show active orders.


Returns a Formatter with the specified number of decimal places.


Returns a default Formatter formatter for the specified instrument. This formatter is created based on SymbolInfo.


factory is an object property. Its functions are described below.


Creates a Delegate object.


Creates a WatchedValue object.

symbolSnapshot(symbol) : Promise

Returns quotes of a symbol.

Getters and Setters

floatingTradingPanelVisibility: WatchedValue

Returns whether floatingTradingPanel is visible or not.

showPricesWithZeroVolume: WatchedValue

Returns whether levels with empty volume (between min and max volume levels) are collapsed or not.

silentOrdersPlacement: WatchedValue

Returns if orders can be sent to the broker without showing the order ticket.

suggestedQty() : Object

Returned object properties:

  1. value - use it to get the current value. It returns Promise.
  2. setValue - use it to set new value
  3. changed : Subscription

It is to synchronize quantity in the Floating Trading Panel and in the dialogs.


Bottom Trading Panel has a button with a list of dropdown items. This method can be used to replace existing items.

  1. actions is an array of ActionMetainfo, each of them representing one dropdown item.


Provides default buy/sell, show properties actions to be returned as a default by chartContextMenuActions.


Provides default dropdown list of actions. You can use default actions in setButtonDropdownActions. You can add/remove default action from the result using options:

  1. showFloatingToolbar: boolean;
  2. tradingProperties: boolean;
  3. selectAnotherBroker: boolean;
  4. disconnect: boolean;

Data Updates

The usage of these methods is required to notify the chart that it needs to update information.


Call this method when an order is added or changed.


Call this method when an order is not changed, but the fields that you added to the order object to display in the Account Manager are changed. It should be used only if you want to display custom fields in the Account Manager.

positionUpdate (position)

Call this method when a position is added or changed.

positionPartialUpdate (position)

Call this method when a position is not changed, but fields that you added to the position object to display in the Account Manager are changed. It should be used only if you want to display custom fields in the Account Manager.


Call this method when an execution is added.


Call this method when all data has been changed. For example, user account has been changed.

plUpdate(positionId, pl)

Call this method when a broker connection has received a PL update. This method should be used when supportPLUpdate flag is set in configFlags.


Call this method when a broker connection has received an equity update. This method is required by the standard order dialog.

tradeUpdate (trade)

Call this method when a trade is added or changed.

tradePartialUpdate (trade)

Call this method when a trade is not changed, but fields that you added to the trade object to display in the Account Manager are changed.

tradePLUpdate(tradeId, pl)

Call this method when a broker connection has received a trade PL update.