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#1 #1

westurner opened this issue Jan 29, 2017 · 12 comments

#1 #1

westurner opened this issue Jan 29, 2017 · 12 comments


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Dataset meta object
Okfn data pkg JSON

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westurner commented Jan 29, 2017

Jupyter Notebook Meta object

Meta object stories
  • As a notebook user,
    I can add metadata about the whole JupyterNotebook to be displayed at the top

  • As a notebook user,
    I can add metadata by creating a notebook cell which produces
    and displays RDFa HTML and/or JSONLD

    • 'emits' {RDFa and/or JSONLD}
      • ICellMeta - notebook cell metadata interface
        • yield (objmeta, obj)
    • Jupyter already does something like
      ~display(obj._repr_html_() if hasattr(obj, '_repr_hrml') else obj)
      when rendering each notebook cell output
    • _repr_html_ => RDFa and/or JSONLD
      • repr_html => RDFa
      • repr_html => JSONLD
    • @meta decorator?
X = range(10)
y = [ (x*110)+1 for x in X ]
obj = collections.OrderedDict()
obj = DefaultOrderedDict()  # type: MappingType
obj['X'] = X
obj['y'] = y

Meta(obj, meta=dict(name=, url=, dateCreated=, dateModified=))

class Meta(object):
    def __init__(object, meta=None,Mapping, **kwargs):
        self.obj = object
        self.meta = meta

   def _repr_html_(self):
        ctx = to_html5_rdfa(self.meta)
        # ctx['jsonld']
        return ctx['html']

def to_triples(self):

    # subject URI, predicate URI , object value
    triples_xy = [
     [_, 'X', X],
     [_, 'y', y],
    triples = []
    triples_type = [
     [_, 'a', types[0]],
     # [_, 'rdf:type', types[0]],  # Curie, QName to be expanded
     # [_, '', types[0]],
     # [_, '@type', types[0]]  # JSONLD
    # yield from triples_type
    # yield from triples_xy
    triples_context = OrderedDict(
	"@context": OrderedDict(schema=",
    # triples.extend(jsonld_to_triples(namespaces.context(format='jsonld')) 
    return triples
    ## - [ ] rdflib namespace manager to jsonldcontext()

def to_html5_rdfa(metaobj):  # _repr_html_
    """generate html5_rdfa"""
    ctx = {}
    jsonld = to_jsonld(metaobj)
    ctx['jsonld'] = jsonld

    markdown = to_markdown(metaobj)
    ctx['markdown'] = markdown

    doc = div(id="dataobj/01")
    with doc:
	jsonld_rdfa = script(
	panels_div = div(class="panels")
	with panels_div:
	    panels['html'] = div(id="dataobj/01.html", class="panel-html")
	    panels['jsonld'] = div(id="dataobj/01.jsonld"), class="panel-jsonld")
	    panels['markdown'] = div("id="dataobj/01.markdown", class="panel-markdown")    
    ctx['html'] = doc.render()
    return ctx

Metadata about the JupyterNotebook

    {"@context": {
         "schema": "",
         "jupyter": "",
         "_base": "http://localhost:8000/ns/v1#" },
     "@type": [
       "schema:DataCatalog", ],
     "@id": ""
     "name": "Notebook Name",
     "author": [{
       "@type": "schema:Person",
       "givenName": "Wesley",
       "familyName": "Turner",
       "url": ""
     "dateCreated": "2016-09-20",
     "about": [
         {"url": [""] },
         {"url": "", name="Pipfile and Pipfile.lock},

Metadata from the JupyterNotebook:

  {"@context": {
    "schema": "",
    "prov": ""},
   "hasPart": [{
     "@type": "schema:Dataset",
     "name": "Months of the Year",
     "distribution": {
       "@type": "schema:DataDownload",
       "contentUrl": "http://...",
       "encodingFormat": "CSV",  # URI?

Metadata about the JupyterNotebookEnvironment

jupyter/nbformat#44 (comment)

westurner added a commit to westurner/wiki that referenced this issue Jan 29, 2017
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westurner commented Jan 30, 2017

  • @pipfile Pipfile.jsonld would make indexing the fields in a Pipfile very easy
    • def Pipfile.to_jsonld(), Pipfile.lock.to_jsonld():
    • Use cases:
      • A. Users can display Pipfiles in warehouse
        • JS Composition of already-cached JSON[+LD] (graph) objects
      • B. Users can include Pipfile in Jupyter notebook metadata
        • nbformat link(s)
        • a raw binary include would work here
          • advantage of JSONLD:
            • these edges which link to other nodes which have URIs in the same namespace
      • C. Users can find reverse depends with search engines that can index Pipfile.jsonld

# Pipfile (TOML)   +  meta.pkgname
url = ''
verify_ssl = true

python_version = '2.7'

requests = { extras = ['socks'] }
Django = '>1.10'
pinax = { git = 'git://', ref = '1.4', editable = true }
appname =

nose = '*'

## Pipfile .meta (Pipfile.meta .toml)
# SoftwareApplication +
#  funder, sponsor < CreativeWork
#  homepage -> url ?
#  wikipedia
#  src = URL || List[URL] || List[Union[RepositoryThing,Thing]]
#  pypi = "
#  docs = "
#  irc = "
#  {twitter, } 
# domain: {URL, Thing}
# about= {type="schema__:Twitter__", url="[@]username"}

# [ ] Union[URL, Thing]
# [ ] Union[URL, Thing, RepositoryThing(git=, ref=)]


homepage = ""  #
wikipedia = ""
src = [ {git="", ref="stable/1.10.x" } ]
src_stable = [ {git="", ref="stable/1.10.x" } ]
src_master = [ {git="", ref="master" } ]
pypi = ""
#pypi = ""  # Warehouse
docs = [
  { name="docs (latest)",     url=""},
  { name="docs (master) src", url="", ref="master",  },
  { name="docs (v1.10)",      url="", ref="stable/1.10.x"},
  { name="docs (v1.10) src",  url="", ref="stable/1.10.x"},
twitter= ["" ]
awesome = [ "" ]
funder = [
 name="DSF: Django Software Foundation", url="",
 twitter="" }]
sponsor = [{}]

homepage = ""
src = [ {git=""} ]
twitter = [ "", ]

# [meta.nose]

homepage =
src = 
irc =
twitter =

westurner added a commit that referenced this issue Jan 31, 2017
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Jupyter notebook JSONLD @context

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From westurner/pypfi#7 (comment) :

From 👍

So, from ( and and
( and :

_mime_map = dict(

# _repr_latex_ = "text/latex"
# _repr_retina_ = "image/png"

And from :

Additional ideas for IPython _repr_<type>_ methods:

_repr_rdfa_ = "text/html" (_repr_html_) + [xmlns: namespaces]
_repr_jsonld_ = "application/json" (_repr_json_) + (@context = {})
@vocabulary --

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westurner added a commit to westurner/wiki that referenced this issue Feb 25, 2017
* 'master' of ssh://
  DOC: emacspeak python support
  DOC: emacspeak
  DOC: accessibility: ATAG links
  DOC: gnome, qt
  DOC: ideas: westurner/nbmeta#1
westurner added a commit that referenced this issue Apr 23, 2017
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(The JSONLDstr -type things might be more appropriately factored out to strypes, with nbmeta as a minimal solution for adding JSONLD and RDFa metadata to the page (and strypes or another package for widgets displaying various forms of JSONLD and RDFa for teaching/development))

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Tablib support would be great:

Jupyter table display:

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westurner commented Sep 1, 2017

from :

| Src:

.. contents::


  • Add metadata with classes and properties: Thing(name=, author=, url=)
  • Add metadata about the whole JupyterNotebook to be displayed at the top (as RDFa HTML and/or JSON-LD)
  • Add metadata by emitting structured data nodes from a notebook cell (as RDFa HTML and/or JSON-LD)



  • Meta
  • Node
    • @type=Union[URI, List[URI]] # JSONLD
    • type()
    • types() -> types_expanded()
    • children=[]
    • repr_html
    • repr
    • unicode
    • iter
      yield node; yield node.children
  • Thing(Node)
    • name
    • description
    • url
  • CreativeWork(Thing)
    • author
  • ScholarlyArticle(CreativeWork)
  • JupyterNotebook(CreativeWork, [ScholarlyArticle?] )
  • CodeBlock(Node)
  • Include(Node)('../README.rst')
  • Figure(Node)(obj=plot, data=data, meta={author:, title:})
  • Environment(
  • SoftwareEnvironment "SE" ( Software- )
  • PipRequirements(SE)(txt='../requirements-2.txt'))
  • PipFreeze(SE)(PipRequirements)
  • Pipfile(SE)(pipfile='../Pipfile')
  • PipfileLock(SE)(?='../Pipfile.lock')
  • CondaEnvironment(yml='../environment.yml')

Design Requirements

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Data can just be returned from an initial notebook cell for now?

title / jupyter/nbformat#45

@westurner westurner reopened this Sep 1, 2017
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westurner commented Sep 1, 2017

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Is this a similar problem to the RDFa in _repr_html_() and JSON-LD in _repr_json_() and _repr_mimebundle_() problem?

I've started writing solutions to this problem a number of times ("nbmeta" *); here's another take literally in the comment box here this time:

import itertools

class nbmeta:
  # node_id_seq = itertools.count()  # or e.g. uuid.uuid4()
  class Node:
     >>> Node()

     >>> Node(id="123")
     >>> Node(obj, id="123")

     >>> Node(obj='abc'.split(), id="123")
     def __init__(self, obj=None, **kwargs):
         self.attrs = self.validate_kwargs(kwargs, obj=self.obj)
         # assert 'id' in kwargs
         # assert 'obj' in kwargs
         if obj is not None:
             if 'obj' not in kwargs:
         self.obj = obj

     def validate_kwargs(self, kwargs, obj=None):
         """validate [and transform] a kwargs dict to HTML [& RDFa/Microdata] attrs"""
         _validators = getattr(self, 'kwargs_validators', None)
         if _validators is None:
             _validators = [getattr(self, attr) for attr in dir(self) if attr.startswith('validate_kwargs__')]
         _kwargs = kwargs.copy() # 
         for validator_transform_func in _validators:
             _kwargs = validator_transform_func(_kwargs)
         return _kwargs

      def get_attrs(self, include_values=False, asdict=False):
          attrs = [*self.attrs.keys(), 'obj']
          if include_values or asdict:
              if asdict:
                  return {attr:getattr(self, attr) for attr in attrs)}
              return attrs

      def __repr__():
          return str(self)

      def __str__(self):
          return f'<{} id={htmlescape(} ' + " ".join(f'{htmlescape(attr)}={htmlescape(value)}' for attr, value in self.attrs.items()) + f'obj={htmlescape(obj)} />')

      def _repr_mimebundle_():
          output = {}
          output['text/plain'] = str(self)
          output['text/html'] = self._repr_html_()  # or _repr_html_rdfa_() first if it exists
          output['application/json'] = self._repr_json_()
          # output['application/json+ld'] = self._repr_json_ld_()
          return output

      def _repr_html_():
          # yield IPython.display.HTML(self.attrs) 
          yield IPython.display.HTML(str(self))
          yield IPython.display.HTML(obj)

      def _repr_json_():
          # TODO
          return {attr:json_cast(value)) for value in self.get_attrs(include_values)}

      HTML_ATTRS = ['alt', 'aria-*', 'data-*', 'name', 'id']

      def html_attrs(self):
          _dir_self = dir(self)
          return [(attr, getattr(self, attr)) for attr in ['alt', 'aria-*', 'data-*'] if attr in _dir_self)]

  class Img(Node):
      def validate_kwargs__check_alt_attr(kwargs):
          logging.debug("Note: a11y guidelines strongly suggest alt= tags for <img> elements")

  # class Heading(Node):
  # class H1(Heading):
  # class H2(Heading):
  # class H3(Heading):

  # class Figure(Node):

  import nbmeta

  def test_nbmeta_img():
      obj = None
      img = nbmeta.Img(obj, alt="Alt text")
      assert 'alt' in
      assert hasattr(img, 'obj')
      assert img.obj == obj

There are already many good, well-tested templating systems and there are already SQL, NoSQL, and RDF / JSON-LD ORMs, and there are already e.g. jsonschema and shacl form validation libraries; but what should IPython.display. or another package minimally require?

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