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654 lines (527 loc) · 31.3 KB

File metadata and controls

654 lines (527 loc) · 31.3 KB


Under construction

In general our simulation loads configurations from JSON files, which contain information about the simulation and rendering. An example might look like this

  "modules": {
    "adaptive": true,
    "resorting": "compactMLM",
    "neighborhood": "constrained"
  "adaptive": {
    "resolution": 64,
    "delay": 1.0
  "inlet_volumes": {
    "volume1": {
      "file": "Volumes/Fluid.vdb",
      "dur": 10,
      "delay": 0.0,
      "vel": "0 20 0 0"
  "boundary_volumes": {
    "volume1": {
      "file": "Volumes/pillars.vdb",
      "kind": 2
  "particle_settings": {
    "radius": 0.5
  "render_settings": {
    "camera_position": "70.7539 39.5768 60.3006",
    "camera_angle": "160.5 0 -124"
  "simulation_settings": {
    "boundaryObject": "Objects/domain.obj",
    "domainWalls": "x+-y+-z+-",
    "numptcls": 3709000,
    "timestep_min": 0.0001,
    "timestep_max": 0.006,
    "neighborlimit": 120

In this configuration multiple namespaces of parameters are used, i.e. modules and particle_settings, to make the configuration more readable. Parameters are set directly based on their identifiers, where multi dimensional quantities are entered by separating dimensions by spaces and lists of parameters are entered by manually numbering the entries, i.e. volume1. As such in this configuration modules.adaptive:true means that the simulation uses adaptivity with an adaptive ratio of adaptive.resolution:64. These configurations can be overridden with command line arguments, i.e. -j simulation_settings.numptcls=7000000.

All configurations are accompanied by a houdini (.hipnic) file that represents the simulation domain, and which is used to create and manage fluid volumes and boundaries.

Configuration Parameters

In general there are a few basic ways to input parameters, based on the type of the parameter.

float/int parameters are entered as normal json attribute values, i.e. simulation_settings.numptcls=64000

multi dimensional parameters are entered as strings with components separated by spaces, i.e. simulation_settings.external_force="10 0 0 0"

string parameters are entered as normal string attributes, i.e. simulation_settings.domain_object="domain.obj"

vector parameters are entered as separate json entries with manual numbering, i.e. for a vector of integers requiring an input of intVal$ the entry form would be

{intVal1:1, intVal2:2}

complex parameters are entered based on their type description, i.e. a type

file -  type:string, default:""
rate - type:float default:-1.0

would be entered as

	file: '~/file.end',
	rate: 100.0

These inputs can be combined, i.e. for vectors of complex parameters.

Below is a list of all current (14.10.2019) simulation parameters listed by their namespaces. The listings are separated into option parameters, that allow a choice of inputs, scalar inputs, that are user defined, and computed parameters, that serve to observe the simulation.

Overview of parameters:

modules contains parameters that are used to toggle or choose from options for the simulation, i.e. what pressure solver is being used and whether or not adaptivity is supported.

adaptive contains parameters that control the behavior of our spacially adaptive method.

vorticitySettings contains parameters that control the behavior of the Micropolar Turblence model for SPH.

simulation_settings contains generic simulation settings, i.e. timestep limits and maximum number of particles.

boundary_volumes contains information about rigid obstacles using our boundary integral based method.

moving_plane contains information about moving flat (infinite) plane obstacles, i.e. to create wave pools.

internal contains parameters that should not be changed manually.

dfsph_settings contains parameters to control the solver of Divergence Free SPH

iisph_settings contains parameters to control the solver of Implicit Incompressible SPH, and related methods like Interlinked Pressure Solvers.

particle_volumes contains information about initial fluid volumes, i.e. dam break volumes, that are created on simulation start.

rigid_volumes contains information about rigid obstacles using particle based representations, i.e. Interlinked pressure solvers for SPH.

particleSets contains a list of files, that contain particle data, that should be loaded into the simulation on startup.

inlet_volumes contains information about fluid inlets, i.e. streams, that create fluid for a specific duration.

outlet_volumes contains information about fluid outlets, so regions in which particles are removed, and their removal rates.

rtxScene contains information about boxes and spheres that should be rendered when using ray tracing.

render_settings controls all rendering aspects, i.e. anisotropic surfaces, ray bounces and camera settings.

color_map contains parameters that control the behavior of the color mapping, i.e. what buffers in what coloring in what range.

resort contains parameters that control various resorting methods contained within the simulation.

alembic contains parameters that control the simulation output as Alembic *.abc files.

support contains parameters that control the simulation with respect to constraining support radii, either using our 2016 SCA paper or the recent 2019 VMV paper.

surfaceDistance contains parameters that control aspects of surface distance calculations, i.e. the maximum depth that will be calculated.


These parameters, in general, are used to enable or disable whole parts of the simulation, i.e. by choosing pressure solvers or enabling spatial adaptivity.

Option parameters:

name default options description
adaptive false false,true Enables/Disables spatial adaptivity in the simulation
pressure DFSPH DFSPH,
Selects a pressure solver to use to ensure incompressibility and possibly divergence freedom
volumeBoundary true false,true Enables/Disables complex level set based boundary objects
xsph true false,true Enables/Disables an XSPH based artificial viscosity formulation
drag Gissler17 None,Gissler17 Enables the air-fluid interaction model of Gissler et al 2017
viscosity true false,true Enables/Disables an artificial viscosity model based on Monaghan 1995
tension Akinci None,Akinci Selects the surface tension model to use for the simulation
vorticity Bender17 None,Bender17 Enables the micropolar vorticity model of Bender et al.
movingBoundaries true false,true Enables/Disables support for moving wall boundaries, i.e. to create a wave pool
debug false false,true Enables/Disables support for the particle picking function, slows down simulation slightly due to memory copying
density Deprecated parameter to pick a density calculation method
particleCleanUp true false,true If set to false particles that are generated inside objects are not removed
volumeInlets true false,true Enables/Disables support for fluid inlet streams
volumeOutlets true false,true Enables/Disables support for fluid outlets
resorting compactMLM linear_cell,
Used to pick a data structure method, should always be compactMLM unless specific things are tested
hash_width 64bit 32bit,64bit Length of the Morton code used for resorting particles. Should always be 64bit
alembic_export false false,true Enables/Disables support for export of simulation data as Alembic files
error_checking true false,true Enables/Disables checking for CUDA errors after every function call
gl_record false false,true Enables/Disables openGL recording, should be set via the --record command line argument
launch_cfg Internal parameter, should not be set
regex_cfg Internal parameter, should not be set
support constrained none,constrained Enables/Disables support radius constrainment via histograms
surfaceDistance false false,true Enables/Disables an SPH based surface detection (unstable for adaptive fluids)
surfaceDetection true false,true Enables/Disables a geometric surface detection (fairly stable for adaptive fluids)
neighborhood constrained cell_based,basic,
Used to select the neighbor list method. By default only support for constrained is compiled.
neighborhoodSorting false false,true Enables/Disables sorting neighborlists by ascending distance of particle pairs
rayTracing true false,true Enables/Disables ray tracing functionality
anisotropicSurface true false,true Enables/Disables support for an anisotropic surface function based rendering
renderMode Deprecated parameter


Option parameters:

name default options description
useVolume 1 0,1 This parameter changes how volumes and radii change in adaptive fluids. If set to 1 a particle at half of the maximum surface distance will have half the volume, with 0 it will have half the radius. This influences performance significantly but not visually until $1000:1$ adaptive ratios.
detailedAdaptiveStatistics 1 0,1 Displays Statistics about how many particles were split into how many particles on screen.

Scalar parameters:

name default description
adaptivityScaling 1.0 Parameter used internally for an optimization process, should be left unchanged.
adaptivityThreshold 1.0 Parameter used internally for an optimization process, should be left unchanged.
adaptivityGamma 0.1 Parameter that controls an internal gradient descent process, should be left unchanged.
resolution 32.0 Controls the adaptive ratio (with respect to volume), also known as $\alpha$ in equations.
blendSteps 10.0 The number of timesteps over which temporal blending should ideally take place, also known as $\Theta$
delay 1.0 Most simulations do not benefit from an adaptive ratio at $t=0$, as the interesting interactions usually take place a few seconds into the simulation, so controlling the delay after which adaptivity happens is very useful. Given in seconds of simulated time.

Computed parameters:

name description
minVolume Contains the volume represented by the smallest particle of the simulation.
ratio Contains the ratio of minVolume to the volume of a particle of the base resolution.
splitPtcls An array with 16 entries that contains the number of particles that were split during the last few timesteps into a given number of particles.
blendedPtcls Contains the number of particles that are in the process of blending right now.
mergedPtcls Contains the number of particles that were merged during the last few timesteps.
sharedPtcls Contains the number of particles that participated in sharing during the last few timesteps.


Scalar parameters:

name default description
viscosity 5.0 Controls the artificial viscosity model of Monaghan 1995.
boundaryViscosity 0.0375 Controls the friction coefficient of boundary integral based obstacles (including the domain boundary), based on the Coloumb force from Density maps for improved Boundary Handling.
xsph_viscosity 0.05 Controls the XSPH based artificial viscosity.
rigidAdhesion_akinci 0.0 Controls the adhesion of fluids to rigid objects (excluding the domain boundary) based on Versatile Surface Tension and Adhesion for SPH Fluids
boundaryAdhesion_akinci 0.0 Controls the adhesion of fluids to the domain boundary (excluding rigid objects) based on Versatile Surface Tension and Adhesion for SPH Fluids
tension_akinci 0.15 Controls the surface tension parameter based on Versatile Surface Tension and Adhesion for SPH Fluids, also known as $\kappa$.
air_velocity 0 0 0 0 Controls the external air velocity that influences the fluid based on Approximate Air-Fluid Interactions for SPH
radius 0.5 Controls the basic, uniform, fluid particle radius, also known as $r$ or $r_\text{base}$
rest_density 998.0 Defines the uniform rest density of all fluid particles, also known as $\rho_0$. The simulation does not support multiple phases.


These parameters all influence the Turbulent Micropolar SPH Fluids with Foam method

Scalar parameters:

name default description
inertiaInverse 0.5 Defines $\frac{1}{\Theta}$, should always be set to 0.5, as per the reference paper.
viscosityOmega 0.1 Defines angular viscosity parameter, similar to XSPH, also known as $\eta$.
vorticityCoeff 0.05 Defines the strength of the vorticity model, also known as $\nu_t$.


Scalar parameters:

name default description
external_force 0 0 -9.81 0 Usually this parameter describes the external gravity that is uniformly applied to all particles everywhere.
timestep_min 0.001 The smallest timestep that can be used in the simulation. Theoretically a timestep based on a CFL Condition can be arbitrarily small, but requiring a minimum timestep can be useful due to accumulated numerical issues from very small timesteps outweighing the stability of a proper CFL timestep.
timestep_max 0.01 The maximum timestep that can be used in the simulation. Theoretically the largest timestep should be the CFL based one, but this leads to issues when trying to export a sequence of particle positions at a set rate, i.e. once every $\frac{1}{60}s$, and allowing arbitrarily large timesteps can lead to very high pressure solver iteration counts
boundaryDampening 0.97 Currently not used. Defines the dampening of impulse based boundary handling methods.
LUTOffset 0.0 Should not be changed
boundaryObject "" Contains the path to an object file that describes the AABB of the simulation domain.
domainWalls "x+-y+-z+-" This parameter can be used to remove some of the domain walls based on the boundaryObjects, i.e. "xyz-" would only create a floor. One wall has to always be created due to memory allocation.
neighborlimit 150 Contains the maximum number of neighbors for a particle, should be adjusted based on on the kernel function and whether or not adaptivity is used.
dumpFile "simulation.dump" Contains a path to a file that simulation memory dumps are written to, i.e. via hitting o in the GUI.
numptcls 1000000 The maximum number of particles allowed.
deviceRegex "" Contains a regex that is matched against called SPH functions where a match forces the function to be run on the GPU.
hostRegex "" Contains a regex that is matched against called SPH functions where a match forces the function to be run on the CPU.
debugRegex "" Contains a regex that is matched against called SPH functions where a match forces the function to be run on the CPU in a single threaded variant.
densitySteps 10 Deprecated parameter.

Computed parameters:

name description
hash_entries Contains the size of the hash table used for MLM data structures. Determined as the smallest prime larger than the maximum number of particles.
mlm_schemes Contains the number of MLM levels that are created, based on the adaptive ratio at simulation startup.


Computed parameters:

name description
volumeBoundaryCounter Contains the number of valid rigid objects.

Vector parameter: volume$ of complex type boundaryVolume

Complex type boundaryVolume:

file: type:string, default:""
density: type:float, default:998
position: type:float3, default:"0 0 0"
velocity: type:float3, default:"0 0 0"
angularVelocity: type:float4, default: "0.5*pi 0 0 0"
angle: type:float3, default:"0 0 0"
kind: type:int, default:0
animationPath: type:string, default:""


Vector parameter: plane$ of complex type movingPlane

Complex type movingPlane:

	complex_type<float3> plane_position{ "pos", {0.f,0.f,0.f}};
	complex_type<float3> plane_normal{ "norm", {0.f,0.f,0.f}};
	complex_type<float3> plane_direction{ "dir", {0.f,0.f,0.f}};
	complex_type<float> duration{ "dur", -1.f};
	complex_type<float> magnitude{ "mag", 0.f};
	complex_type<float> frequency{ "freq", 0.f};
	complex_type<int32_t> index{ "idx", 0};


These parameters should not be set by the user.

Computed parameters:

name default
neighborhood_kind Internal representation of the neighborlist algorithm used.
dumpNextframe Internal flag that is set if a memory dump is written on the next timestep.
dumpforSSSPH Internal deprecated flag.
target Internal flag describing if the simulation runs on GPU or CPU.
hash_size Internal parameter describing the Morton code length.
cell_ordering Internal parameter describing the mapping function, i.e. Morton code or linear, used.
cell_structure Internal parameter describing the used data structure method
num_ptcls Contains the number of currently valid particles.
boundaryCounter Contains the number of valid flat boundary obstacles.
boundaryLUTSize Internal parameter for boundary integral based methods.
frame Contains the current simulation frame, based on timesteps.
max_velocity Contains the highest, scalar, velocity of any particle.
minAABB Contains the minimum AABB of the initial simulation domain.
maxAABB Contains the maximum AABB of the initial simulation domain.
minCoord Contains the minimum of the current simulations AABB based on particle positions.
maxCoord Contains the maximum of the current simulations AABB based on particle positions.
cellSize Contains the size of the uniform cells used for data handling.
gridSize Contains the size of the uniform grid (if it was dense) at the lowest level.
ptcl_spacing Internal representation of the ideal spacing of particles in a hexahedral grid.
ptcl_support Contains the support radius corresponding to $r_\text{base}$.
config_file Contains the path to the current configuration file.
config_folder Contains the path to the folder that contains the current configuration.
working_directory Contains the path of the working directory.
build_directory Contains the path under which the source code was built.
source_directory Contains the path containing the source, at the time of compilation.
binary_directory Contains the path to the executable.
timestep Current timestep of the simulation.
simulationTime Represents the total time that has been simulated in seconds.


Scalar parameters:

name default description
densityEta 0.0001 User defined parameter to set the stopping criterion for the incompressible part.
divergenceEta 0.001 User defined parameter to set the stopping criterion for the divergence free part.

Computed parameters:

name description
densityError The estimated density error when the incompressible solver stopped.
divergenceError The estimated divergence error when the divergence free solver stopped.
densitySolverIterations The number of incompressible solver iterations.
divergenceSolverIterations The number of divergence free solver iterations.


Scalar parameters:

name default description
eta 0.1 User defined parameter to set the stopping criterion.
jacobi_omega 0.2 Relaxation parameter of the relaxed Jacobi method.

Computed parameters:

name description
density_error The estimated density error when the solver stopped.
iterations The number of solver iterations.


Vector parameter: volume$ of complex type particleVolume

Complex type particleVolume:

	complex_type<std::string> fileName{ "file", ""};
	complex_type<float> density{ "density", 998.0f};
	complex_type<float3> position{ "position", {0.f,0.f,0.f}};
	complex_type<float3> velocity{ "velocity", {0.f,0.f,0.f}};
	complex_type<float4> angularVelocity{ "angularVelocity", {CUDART_PI_F * 0.5f,0.f,0.f,0.f}};
	complex_type<float3> angle{ "angle", {0.f,0.f,0.f}};
	complex_type<int32_t> kind{ "kind", 0};
	complex_type<std::string> animationPath{ "animationPath", ""};


Scalar parameters:

name default description
gamma 0.7 Parameter determining particle sampling density
beta 0.1 Parameter determining particle sampling density

Vector parameter: volume$ of complex type rigidVolume

Complex type rigidVolume:

	complex_type<std::string> fileName{ "file", ""};
	complex_type<std::string> kind{ "kind", ""};
	complex_type<float> density{ "density", 1.f};
	complex_type<float3> shift{ "shift", {0.f,0.f,0.f}};
	complex_type<float> concentration{ "concentration", 0.f};
	complex_type<float> timeToEmit{ "timeToEmit", 0.f};


Vector parameter: set$ of type string


Vector parameter: volume$ of complex type inletVolume

Complex type inletVolume:

	complex_type<std::string> fileName{ "file", ""};
	complex_type<int32_t> particles_emitted{ "ptcls", 0};
	complex_type<float> duration{ "dur", -1.f};
	complex_type<float> delay{ "del", -1.f};
	complex_type<float> inlet_radius{ "r", -1.f};
	complex_type<float4> emitter_velocity{ "vel", {0.f,0.f,0.f,0.f}};


Computed parameters:

name description
volumeOutletCounter Number of valid fluid outlets.
volumeOutletTime Internal parameter.

Vector parameter: volume$ of complex type outletVolume

Complex type outletVolume:

	complex_type<std::string> fileName{ "file", ""};
	complex_type<float> duration{ "dur", -1.f};
	complex_type<float> delay{ "del", -1.f};
	complex_type<float> flowRate{ "rate", -1.f};


Vector parameter: box$ of complex type rtxBox Vector parameter: sphere$ of complex type rtxSphere

Complex type rtxSphere:

	complex_type<float> radius{ "radius", 1.f};
	complex_type<float3> position{ "position", 0.f,0.f,0.f};
	complex_type<float3> emission{ "emission", 0.f,0.f,0.f};
	complex_type<float3> color{ "color", 0.f,0.f,0.f};
	complex_type<int32_t> refl_t{ "material", 0};

Complex type rtxBox:

	complex_type<std::string> maxPosition{ "maxPosition", "1.f 1.f 1.f"};
	complex_type<std::string> minPosition{ "minPosition", "0.f 0.f 0.f"};
	complex_type<float3> emission{ "emission", 0.f,0.f,0.f};
	complex_type<float3> color{ "color", 0.f,0.f,0.f};
	complex_type<int32_t> refl_t{ "material", 0};


Option parameters

name default options description
vrtxRenderGrid 0 0,1 Toggles rendering of the sparse data structure
vrtxRenderFluid 1 0,1 Toggles rendering of the fluid in general
vrtxRenderSurface 1 0,1 Toggles surface extraction
vrtxDisplayStats 1 0,1 Toggles display of additional rendering statistics in the GUI
vrtxRenderBVH 1 0,1 Toggles rendering of boundary rigid using BVHs
vrtxBVHMaterial 1 [0-4] Selects the shading used for rigid objects.
vrtxDepth 0 0,1 Toggles rendering of depth instead of color.
axesRender 1 0,1 Toggles display of xyz axes, only in openGL
boundsRender 1 0,1 Toggles display of the simulation Domain as a wireframe box, only in openGL.
floorRender 0 0,1 Toggles display of the lower simulation bound as a plane, only in openGL.
vrtxRenderNormals 0 0,1 Toggles rendering of normals instead of color.
vrtxSurfaceExtraction 0 0,1 Deprecated
vrtxRenderMode 0 [0-4] Selects the shading used for the fluid volume.

Scalar parameters

name default description
apertureRadius 0.15 Controls the aperture of the ray traced camera, a $0$ value disables depth of field effects
anisotropicLambda 0.980198 Used for Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids Using Anisotropic Kernels, also known as $\lambda$
anisotropicNepsilon 40 Used for Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids Using Anisotropic Kernels, also known as $N_\epsilon$
anisotropicKs 1.0 Used for Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids Using Anisotropic Kernels, also known as $k_s$
anisotropicKr 3.0 Used for Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids Using Anisotropic Kernels, also known as $k_r$
anisotropicKn 0.188806 Used for Reconstructing Surfaces of Particle-Based Fluids Using Anisotropic Kernels, also known as $k_n$
focalDistance 100.0 Sets the focus distance, relevant when using depth of field effects.
vrtxNeighborLimit 0 Controls if lone particles are displayed or not.
vrtxFluidBias 0.05 Controls a bias introduced when bouncing rays to avoid self intersections.
vrtxDomainEpsilon -1.762063 Controls the minimum distance to the rendering domain for things to be visible.
vrtxDebeersScale 0.056 Controls the exponent of a simple DeBeer Absorption model.
vrtxDebeer 0.94902 0.76863 0.50582 Controls the DeBeer Absortion color.
bvhColor 0.566 0.621 0.641 Controls the color with which rigid objects are rendered.
vrtxFluidColor 0.897 0.917 1.0 Controls the color used for the fluid surface.
vrtxDepthScale 0.1 Used to scale the depth rendering to make the values visible.
vrtxWMin 0.4 Deprecated
vrtxR 0.586 Deprecated
camera_fov 96.0 Controls the field of view of the camera. Behaves slightly differently between openGL and the ray tracer.
vrtxWMax 2.0 Deprecated
vrtxBounces 5 The maximum number of bounces for a single ray before it is terminated.
auxScale 1.0 Deprecated
vrtxIOR 1.3 Index Of Refraction for transparent rendering.
renderSteps 25 Number of Monte Carlo path tracing steps taken when outputting the rendered images to file.
internalLimit 40 Threshold to help detecting interior particles.
axesScale 1.0 Scales the axes controlled by axesRender.
render_clamp 0 0 0 Allows cuts through the simulation in openGL. Sign indicates what side of the cut plane is removed and 0 means no cut.
camera_position 125, 0, -50 Controls the position of the camera, in world space coordinates.
camera_angle -90, 0, 90 Controls the angle of the camera, in degrees in world space.
camera_resolution 1920, 1080 Should not be changed.
camera_fps 60.0 Controls the rate at which images are written to file.
gl_File "gl.mp4" Controls the output file when capturing the openGL output. Should not be set manually, use the --record command line option instead..

Computed parameters:

name description
vrtxDomainMin Contains the minimum coordinate that is rendered when using ray tracing, can be used to cut parts of the simulation.
vrtxDomainMax Contains the maximum coordinate that is rendered when using ray tracing, can be used to cut parts of the simulation.
auxCellCount Contains the number of occupied cells in the auxiliary rendering grid.


Option parameters:

name default options description
transfer_mode "linear" "linear","cubicRoot",
Determines the kind of function used to map the input range to $[0,1]$
mapping_mode "linear" "linear","cubicRoot",
Applied to the $[0,1]$ scaled range to modify the visual appearance.
vectorMode "length" "length","x","y","z","w" Controls the kind of mapping used for vector quantities. Length refers to the standard vector length, but only considering the first three vector components.
visualizeDirection 0 0,1 If 1 all particles will display the direction of a vector quantity as small lines using geometry shaders.
vectorScale 1.0 Controls the scaling of the visualized direction to control visibility.
vectorScaling 0 0,1 Controls if the length of visualized vectors should first be scaled to $[0,1]$, or visualized as is.
pruneVoxel 0 0,1 Internal parameter.
auto 1 0,1 If 1 the minimum and maximum visualized value depends on the input data and is not fixed.
map_flipped 0 0,1 If 1 the $[0,1]$ range is flipped to change the visual appearance.

Scalar parameters:

name default options description
min 0.0 The lowest valid input value, mapped to $0$.
max 1.0 The highest valid input value, mapped to $1$
buffer density all qualified array names Determines what array is being visualized.
map infero all maps in the cfg folder Determines what color map is used to color the $[0,1$ range.

Computed parameters:

name description
transfer_fn Internal representation of the transfer mode.
mapping_fn Internal representation of the mapping mode.


Computed parameters:

name description
auxCells The number of cells occupied in the auxiliary data structure used for rendering.
auxCollisions The number of hash collisions for the auxiliary data structure used for rendering.
algorithm Internal representation of the resorting method used
valid_cells Deprecated parameter.
zOrderScale Contains the ratio of $C_\text{fine}$ and $C_\text{max}$.
collision_cells Deprecated parameter.
occupiedCells Contains an array representing the number of occupied cells in each data structure level.


Scalar parameters:

name default description
file_name "export/alembic_$" Controls the output path of the alembic output. the $f in the string represents the frame counter.
fps 24.0 The framerate at which the particle data should be exported.


Scalar parameters:

name default description
omega 0.97 Scaling parameter of the 2016 SCA constrainment method.
error_factor 3 Scaling parameter of the 2016 SCA constrainment method.

Computed parameters:

name description
support_current_iteration Number of iterations required for the 2016 method.
adjusted_particles Number of particles adjusted during the last step of the 2016 method.
target_neighbors Contains $N_H$
support_leeway Describes the difference of $N_H$ to the maximum number of neighbors allowed per particle $N_C$.
overhead_size Internal parameter.


Scalar parameters:

name default description
level_limit -20.0 The farthest distance to the surface that is calculated. All deeper particles get assigned this value.
neighborLimit 40 Threshold value to help detect bulk particles.
distanceFieldDistances 0 0 1.5 Distance thresholds to the boundary (in x,y,z absolute distance) that cause the particles to be classified as interior. Useful for the floor of the simulation.

Computed parameters:

name description
phiMin Contains the surface distance of the particle closest to the surface.
phiChange Internal parameter.
surfaceIterations Contains the number of iterations required to create the surface distance values.