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executable file
113 lines (72 loc) · 3.07 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
113 lines (72 loc) · 3.07 KB

Who Wrote That CLI

A command line tool to quickly lookup code owners of classes, methods and more.

What you'll find in this document:


Starting to work on a larger software project is often intimidating. Who Wrote That makes it easy to find a person of contact that owns a specific declaration within a file. Depending on the programming language a declaration may be a function, method, class or interface declaration.

Who Wrote That works with Git repositories. It uses Tree-sitter parsers to build Abstract Syntax Trees of code written in a multitude of different programming languages.


To use Who Wrote That with your directory or file, it must be or be located within a Git repository and it must use one of the supported programming languages.


You can install Who Wrote That globally with Yarn

$ yarn global add who-wrote-that

or NPM

$ npm install -g who-wrote-that


wwt decl <file> <definition>

Lookup code owners of a given declaration inside a file.


wwt line <file> <lineNumber>

Lookup code owners of a declaration on a given line of a file.


wwt file <file> 

Lookup code owners of a given file.


Option Description
-d --depth <number> The maxmium recursive depth of the code owner algorithm (e.g. the number of commits to look back in history). Takes a positive number. Defaults to undefined -- unlimited recursive depth.
-f --format <format> Output format. Allowed values are pretty, data, and json. Defaults to pretty.
-s --strategy <strategy> Strategy used for the code owner algorithm. Allowed values are weighted-lines, and lines. Defaults to weighted-lines.
-v --version Outputs the version number
-h --help Outputs usage information

Language support

  • Go
  • Java
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • TypeScript


Adding a new language

To add support for a new language

  • create a language file in src/languages;
  • and import the language file in src/languages/index.ts.


Listen to changes and make them accessible through wwt from the command line:

$ yarn start

Run ESLint:

$ yarn eslint

Run TypeScript compiler checks:

$ yarn tsc

Run tests:

$ yarn test


  1. Change the version in package.json and src/index.ts.
  2. Create a pull request to merge the changes into master.
  3. After the pull request was merged, create a new release listing the breaking changes and commits on master since the last release.
  4. The release workflow will publish the package to NPM.