The code here, when paired with an Adafruit Magtag, provides a hardware password safe. Passwords are stored away from your main systems and are fed on request to the system connected by a USB cable (as if they'd been typed on a normal USB keyboard).
Install circuitpython 6.2.0 or higher. See any of the Adafruit Magtag setup guides for the steps.
When connected to a USB port, you should have a /Volumes/CIRCUITPY/ mount.
If you don't already have one, create a Add an 'unlock' key with a line like this:
'unlock': [],
Download Arial-12.pcf to /Volumes/CIRCUITPY/fonts/Arial-12.pcf . If you click the "Download project bundle" link on , the zip file you get contains three sizes of Arial fonts.
Copy the following files and directories (and the directory contents) to /Volumes/CIRCUITPY/lib/:
adafruit_magtag/ adafruit_portalbase/ adafruit_bitmap_font/ adafruit_display_text/ adafruit_display_shapes/ adafruit_hid/ adafruit_io/ adafruit_requests.mpy adafruit_fakerequests.mpy adafruit_miniqr.mpy neopixel.mpy simpleio.mpy
- Create a sample password file /Volumes/CIRCUITPY/00_sample.pass with the following content:
#This is a sample password.
- Copy to /Volumes/CIRCUITPY/ .
Press "Select" to send the contents of the first password file over the USB cable to the connected computer, and those keys will be typed as if you typed them.
Once you add more password files (which need a ".pass" extension), you'll be able to move up and down through the files with the Up and Down buttons. Note that the descriptions on the screen match the filenames you use.
To require the user to enter an unlock code before using any passwords:
- Set a code by editing /Volumes/CIRCUITPY/ . Modify the 'unlock':... line and add the digits the user must enter:
'unlock': [0, 1, 2, 3],
If the magtag doesn't automatically reboot when the file is saved, tap the Reset button on the back.
At first boot, enter unlock mode by pressing the left 2 buttons (D15 and D14) at the same time.
The banner line on the bottom will change to "0 1 2 3". Press the button below 0, then the button below 1, then 2 and 3.
Press the left 2 buttons simultaneously again to finish entering the unlock code.
Now you should be able to use "Select" to feed passwords normally.
To lock the unit, press the left 2 buttons at the same time, release, (wait for the screen to update) then press them both again and release. This is effectively entering a new - incorrect - unlock code, locking the unit.