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Unity Puzzle Game : TEN by TEN

Drag and make Square to cover Numbers. When Dragged up and sum of Numbers become " 10 " that Numbers disappear. time limit is 60s and the removed numbers of Numbers(Bubbles) add to Score.

스크린샷 2021-06-27 오후 6 19 08

스크린샷 2021-06-27 오후 6 19 39

스크린샷 2021-06-27 오후 6 21 06

In Details

Board Setting

private List<GameObject> Bubbles;
void SettingBoard(){
  for (float i = 4; i > -4; i -= 0.8f)
        for (float j = -7; j < 8; j += 0.8f)
          GameObject bubble = (GameObject)Instantiate(NumPrefab[Random.Range(0, 9)],
          new Vector2(j, i),
  • Make a Bubble(Number-Block) from prefab resources randomly and add to List to supervise them
  • Each Bubbles' size are same to Unit size 4. So I made a virtual grid position and arrange them to each position
  • Thought that float 0.8 can be replaced with size of Prefab

Mouse Dragging Effect

private RectTransform SelectField;
void MouseDrag(Vector2 curMousePos)
    float width = curMousePos.x - MouseInit.x;
    float height = curMousePos.y - MouseInit.y;

    SelectField.sizeDelta = new Vector2(Mathf.Abs(width), Mathf.Abs(height));
    SelectField.anchoredPosition = MouseInit + new Vector2(width / 2, height / 2);
  • Make a Canvs-Image, resizing and repositioning at first mouse click and after mouse movement.
  • Position a Image at Left-Bottom pivot and calculate its width, height, center pivot position in Update func

Calculate Bubbles

private void SelectBubbles(Vector2 curMousePos)
    Vector2 max, min;
    Color32 preColor = new Color32(243, 125, 125, 255);
    Color32 postColor = new Color32(96, 149, 245, 255);
    foreach (GameObject el in Bubbles)
      Vector2 pos = el.transform.position;
      if (startSelectPos.x > curMousePos.x)
        max.x = startSelectPos.x;
        min.x = curMousePos.x;
        max.x = curMousePos.x;
        min.x = startSelectPos.x;
      if (startSelectPos.y > curMousePos.y)
        max.y = startSelectPos.y;
        min.y = curMousePos.y;
        max.y = curMousePos.y;
        min.y = startSelectPos.y;

      if (pos.x >= min.x && pos.x <= max.x
      && pos.y >= min.y && pos.y <= max.y)
        el.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(el.transform.localScale, new Vector3(5.5f, 5.5f, 0), Time.deltaTime * 10);
        el.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = postColor;

        if (!CheckDict.ContainsKey(el))
          CheckDict.Add(el, int.Parse('_')[1].Split('(')[0]));
        el.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(el.transform.localScale, new Vector3(5, 5, 0), Time.deltaTime * 10);
        el.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color = preColor;

Bubble Select Judgement

Bubble selection judgement needed 4-way calculation : Mouse Click from LEFT-TOP, LEFT-BOTTOM, RIGHT-TOP, RIGHT-BOTTOM So I made 4 conditional statement for calculate them.

  • if Bubbles are in that selection box, it change its color in Lerp and Add to CheckDict Dictionary.
  • CheckDict Dictionary used for Is Bubble's sum 10 or not
  • DUPLICATE CHECK : used Dictionary<GameObject, int> CheckDict. GameObject has its soley own name so I use it for KEY and Value as that Object's number. So it can prevent Duplicated selection issues.

Sum of Bubbles Calculate

void Update(){
  if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))

    foreach (KeyValuePair<GameObject, int> el in CheckDict)
      sum += CheckDict[el.Key];
    if (sum == GoalNum)
      foreach (KeyValuePair<GameObject, int> el in CheckDict)
      score += CheckDict.Count;
      ScoreTMPro.text = score.ToString();
    sum = 0;
  • Calcualte only when after MouseButton Up
  • looping Checkdict elememt for its sum and if sum is 10, Destroy Objects and remove them in Bubble-List