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4. Production Plan

Jonathan Cacay Llanes edited this page Mar 12, 2023 · 31 revisions
Table of Contents
  1. Milestones and Objectives
  2. Budget
  3. Calendar
  4. Risks and contingencies
  5. Deliveries

Milestones and objectives

Assignment 01: Concept Discovery

  • Game Design Document
  • Tech Design Document
  • Production Plan
  • GUI Design Document
  • Art Bible
  • Audio Bible
  • QA Workflow
  • Pitch
  • Indented item

Assignment 02: Vertical Slice

    • Game resolution: 1280x720px@60fps, support for windowed mode and fullscreen
    • Maximum memory usage must be under 256 MB (RAM)
    • GOD mode (F10): no-damage, fly-around mode, show bounds, visual debug info…
    • Turn-based battle system
    • Team logo
    • AUDIO: Sound FX characteristic for the logo
    • Game title
    • Game SAVE/LOAD state to/from external file
    • AUDIO: Sound FX characteristic for the title appearing
    • AUDIO: Music track specific for the screen
    • UI: Main game menu (custom font): START - CONTINUE - OPTIONS - EXIT
    • UI: AUDIO: Buttons/controls fx feedback sounds
    • Implement a TOWN map with at least 3 locations to visit
    • Implement at least **2 Playable Characters**, available as the base Team Party
    • Implement at least **3 NPC Characters**
    • Implement at least **4 Dialogs** with branching with NPC characters
    • INPUTS: Keyboard/Gamepad inputs supported
    • UI: PAUSE menu available on pause
    • AUDIO: Music track specific for the screen
    • AUDIO: Music effects fade-in/fade-out, lower volume on PAUSE
    • Implement at least **3 Types of Enemies** (or Boss) with different stats
    • Implement turn-based combat system, players and enemies should alternate attacks
    • UI: Implement a minimal menu to choose next player actions

Assignment 03: Alpha

    • Screens and battle transitions
    • UI: All controls must support multiple states: NORMAL, HOVER/SELECTED, PRESSED, DISABLED
    • GitHub Actions automated builds
    • Assets/Resources loaded from one or multiple ZIP files
    • ANIM: Animated logo in/out
    • ANIM: Title animation with easings
    • UI: Basic game config options implemented with custom font
    • UI: OPTION: GRAPHICS: Full Screen mode selection
    • UI: OPTION: GRAPHICS: VSync enabled
    • UI: OPTION: AUDIO: Music volume slider
    • UI: OPTION: AUDIO: Fx sounds volume slider
    • AUDIO: Sound feedback for buttons and sliders
    • AUDIO: Music track specific for the screen
    • Implement a DUNGEON map with at least 3 map-puzzles to solve
    • Implement at least **6 Types of Items** to collect
    • Implement at least **3 Quests**
    • AUDIO: Minimum of 10 fx game sounds implemented
    • UI: Implement a minimal menu system: **Characters Stats**, **Inventory Items**
    • AUDIO: Sound feedback for menus controls
    • AUDIO: Minimum of 10 fx player/enemies sounds implemented
    • AUDIO: Music track specific for the screen
    • Custom background with victory/lose messages (custom font)
    • AUDIO: Music track specific for the screen

Assignment 04: Gold

    • Gamepad: Game must be completely playable with a gamepad
    • UI: All menus must be animated
    • Game Webpage: Use GitHub Pages with some customization for the game.
    • Game Trailer: A short trailer (under 2 minutes) to sell the game and show its key features
    • Game installer: Game should come on an installer
    • UI: ANIM: Animated main menu
    • UI: ANIM: Animated options menu
    • UI: ANIM: Animated pause menu
    • UI: AUDIO: Sound feedback for the interface elements
    • UI: Allow basic Items selection and usage (HP/MP items)
    • UI: ANIM: Animated stats/inventory menu
    • UI: AUDIO: Sound feedback for buttons and other controls
    • FX: Implement at least **3 Particle Systems**
    • UI: ANIM: Animated battle menu
    • UI: Minimal menu to CONTINUE or RETURN to TITLE


This budget covers the creation of the Return video game.

The design and development of the video game with the functionalities described in the Milestones and objectives section is within the budget. We will be designing and developing all the necessary materials for the creation of the video game: sprites, code, sounds, background music, etc.

For obvious reasons, the designers and developers will not be able to dedicate the hours of a full day to the creation of the video game. That is why the estimated weekly hours that they will be able to dedicate to it will be 15 hours per person.

The overall cost in development hours is summarized here. In addition to the functions outlined in the preceding section, the work required for functional testing is provided.

Task Hours Total hours
Assignment 01: Concept Discovery 30 240
Assignment 02: Vertical Slice 75 600
Assignment 03: Alpha 60 480
Assignment 04: Gold 45 360

Per person:

Estimated hours Price / hour Total amount
210 9 € 1.890€

Since we are a team of 8 people, our final budget will be

Number of workers Final price
8 15.120€

Infrastructure costs

Our team will be working in a coworking place located in Carrer d'Estruc 9, Barcelona 08002 and the pricing are located in the following link.

We will be using the following plan that adjusts our terms:

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-09 200419

So that means, an added infrastructure cost will be:

Number of workers Weeks Price per person Total
8 15 80€ 1.200€

We also need material to be able to get to work on it. We will need the following:

Material Amount Price per unit Total
Wacom One Medium Tableta Digital 4 59.90€ 239,60€
ASUS VivoBook 15 S513EQ-L1247T 8 899.90€ 7.199,20€
Maintenance or malfunctioning One of each product --- 959,80€

Total amount: 8.398,60€

Licenses needed in order to work on the videogame, is to purchase a software in order to design things, called Aseprite.


Material Amount Price per unit Total
Aseprite 4 19.99€ 79,96€

And no more licenses are required, since we will be using an MIT License and most of our stuff will be created by us.

After all of the above is accomplished, we would go onto the base costs in order to include meetings with out customers (stakeholders), business trips, marketing, distribution, etc.

Digital marketing Steam distribution Stakeholders, business trips... Total
10.000€ 100€ 10.000€ 20.100€

We would also need to register our product in to the Intellectual Property Registry. In Spain, these are the prices:

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-10 090135

Then, for the total amount, we will also need 14,97€

With all of the information above, the final budget will be of 44.913,53€, which rounded will be a total amount of 45.000€.


Calendar link:

Assignment 01: Concept Discovery

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-08 173646

Assignment 02: Vertical Slice

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-11 191946 Captura de pantalla 2023-03-11 191951

Assignment 03: Alpha

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-11 192216 Captura de pantalla 2023-03-11 192220

Assignment 04: Gold

Captura de pantalla 2023-03-11 192449 Captura de pantalla 2023-03-11 192453


  • Assignment 01: Concept Discovery

March 12th 10:00 a.m

  • Assignment 02: Vertical Slice

April 17th 11:59 p.m

  • Assignment 03: Alpha

May 15th 11:59 p.m

  • Assignment 04: Gold

June 12th 11:59 p.m

Risks and contingencies

Risks Impact Contingency plan % of probability
Member leaves the project Lose time in order to rearrange the project Redistribute the work that was asigned to that person 5%
A member's computer stops working More work for the other members and lose a certain amount of budget Look for an available teammate to substitute him 10%
Game feature giving trouble to the coders Lose efficency on the time established for that feature Project members who are available can work together in order to get the feature going 50%
Personal problems that the members could have Readjustment of plans The affected member must notify the team in advance in order to adjust the plans 50%
An objective from the milestones is not completed Delays the accorded date of the delivery The unaccomplished milestone will be done for the next delivery. If it is the last delivery, the member who is in charge of that milestone will need to communicate the team in order to focus with the milestone 30%

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