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CassandraPHP client library for PHP

CassandraPHP client library for PHP, which support Protocol v3 (CassandraPHP 2.1) and asynchronous request


  • Using Protocol v3 (CassandraPHP 2.1)
  • Support ssl/tls with stream transport layer
  • Support asynchronous and synchronous request
  • Support for logged, unlogged and counter batches
  • The ability to specify the consistency, "serial consistency" and all flags defined in the protocol
  • Support Query preparation and execute
  • Support all data types conversion and binding, including collection types, tuple and UDT
  • Support conditional update/insert
  • 5 fetch methods (fetchAll, fetchRow, fetchPairs, fetchCol, fetchOne)
  • Two transport layers - socket and stream.
  • Using exceptions to report errors
  • 800% performance improvement(async mode) than other php cassandra client libraries


PHP 5.4+ is required. There is no need for additional libraries.

If you want to use Bigint or Timestamp type, 64-bit system is required.

Append dependency into composer.json

	"require": {
		"duoshuo/php-cassandra": "dev-master"

Also you can just fetch project from Github and include in your code:

require 'php-cassandra-folder-on-your-computer/php-cassandra.php';

Basic Using


$nodes = [
	'',		// simple way, hostname only
	'',	// simple way, hostname with port
	'host1, host2; host3', //simple way, host list. Spaces, tabs, commas and semicolons are delimiters
	[				// advanced way, array including username, password and socket options
		'host'		=> ',', //host list can be used
		'port'		=> 9042, //default 9042
		'username'	=> 'admin',
		'password'	=> 'pass',
		'socket'	=> [SO_RCVTIMEO => ["sec" => 10, "usec" => 0], //socket transport only
	[				// advanced way, using Connection\Stream, persistent connection
		'host'		=> '',
		'port'		=> 9042,
		'username'	=> 'admin',
		'password'	=> 'pass',
		'class'		=> 'CassandraPHP\Connection\Stream',//use stream instead of socket, default socket. Stream may not work in some environment
		'connectTimeout' => 10, // connection timeout, default 5,  stream transport only
		'timeout'	=> 30, // write/recv timeout, default 30, stream transport only
		'persistent'	=> true, // use persistent PHP connection, default false,  stream transport only  
	[				// advanced way, using SSL(TLS)
		'class'		=> 'CassandraPHP\Connection\Stream', // "class" must be defined as "CassandraPHP\Connection\Stream" for ssl or tls
		'host'		=> 'ssl://',// or 'tls://'. ssl/tls can be omitted if 'ssl' option is set.
		'port'		=> 9042,
		'username'	=> 'admin',
		'password'	=> 'pass',
		//disable certificate verification
		'ssl'		=> ['verify_peer'=>false,'verify_peer_name'=>false],
		//with SSL certificate validation, no name check
		//'ssl'		=> ['cafile' => 'cassandra.pem', 'verify_peer_name'=>false]

// Create a connection.
$connection = new CassandraPHP\Connection($nodes, 'my_keyspace', [], 
											false /*do not shuffle nodes, preserve connect order*/,
											true  /*resolve nodes IPs. Useful when host have multiple IPs. Set ssl verify_peer_name=false to prevent common name mismatch*/);

catch (CassandraPHP\Exception $e)
	echo 'Caught exception: ',  $e->getMessage(), "\n";
	exit;//if connect failed it may be good idea not to continue

// Set consistency level for farther requests (default is CONSISTENCY_ONE)

// Run query synchronously.
	$response = $connection->querySync('SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = ?', [new CassandraPHP\Type\Uuid('c5420d81-499e-4c9c-ac0c-fa6ba3ebc2bc')]);
catch (CassandraPHP\Exception $e)

Fetch Data

// Return a SplFixedArray containing all of the result set.
$rows = $response->fetchAll();		// SplFixedArray

// Return a SplFixedArray containing a specified index column from the result set.
$col = $response->fetchCol();		// SplFixedArray

// Return a assoc array with key-value pairs, the key is the first column, the value is the second column. 
$col = $response->fetchPairs();		// assoc array

// Return the first row of the result set.
$row = $response->fetchRow();		// ArrayObject

// Return the first column of the first row of the result set.
$value = $response->fetchOne();		// mixed

Iterate over result

// Print all roles
$response = $connection->querySync("SELECT role FROM system_auth.roles");

foreach($response AS $rowNo => $rowContent)
	echo $rowContent['role']."\n";

Query Asynchronously

// Return a statement immediately
	$statement1 = $connection->queryAsync($cql1);
	$statement2 = $connection->queryAsync($cql2);

	// Wait until received the response, can be reversed order
	$response2 = $statement2->getResponse();
	$response1 = $statement1->getResponse();

	$rows1 = $response1->fetchAll();
	$rows2 = $response2->fetchAll();
catch (CassandraPHP\Exception $e)

Using preparation and data binding

$preparedData = $connection->prepare('SELECT * FROM "users" WHERE "id" = :id');

$strictValues = CassandraPHP\Request\Request::strictTypeValues(
		'id' => 'c5420d81-499e-4c9c-ac0c-fa6ba3ebc2bc',

$response = $connection->executeSync(
		'page_size' => 100,
		'names_for_values' => true,
		'skip_metadata' => true,

$rows = $response->fetchAll();

Using Batch

$batchRequest = new CassandraPHP\Request\Batch();

// Append a prepared query
$preparedData = $connection->prepare('UPDATE "students" SET "age" = :age WHERE "id" = :id');
$values = [
	'age' => 21,
	'id' => 'c5419d81-499e-4c9c-ac0c-fa6ba3ebc2bc',
$batchRequest->appendQueryId($preparedData['id'], CassandraPHP\Request\Request::strictTypeValues($values, $preparedData['metadata']['columns']));

// Append a query string
	'INSERT INTO "students" ("id", "name", "age") VALUES (:id, :name, :age)',
		'id' => new CassandraPHP\Type\Uuid('c5420d81-499e-4c9c-ac0c-fa6ba3ebc2bc'),
		'name' => new CassandraPHP\Type\Varchar('Mark'),
		'age' => 20,

$response = $connection->syncRequest($batchRequest);
$rows = $response->fetchAll();

Supported datatypes

All types are supported.

//  Ascii
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Ascii('string');

//  Bigint
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Bigint(10000000000);

//  Blob
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Blob('string');

//  Boolean
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Boolean(true);

//  Counter
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Counter(1000);

//  Decimal
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Decimal('0.0123');

//  Double
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Double(2.718281828459);

//  Float
    new CassandraPHP\Type\PhpFloat(2.718);

//  Inet
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Inet('');

//  Int
    new CassandraPHP\Type\PhpInt(1);

//  CollectionList
    new CassandraPHP\Type\CollectionList([1, 1, 1], [CassandraPHP\Type\Base::INT]);

//  CollectionMap
    new CassandraPHP\Type\CollectionMap(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], [CassandraPHP\Type\Base::ASCII, CassandraPHP\Type\Base::INT]);

//  CollectionSet
    new CassandraPHP\Type\CollectionSet([1, 2, 3], [CassandraPHP\Type\Base::INT]);

//  Timestamp (unit: millisecond)
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Timestamp((int) (microtime(true) * 1000));
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Timestamp(1409830696263);

//  Uuid
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Uuid('62c36092-82a1-3a00-93d1-46196ee77204');

//  Timeuuid
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Timeuuid('2dc65ebe-300b-11e4-a23b-ab416c39d509');

//  Varchar
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Varchar('string');

//  Varint
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Varint(10000000000);

//  Custom
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Custom('string', 'var_name');

//  Tuple
    new CassandraPHP\Type\Tuple([1, '2'], [CassandraPHP\Type\Base::INT, CassandraPHP\Type\Base::VARCHAR]);

//  UDT
    new CassandraPHP\Type\UDT(['intField' => 1, 'textField' => '2'], ['intField' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::INT, 'textField' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::VARCHAR]); 	// in the order defined by the type

Using nested datatypes

// CollectionSet<UDT>, where UDT contains: Int, Text, Boolean, CollectionList<Text>, CollectionList<UDT>
new CassandraPHP\Type\CollectionSet([
		'id' => 1,
		'name' => 'string',
		'active' => true,
		'friends' => ['string1', 'string2', 'string3'],
		'drinks' => [['qty' => 5, 'brand' => 'Pepsi'], ['qty' => 3, 'brand' => 'Coke']]
		'id' => 2,
		'name' => 'string',
		'active' => false,
		'friends' => ['string4', 'string5', 'string6'],
		'drinks' => []
], [
	'type' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::UDT,
	'definition' => [
		'id' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::INT,
		'name' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::VARCHAR,
		'active' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::BOOLEAN,
		'friends' => [
			'type' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::COLLECTION_LIST,
			'value' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::VARCHAR
		'drinks' => [
			'type' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::COLLECTION_LIST,
			'value' => [
				'type' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::UDT,
				'typeMap' => [
					'qty' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::INT,
					'brand' => CassandraPHP\Type\Base::VARCHAR

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