========================Process CSV=====================
csvpath: /home/xfu7/data/sharedTask2nd/test/scst2_testDataSpeech.csv
audiopath: /home/xfu7/data/sharedTask2nd/test/audio
destination: /home/xfu7/kaldi/egs/SpokenCall_Adaptation/s1/data/sharedTask2nd_test
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "prepare_data.py", line 83, in <module>
File "prepare_data.py", line 81, in main
prepareKaldiData('sc2',test_label_2nd, test_audio_2nd,destination_test)
File "prepare_data.py", line 46, in prepareKaldiData
utterance = str(row[3])
IndexError: list index out of range
follow instruction in kaldi/tools/install_srilm.sh
steps/make_mfcc.sh --nj 1 --cmd queue.pl /log /data mkdir: cannot create directory '/log': Permission denied
All videos from AMI Corpus are 16000HZ, need to downsample to 8000HZ
ffmpeg -i $video -acodec pcm_s16le -ac 1 -ar 8000 ~/Desktop/Transcriptions/splits_8k/$video_path
for dir in */; do
# mkdir /home/xfu7/data/amicorpus_8kHz/$dir
# mkdir /home/xfu7/data/amicorpus_8kHz/$dir/audio
for wavfile in $dir/audio/*.wav; do
ls -lah $wavfile
# b=$(basename $wavfile)
# echo $b
# ffmpeg $wavfile -ar 8000 mkdir /home/xfu7/data/amicorpus_8kHz/$dir/audio/$wavefile
echo "$count"
# 1374 videos intotal
for dir in */; do
for wavfile in $dir/audio/*.wav; do
# ls -lah $wavfile
# ((count=count+1))
b=$(basename $wavfile)
echo $b
ffmpeg -i $wavfile -ar 8000 -acodec pcm_s16le /home/xfu7/data/amicorpus_8kHz/$dir/audio/$b
Failed to open file /home/mxq486/kaldi-trunk/egs/ami/s5/data/sharedTask/all/data/raw_mfcc_all.1.ark
To prepare the AMI Corpus for training in the setup we need to prepare data. Here we use the data preparation scripts provided by Kaldi to prepare the AMI corpus.
This corpus require Fisher Transcript which is not avaliable in public, therefore I skip this part as described in the README_AMI_s5b file.
I later run the following command to generate the data files for training and stop before mfcc feature extraction step in this setting.
# I only want to prepare ihm for my setup
./run.sh --mic ihm
The result of this script generate data in /s5b/data/ihm directory:
[xfu7@c44 ihm]$ ls
dev dev_orig eval eval_orig train train_orig
[xfu7@c44 data]$ wc -l ihm/train/text
108502 ihm/train/text
for dir in */; do wc -l $dir/text; done
Results are shown as follws:
[xfu7@c44 ihm]$ for dir in */; do wc -l $dir/utt2spk; done
13098 dev//text
13098 dev_orig//text
12643 eval//text
12643 eval_orig//text
108502 train//text
108502 train_orig//text
Now I need to copy this file into the SpokenCALL_Adaptation directory:
cp -rf ihm/ /home/xfu7/kaldi/egs/SpokenCall_Adaptation/s1/data/ihm
# Final AMI-IHM Utterance number
[xfu7@c47 ihm]$ wc -l all/text
134243 all/text
# grab 20% of the utterance and build ihm20
array=("text" "wav.scp" "segments" "utt2spk" "spk2utt")
for item in ${array[*]}; do
touch sharedTask2nd/ihm20/$item
cat ihm/all/$item | head -26848 > sharedTask2nd/ihm20/$item
wc -l sharedTask2nd/ihm20/$item
for item in $array; do wc -l sharedTask2nd/ihm20/$item; done
# grab 50% of the utterance and build ihm50
cd data/sharedTask2nd/st_ihm_all
cat ../../ihm/all/text >> text
cat ../../ihm/all/utt2spk >> utt2spk
cat ../../ihm/all/spk2utt >> spk2utt
cat ../../ihm/all/wav.scp >> wav.scp
[xfu7@c47 st_ihm_all]$ cat ../all/text >> text
[xfu7@c47 st_ihm_all]$ cat ../all/wav.scp >> wav.scp
[xfu7@c47 st_ihm_all]$ cat ../all/utt2spk >> utt2spk
[xfu7@c47 st_ihm_all]$ cat ../all/spk2utt >> spk2utt
[xfu7@c47 s1]$ utils/fix_data_dir.sh data/sharedTask2nd/st_ihm_all
fix_data_dir.sh: kept 12914 utterances out of 147157
fix_data_dir.sh: old files are kept in data/sharedTask2nd/st_ihm_all/.backup
! awk '{print $1}' $1 | sort | uniq | cmp -s - <(awk '{print $1}' $1)
function check_sorted_and_uniq {
! awk '{print $1}' $1 | sort | uniq | cmp -s - <(awk '{print $1}' $1) && \
echo "$0: file $1 is not in sorted order or has duplicates" && exit 1;
function partial_diff {
diff $1 $2 | head -n 6
echo "..."
diff $1 $2 | tail -n 6
n1=`cat $1 | wc -l`
n2=`cat $2 | wc -l`
echo "[Lengths are $1=$n1 versus $2=$n2]"
check_sorted_and_uniq $data/utt2spk
if ! $no_spk_sort; then
! cat $data/utt2spk | sort -k2 | cmp -s - $data/utt2spk && \
echo "$0: utt2spk is not in sorted order when sorted first on speaker-id " && \
echo "(fix this by making speaker-ids prefixes of utt-ids)" && exit 1;
! awk '{print $1}' $1 | sort | uniq | cmp -s - <(awk '{print $1}' $1)
cat data/sharedTask2nd/st_ihm_all/utt2spk | sort | cmp - data/sharedTask2nd/st_ihm_all/utt2spk
utils/validate_data_dir.sh data/sharedTask2nd/st_ihm_all
utils/utt2spk_to_spk2utt.pl data/sharedTask2nd/st_ihm_all/utt2spk > data/sharedTask2nd/st_ihm_all/spk2utt
[xfu7@c47 s1]$ time ./run_train_st.sh >> 1029.log /run_train_st.sh: line 72: exp10/mono/graph_st10.o3g.kn.pr1-7/mkgraph.log: No such file or directory
real 49m6.402s user 441m37.960s sys 3m7.969s
[xfu7@c47 s1]$ time ./run_train_st.sh > log_train_st ./run_train_st.sh: line 242: syntax error: unexpected end of file
real 34m3.523s user 435m42.747s sys 2m59.304s
Triphone training takes 1300 hours