Fritzing diagram BiDirectional Pin Fritzing diagram
static void Main(string[] args)
const double Period = 10.0;
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
// 1 pin mode
// using (DCMotor motor = DCMotor.Create(6))
// using (DCMotor motor = DCMotor.Create(PwmChannel.Create(0, 0, frequency: 50)))
// 2 pin mode
// using (DCMotor motor = DCMotor.Create(27, 22))
// using (DCMotor motor = DCMotor.Create(new SoftwarePwmChannel(27, frequency: 50), 22))
// 2 pin mode with BiDirectional Pin
// using (DCMotor motor = DCMotor.Create(19, 26, null, true, true))
// using (DCMotor motor = DCMotor.Create(PwmChannel.Create(0, 1, 100, 0.0), 26, null, true, true))
// 3 pin mode
// using (DCMotor motor = DCMotor.Create(PwmChannel.Create(0, 0, frequency: 50), 23, 24))
// Start Stop mode - wrapper with additional methods to disable/enable output regardless of the Speed value
// using (DCMotorWithStartStop motor = new DCMotorWithStartStop(DCMotor.Create( _any version above_ )))
using (DCMotor motor = DCMotor.Create(6, 27, 22))
bool done = false;
Console.CancelKeyPress += (o, e) =>
done = true;
e.Cancel = true;
string lastSpeedDisp = null;
while (!done)
double time = sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0;
// Note: range is from -1 .. 1 (for 1 pin setup 0 .. 1)
motor.Speed = Math.Sin(2.0 * Math.PI * time / Period);
string disp = $"Speed = {motor.Speed:0.00}";
if (disp != lastSpeedDisp)
lastSpeedDisp = disp;