Before see this document and example, Please see
Simply call stitch
In previouse example simply_call_stitch. just call stitch method of Stitcher
Stitcher::Status status = stitcher->stitch(imgs, output);
Actually, there are many way to call stitcher's API to stitch.
One way is call estimateTransform and composePanorama.
Stitcher::Status status = stitcher->estimateTransform(imgs);
///checking error
So, this steps are just divided from stitch step.
estimateTransform contains
- Feature finding
- Matching features
- Homography or Affine based camera parameter estimation
- Bundle adjustment
composePanorama contains
- Warping images
- Exposure compensation
- Finding Seam
- Blending
To sum up
- estimateTransform
Find camera's parameter(intrinsic, rotation, translation,,,etc) - composePanorama
Combine images according to camera parameters
If you want to get camera parameter calcualted from stitcher API, do like this
- Do estimateTransform
- Get camera parameter
- Do composePanorama to get result image
Also, OpenCV's Stitcher API provide getter of camera parameter. Let's see in the next document