July 5th, 2016. University of Bern.
- Amina Echchiki: Evolutionary Bioinformatics Group, UNIL and SIB
- Walid Gharib: Interfaculty Bioinformatics Unit, UNIBE and SIB
- Kamil Jaron: Evolutionary Bioinformatics Group, UNIL and SIB
- Julien Roux: Evolutionary Bioinformatics Group, UNIL and SIB
The aim of this practicals session is for you to get your hands on real long reads sequencing data generated from two different technologies:
- Oxford Nanopore MinION
- Pacific Biosciences RSII
The biological material sequenced using these two platforms is DNA from the lambda phage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambda_phage). This is not a particularly interesting genomic material for a long read sequencing study, since such a small genome can be assembled easily with short Illumina reads (see for example https://peerj.com/articles/2055/). However, it is small (48kb), which makes it feasible to run an analysis yourself during the limited time of this practicals session.
You will go through different steps, which include the extraction of reads from their native encoding formats (HDF5 formats, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_Data_Format), their quality control, their mapping to a reference genome, and a de-novo genome assembly. Most of these steps will be performed on MinION data only, except the assembly step, which will also be performed on PacBio data for a comparison.
The MinION library preparation protocol is quite straighforward. After DNA fragmentation, the fragmented DNA is end-repaired and dA-tailed. Adapters are ligated to the dsDNA fragments. These adapters are in two flavors: a Y-form and hairpin-form, allowing the generation of 2D reads. Both adapters are ligated to each end of the dsDNA fragments. The adapters are conjugated with motor proteins that help control the translocation speed of DNA through the pore. Here is Figure 1A of a paper (http://www.genetics.org/content/202/1/37) illustrating well the protocol:
In the MinION experiment you are going to analyze, the lambda phage DNA was fragmented using sonication (Covaris) to yield ~8kb-long fragments. One microgram of fragmented DNA material was then used for library preparation, but protocols exist for smaller amounts of starting material.
The sequencing run produced a single .fast5
file per pore. All files were then uploaded to the cloud for basecalling. The base-called files were downloaded back to vital-it. They are also in the .fast5
format, but there is one file per read.
By now, you should have received a username and password to access the high performance computing cluster of the SIB (Vital-it).
Note 1: Even if you have access to another cluster, you will not be able to access the data which is stored on Vital-it so all participants should connect to the latter.
Note 2: Obviously, you can use your own Vital-it account if you have one...
In order to connect to the cluster and set up your working directory follow the next steps:
a- type:
ssh <username>@prd.vital-it.ch
b- you will prompt for password:
<username>@prd.vital-it.ch's password:
type in your password (you will not see what you are typing) and press enter.
c- You are in (jump to point 3-)
You should have a ssh client e.g. PuTTY.
a- if you already have it, I assume you know how to use it (Connect to Vital-it and go to point 3)
b- if you don't have an ssh client, follow the following link steps and when done proceed to point 3. https://github.com/wgharib/SIB_LongReadsWorkshop_Bern16/blob/master/vital-it_connect_Putty.pdf
On Vital-it, it is highly recommended yet mandatory to read and write in the /scratch
- move to
:cd /scratch/beegfs/weekly/
- create your own directory:
mkdir <username> | cd <username>
- You will always be working from this directory. Before launching commands please be sure that youre located in the right directory by typing:
Although the long reads sequencing technologies are quite recent, there is already a variety of tools available for their analysis. In the practicals, we will make use of the following tools, which are convenient, fast and well-performing. But we strongly encourage you to try other tools as well for your own analyses!
This recent tool is quite helpful because it allows to perform multiple analyses very easily. This includes the extraction of read sequences from .fast5
files, their alignment to a reference, and the generation of a summary report of QC and mapping statistics. Note: this software was designed for MinION data, but it is easy to hack to use PacBio reads.
- Link to the paper: http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/content/32/1/142.full
- GitHub page: http://github.com/TGAC/NanoOK
- Documentation: http://documentation.tgac.ac.uk/display/NANOOK/NanoOK
The NanoOK
module is not installed on vital-IT, but you can access the software at this path: /home/jroux/bin/NanoOK/
To make it work, you need to set up the following environment variables:
export NANOOK_DIR=/home/jroux/bin/NanoOK
export PATH=/home/jroux/bin/NanoOK/bin:$PATH
You also need to load the modules for the softwares required by NanoOK
# Load R
module add R/3.2.2;
# Load the LAST aligner
module add SequenceAnalysis/SequenceAlignment/last/531
To test if everything is fine for NanoOK
, these commands should work:
- Type
java -h
to see the help text for Java. - Type
R -h
to see if R is installed. - Type
pdflatex -v
to see if LaTeX is installed. - Type
h5dump -h
to see if HDF5 tools are installed. - Type
lastal -h
to see help text for LAST.
Canu is an assembler for high-noise long-reads sequences. Canu will correct the reads, trim suspicious regions, then assemble the corrected and cleaned reads into unitigs. Note: this software was designed for both MinION and PacBio data.
- Link to the paper: http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v33/n6/abs/nbt.3238.html
- GitHub page: https://github.com/marbl/canu
- Canu manual: http://canu.readthedocs.io/en/stable/
The Canu
module is installed on vital-IT. You can access the software by loading the module: module add UHTS/Assembler/canu/1.2
Quast is a quality assessment tool for genome assemblies. Running Quast on an assembly provides a detailed report about the statistics of the assembly, in pdf format.
- Link to the paper: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3624806/
- GitHub page: https://github.com/ablab/quast
- Quast manual: http://quast.bioinf.spbau.ru/manual
The Quast
module is installed on vital-IT. You can access the software by loading the module: module add UHTS/Quality_control/quast/4.1
First, create a working directory and create links to the raw sequencing files.
mkdir -p lambda_minion/fast5/
ln -s /scratch/beegfs/monthly/jroux/tp_long_reads/MinION_lambda_reads/*.fast5 lambda_minion/fast5/
Can you guess what each file corresponds to? How many reads has this sequencing experiment produced?
You can get a glimpse of the structure and organization of a .fast5/
file using the HDF5 command-line tools:
h5dump file.fast5 | less
h5stat file.fast5
You will need to convert the MinION raw reads from their .fast5
to a more classical and readable .fasta
. This can be done with the nanook extract
utility, and takes around 10 minutes.
What folders were created by nanoOK
? What do the 2D
, Template
and Complement
folders represent?
The .fasta
format is nice and simple, but does not include any information on the quality of the sequences produced. The .fastq
format however has this information. Launch nanook extract
with the option to extract to .fastq
format (you don't need to let nanook extract
finish the extraction of all reads, a few dozens should be enough). Choose one file at random in the fastq/2D
folder and compare the quality scores with the corresponding file in the fastq/Template
folder. You can refer to this page for help on the PHRED quality scores in .fastq
files: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FASTQ_format#Encoding.
Do the quality scores seem to be improved in 2D reads?
You will download the lambda phage reference genome and map the reads to it using the LAST
aligner. To map to a reference genome, the reference sequence first needs to be indexed.
mkdir -p lambda_minion/reference/
cd lambda_minion/reference/
wget ftp://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/Viruses/Enterobacteria_phage_lambda_uid14204/NC_001416.fna
mv NC_001416.fna lambda_ref_genome.fa # we rename the file to a clearer name
lastdb -Q 0 lambda_ref_genome lambda_ref_genome.fa
cd ../../
The size of the indexed sequences can be visualized in the .sizes
Now launch the alignment with LAST
(default aligner) using the nanook align
What directories have been created? What do they contain? Look at one randomly chosen alignment file. What is striking?
It is possible to specify to nanook align
the alignment parameters to be used with LAST
, with the -alignerparams
option. By default the parameters are -s 2 -T 0 -Q 0 -a 1
You can try to align reads with other aligners. For example to use BWA-MEM
, you first need to load the corresponding module on vital-it (module add UHTS/Aligner/bwa/0.7.13
), create the index of the reference sequence (bwa index reference.fasta
). Then you can relaunch nanook align
with the -aligner bwa
Launch the generation of the final report including QC and alignment statistics using the nanook analyse
utility. A PDF file should be created in the latex_last_passfail/
folder. If it's not the case, you can generate it yourself with the pdflatex file.tex
command (press enter everytime the program prompt you with a question).
To download the report to your laptop:
scp [email protected]:[path_to_file_on_vital_it] [path_to_file_on_laptop]
Take some time to read and understand the report. Here are a few questions that will guide you:
- What size is the longest template read? Is that surprising?
- What does the N50 values indicate us? Is that consistent with the size of the DNA fragments used to create the library?
- What is most common error type within reads?
- In comparison, the typical error rate reported for the Illumina sequencing technology is around 0.1%. For Sanger sequencing, it can be as low as 0.001%... An interesting comparison of error rates across platforms was recently published: http://bib.oxfordjournals.org/content/17/1/154
- Why is the alignment rate of 2D reads higher than those of template and complement reads?
- Which are the most accurate: shortest or longest reads?
- Have a look at the coverage plot. There is a "bump" in coverage around 45kb. This corresponds to some control spike-in DNA that was added during library preparation (more precisely around 3.6kb of a region of the lambda phage genome, with a single mutation G45352A). Can additional variation be explained by GC content differences?
TO DO: tell them to have a look at alignments in this region to see the mutation?
- Have a look at the k-mer over and under-represention analysis. What sort of k-mers are under-represented in 2D reads? Is that expected given how the technology works?
We will use Canu for MinION data assembly, then check the assembly quality using the report provided by Quast.
TO DO Amina and Kamil Using the 3,068 2D reads only. Small intro saying that this assembly should be trivial: 48kb genome and we have some reads of 20kb! We expect only one contig!
TODO: why only 2D reads
Part 1: Assembly
# move to directory with extracted MinION 2D reads
cd <path/to/Lambda2D.fastq>
# load the assembler module
module add UHTS/Assembler/canu/1.2
# run the assembly
canu -p Lambda2D_canu -d Lambda2D_canu genomeSize=48k -nanopore-raw Lambda2D.fastq -useGrid=false
# parameters: -p : use specified prefix to name canu output files
# -d : use specified prefix for output directories
# genomeSize: expected genome size (from reference)
# -nanopore-raw : specifies ONT MinION data
# -useGrid=false : disables automatic submission to LSF
Expected runtime: about 5 minutes.
The output is a directory containing several files. The most interesting ones are:
- *.correctedReads.fasta.gz : file containing the input sequences after correction, trim and split based on consensus evidence.
- *.trimmedReads.fastq : file containing the sequences after correction and final trimming
- *.layout : file containing informations abount read inclusion in the final assembly
- *.gfa : file containing the assembly graph by Canu
- *.contigs.fasta: file containing everything that could be assembled and is part of the primary assembly
Part 2: Assembly quality
We will use the information in *.contigs.fasta to generate the assembly report.
# load the quality assessment module
module add UHTS/Quality_control/quast/4.1
# generate the report
quast.py -R <path/to/reference_genome> *.contigs.fasta
The output is a directory, typically quast_results/<date_of_launch>
containing several files. The most interesting for us is the report in pdf format. We can copy it to the local machine using scp
TODO: interesting questions about the report?
TO DO Amina and Kamil Use only proof-read "reads of insert" (previously called "CCS" reads). Might be a good idea to subsample to ~3,000 reads for a fair comparison of the technologies (and it will be faster)
Part 0: Subset reads of insert
TODO: why to subset? (make it comparable)
# move to directory with PacBio data
cd <path/to/PacBio_data>
# check how many reads in the MinION 2D dataset
less <path/to/Lambda2D.fastq> | grep .fast5$ | wc -l #answer: 3068
# select the same number of reads from PacBio data
awk "BEGIN {print 3068*4}" # print how many rows to process (! fastq format: 1 seqeunce = 4 lines)
# extract subset of data from original Reads of Insert file
head -n 12272 reads_of_insert.fastq > LambdaRI.fastq
Part 1: Assembly
# move to directory with extracted PacBio "Reads of Insert"
cd <path/to/LambdaRI.fastq>
# load the assembler module
module add UHTS/Assembler/canu/1.2
# run the assembly
canu -p LambdaRI_canu -d LambdaRI_canu genomeSize=48k -pacbio-raw LambdaRI.fastq -useGrid=false
# parameters: -p : use specified prefix to name canu output files
# -d : use specified prefix for output directories
# genomeSize: expected genome size (from reference)
# -pacbio-raw : specifies ONT MinION data
# -useGrid=false : disables automatic submission to LSF
Expected runtime: about 5 minutes.
Part 2: Assembly quality
We will use the information in *.contigs.fasta to generate the assembly report.
# load the quality assessment module
module add UHTS/Quality_control/quast/4.1
# generate the report
quast.py -R <path/to/reference_genome> *.contigs.fasta
The output is a directory, typically quast_results/<date_of_launch>
containing several files. The most interesting for us is the report in pdf format. We can copy it to the local machine using scp
TODO: interesting questions about the report?
TODO: questions on comparison of the assemblies
TO DO: Emmanuel has done a nanook analysis on these reads. transfer the PDF to your laptop using scp
. Couldn't do it because permissions not set up correctly (email sent to Emmanuel).
TO DO: Emmanuel told me the DNA fragments for PacBio were 10kb long. Is that made through sonication or size-selection?
Have a look at the nanoOK
report for these reads. How does it compare to the report made on MinION reads?