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67 lines (55 loc) · 3.15 KB

File metadata and controls

67 lines (55 loc) · 3.15 KB



This will be a great game, where hopefully you might even be able to play it!

Team Members

Name GitHub UoA UPI
Winston Zhao @winstonzhao wzha539
Simon Su @sloushsu zsu801
Tina Chen @twchen97 tche278
Rebekah Berriman @rmberriman rber798
Carl Tang @Carl-Tang ytan415
Reuben Rakete @rocketbang rrak789
Franklin Wang @Gnawf fwan182
Sean Oldfield @SheepySean sold940

Execution Instructions

Setting Up

Configuring Git with Unity

To use the built in Unity merge tool to merge unity .asset, .prefab, and .unity files, some changes must be made to your git config file.
Add the following to your ~/.gitconfig:

	tool = unityyamlmerge
 [mergetool "unityyamlmerge"]
	trustExitCode = false
	keepTemporaries = true
	keepBackup = false
	path = 'C:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Editor\\Data\\Tools\\UnityYAMLMerge.exe'
	cmd = 'C:\\Program Files\\Unity\\Editor\\Data\\Tools\\UnityYAMLMerge.exe' merge -p "$BASE" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"

Edit the above paths to match your own enviroment
(mac = "/Applications/Unity/")

Find more info here


  1. Checkout the “FINAL” branch from github
  2. Open the game by and start running the game through Unity navigating to the ‘Menu’ scene (Assets\Scenes\Menu.scene)
  3. Press the run scene button located in the the Unity interface.
  4. Make sure your screen aspect ratio is set to one of our supported ratios (16:9, 16:10, or 4:3)
  5. Once your aspect ratio is correct, press "Play" to begin!

If you want to clear all saved data (and start from the beginning), refer to Resetting Local History



  1. Now you’ve reached the lobby, you can wondering and around talk the NPCs by pressing spacebar when within sufficient distance and then pressing the spacebar again to progress through the dialogue.


  1. Walk to the elevator and progress to the Leech level, you’ll know when you’ve reached this level when you’re in a level with many stalls listing different engineering specializations on them.
  2. Talk to any of the instructors standing nearby to the stalls and choose the ‘Play [Specialization] Game’ button when presented the option. Follow the instructions to progress through the selected minigame.


  1. Open 2 instances of the game either on different systems or on the same system.
  2. Making sure you’re on the same level, you should see the other player’s character moving throughout the scene.
  3. You can make sure the multiplayer is working by using the chat feature, this is done by pressing enter to allow text input into the textbox and then pressing enter again to send the message.
  4. You should observe a dialogue bubble instantiate above the corresponding players’ head.