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108 lines (97 loc) · 4.82 KB

File metadata and controls

108 lines (97 loc) · 4.82 KB


Python 3.6.5 tools for HubSpot blog objects - Turn any external blog into a HubSpot importable XML file - Soup featured images from an external blog, upload them to the File Manager, set them as featured for the posts respective HubSpot equivalent

A Python python to turn any external blog into an XML file which you can import into HubSpot

This Python python requires manually setting a few variables to make sure we can scrub external content, and get all the content and data we need to import a blog into HubSpot. It will grab post titles, urls, meta descriptions, authors, tags and post bodies, and turn them all into importable <items>

blogRootUrl - Root URL of the external blog
blogPosts- Python list of blog urls to import
soup. - There are 5 soup. statements which require a selector of the html elements(s) you are getting to grab content from. See the BeautifulSoup docs to learn more about modifieing these selectors depending on your needs


[html from scrubbed post]
[xml output form]

soup.find('title') - you should not need to touch this soup. Finds and prints the <item> <title> to blog.xml

<title>This is the post title</title>
<title>This is the post title</title> 

soup.find('meta', attrs={'name':'description'}) - you should not need to touch this soup. Finds and prints the <item> <excerpt:encoded> to blog.xml

<meta name="description" content="This is the meta description"> 
<excerpt:encoded><![CDATA[This is the meta description]]<excerpt:encoded>

soup.find('a', attrs={'rel':'author'}) - you likely need to change this soup. Finds the author and prints the <item> <dc:creator>, as well as creates top level <wp:author> tags in blog.xml

<a href="link" rel="author">Author</a>

soup.find_all('a', attrs={'rel':'category tag'}) - you likely need to change this soup. Finds the tags of a post and prints the <item> <categories> (sets nicename, etc.) to blog.xml

<a href="link" rel="category tag">Tag 1</a>
<a href="link" rel="category tag">Tag 2</a>
<category domain="category" nicename="tag-1"><![CDATA[Tag 1]]></category>
<category domain="category" nicename="tag-2"><![CDATA[Tag 2]]></category>'.entry-content')[0] - you likely need to change this soup. Finds the content of a post and prints the <item> <content:encoded> to blog.xml

<div class="entry-content">This is the post body</div>
<content:encoded><![CDATA[This is the post body]]</content:encoded><

XML setup which happens on its own:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  <link>!!blog root url link from blogRootUrl variable!!</link>
    !!<wp:author>s build here!!
        <link>!!post link from blogPosts library!!</link>
        <wp:post_id>!!set automatically!!</wp:post_id>
            !!The above soups fill in XML here!!
    ... !!for every post in blogPosts library, the above <item> is created!!
$ python3

A Python python to find the featured image on an external blog, upload it to the HubSpot File Manager, and then set the HubSpot hosted version of the posts' featuredImage with the newly uploaded File Manager asset

This Python python requires manually setting 4 variables: accessToken, blogRootUrl, featuredImageSelector & postsToSoupScrubKitten

accessToken - An access_token for the portal you want to blogFeaturedImageSoup
blogRootUrl- The external blogs root url featuredImageSelector - The CSS selector which select the external blogs featured image (ex. .featured-image img)
postsToSoupScrubKitten - A python list of the slugs of all of the external posts to soup (ex. ["slug/post/1", "slug/post/2", "slug/post/3"])

It is important that the post slugs of the external and HubSpot posts are the same. blogRootUrl + postsToSoupScrubKitten[slugs] should equal the actual URL of the posts. slugs should not start with a /, rather, blogRootUrl should end with a /

$ python3