You have to substitute the address of course in accord to the outputs you get.
If you want to use a specific Account, you have to fill it's private key in the localhost package.json
also run in another terminal:
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat token --network localhost
Deploying an sample Token contract for local testing
signer address:0xcd3B766CCDd6AE721141F452C550Ca635964ce71
Token Distributor deployed to: 0x162459Bb429a63D2e31Fe2d1cdb5b058f2D31AdF
Creation block number: 1
# Check if the system is macOS
if [[ $(uname) == "Darwin" ]]; then
# For macOS, use the -v option with date to add 1 minute and 24 hours
start_epoch=$(date -v+1M '+%s')
end_epoch=$(date -v+1d '+%s')
# For Linux, use the -d option to calculate the epoch unix time
start_epoch=$(date -d '+1 minute' '+%s')
end_epoch=$(date -d '+24 hours' '+%s')
# Run the command with updated start and end times
npx hardhat tokenDistributor --network localhost \
--root 0xae1b08655703dc89f64177d04982f7644b008d9e4dcbf6aa686698d4128c2406 \
--token 0x162459Bb429a63D2e31Fe2d1cdb5b058f2D31AdF \
--total 13800000000000000000000 \
--start "$start_epoch" \
--end "$end_epoch" \
--delegate 0xf8533db72dcba94bf14a3C147A550Ae99d5F5daE
Deploying a Token Distributor contract
signer address:0xcd3B766CCDd6AE721141F452C550Ca635964ce71
root: 0xae1b08655703dc89f64177d04982f7644b008d9e4dcbf6aa686698d4128c2406
token: 0x162459Bb429a63D2e31Fe2d1cdb5b058f2D31AdF
total: 13800000000000000000000
start: 1701462737
end: 1701549077
delegate: 0xf8533db72dcba94bf14a3C147A550Ae99d5F5daE
Token Distributor deployed to: 0xDAEaB5ef86487b4f777A80dFa9BC0DE6878d7607
Creation block number: 2
npx hardhat verify --network localhost 0xDAEaB5ef86487b4f777A80dFa9BC0DE6878d7607 "0xae1b08655703dc89f64177d04982f7644b008d9e4dcbf6aa686698d4128c2406" "0x162459Bb429a63D2e31Fe2d1cdb5b058f2D31AdF" 13800000000000000000000 1701462737 1701549077 0xf8533db72dcba94bf14a3C147A550Ae99d5F5daE
npx hardhat transfer --network localhost \
--to 0xDAEaB5ef86487b4f777A80dFa9BC0DE6878d7607 \
--amount 13800000000000000000000 \
--token 0x162459Bb429a63D2e31Fe2d1cdb5b058f2D31AdF
Transfer tokens...
signer address:0xcd3B766CCDd6AE721141F452C550Ca635964ce71
Tokens transfered successfully!
npx hardhat claim --network localhost \
--distributor 0xDAEaB5ef86487b4f777A80dFa9BC0DE6878d7607 \
--json files/example.json
# OR
npx hardhat claim_delegate --network localhost \
--distributor 0xDAEaB5ef86487b4f777A80dFa9BC0DE6878d7607 \
--json files/example.json \
--delegate [optional]
Claiming tokens from the token distributor...
signer address:0xcd3B766CCDd6AE721141F452C550Ca635964ce71
Tokens claimed successfully!
Claiming tokens from the token distributor...
signer address:0xcd3B766CCDd6AE721141F452C550Ca635964ce71
Tokens claimed and delegated successfully!