# pgzhelper Pygame Zero Helper was originally created to enhance Pygame Zero with additional capabilities that were available in Scratch (eg. move_forward, point_towards, distance_to), but it has since evolved to include a large number of collision detection functions that are useful in games.
The capabilities provided by pgzhelp can be roughly divided into...
- Actor enhancements
- Additional capabilities for a Pygame Zero Actor
- Examples:
- Movements: move_forward, point_towards
- Animation: images, animate, fps
- Image: scale, flip_x, flip_y
- Collision detection
- Detect collision between points, lines, circles, rect (AABB), rect (OBB)
- Examples:
- Collide.circle_line() : Check if a circle is colliding with a line
- Collide.obb_points() : Check if an OBB rect is colliding with any of the given points
- Utility
- Small utility functions
- Examples:
- For Pygame Zero: toggle_fullscreen, hide_mouse
- Movement and directions: distance_to, direction_to
## Wiki Please see the wiki on github for more details.