There are many ways you can contribute to wearablehrv
If you find a bug in the software, please check the existing issues to see if it has already been reported. If it hasn't, submit a new issue with as much detail as possible, including:
- A concise description of the problem
- Steps to reproduce the issue
- Expected behavior
- Actual behavior
- Your environment details (OS, Python version, etc.)
Have an idea for a new feature or think something could be done better? Please submit an issue with your enhancement proposal.
Ready to contribute code or documentation? Here's how you can submit a pull request (PR):
- Fork the repository and clone it locally.
- Create a new branch for your contribution.
- Make your changes. Be sure to adhere to the project's coding standards.
- Test your changes. Ensure that your changes do not break any existing functionality.
- Submit a pull request. Include a clear description of your changes and any relevant issue numbers.
Looking for help with wearablehrv
? Please submit an issue describing your question or problem. You can also drop me an email: [email protected].