diff --git a/wagtail/cheat_sheet_wagtail_streamfield.md b/wagtail/cheat_sheet_wagtail_streamfield.md
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+# Cheat Sheet for Wagtail StreamField
+## Using StreamField
+First, you define the blocks you want to use. For this example, we'll create a simple blog post page that can contain text, images, and embedded videos.
+from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
+from wagtail.core.models import Page
+from wagtail.blocks import RichTextBlock, StructBlock, URLBlock, ImageChooserBlock
+from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import FieldPanel, StreamFieldPanel
+# Define a custom StructBlock for embedded videos
+class VideoBlock(StructBlock):
+ url = URLBlock(help_text="URL of the video")
+ caption = RichTextBlock(required=False)
+ class Meta:
+ icon = "media"
+ template = "blocks/video_block.html"
+Next, incorporate the StreamField into your page model. You can mix and match any blocks defined previously or provided by Wagtail by default.
+class BlogPage(Page):
+ body = StreamField([
+ ('heading', RichTextBlock(icon="title", template="blocks/heading_block.html")),
+ ('paragraph', RichTextBlock(icon="pilcrow")),
+ ('image', ImageChooserBlock(icon="image")),
+ # List the custom video block as one of the StreamField block options
+ ('video', VideoBlock()),
+ ], null=True, blank=True)
+ content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
+ StreamFieldPanel('body'),
+ ]
+## Custom Templates for Custom Blocks
+For each block, you can define a template that controls how the block is rendered on the page.
+# blocks/video_block.html
+{% if self.url %}
+ {% if self.caption %}
{{ self.caption|richtext }}
+ {% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+## Built-In StreamField Blocks
+### Basic Blocks
+- **CharBlock**: A single line of text.
+- **TextBlock**: A multi-line text area.
+- **RichTextBlock**: A WYSIWYG editor for rich text content.
+- **BooleanBlock**: A true/false checkbox.
+- **IntegerBlock**: For integers.
+- **FloatBlock**: For floating-point numbers.
+- **DecimalBlock**: For decimal numbers.
+- **RegexBlock**: Validates text against a regular expression.
+- **URLBlock**: For URLs.
+- **DateBlock**: For dates.
+- **DateTimeBlock**: For dates and times.
+- **TimeBlock**: For times.
+- **EmailBlock**: For email addresses.
+- **ChoiceBlock**: Dropdown of specified choices.
+- **PageChooserBlock**: Allows choosing a Wagtail page.
+- **DocumentChooserBlock**: For choosing a document from the document library.
+- **ImageChooserBlock**: For choosing an image from the image library.
+- **SnippetChooserBlock**: For choosing an instance of a registered Snippet model.
+- **StaticBlock**: Renders a template with no context.
+### Structured Blocks
+- **StructBlock**: Groups together a fixed set of sub-blocks as a single logical block.
+- **ListBlock**: A list of blocks all of the same type.
+- **StreamBlock**: A list of blocks that can be of multiple types, chosen from a predefined set.
+### Field Blocks
+These are blocks that mirror Django's model fields:
+- **BlockQuoteBlock**: Specifically for block quotes (not a direct Django model field but common in content).
+- **ChoiceBlock**: Mirrors `models.ChoiceField` with a set of choices.
+### Specialty Blocks
+- **RawHTMLBlock**: For raw HTML input.
+- **TableBlock**: For tabular data.
+- **SequenceBlock**: Similar to `ListBlock`, but for a sequence of blocks.
+### Advanced Blocks
+- **EmbedBlock**: Embeds content from URLs (e.g., YouTube, Twitter) via the `embed` framework.
+- **StaticLiveBlock**: A variant of `StaticBlock` designed for use with live content.
+### Example Usage
+from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
+from wagtail.core import blocks
+from wagtail.images.blocks import ImageChooserBlock
+class MyStreamBlock(blocks.StreamBlock):
+ heading = blocks.CharBlock(classname="full title")
+ paragraph = blocks.RichTextBlock()
+ image = ImageChooserBlock()
+ date = blocks.DateBlock()
+ class Meta:
+ template = "myapp/blocks/my_stream_block.html"
+And then add the `StreamField` to a Wagtail Page model:
+class MyPage(Page):
+ body = StreamField(MyStreamBlock(), null=True, blank=True)
+ content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
+ StreamFieldPanel('body'),
+ ]