diff --git a/grapesy/src/Network/GRPC/Client/Call.hs b/grapesy/src/Network/GRPC/Client/Call.hs
index 1a5b90b3..c8c8c3f4 100644
--- a/grapesy/src/Network/GRPC/Client/Call.hs
+++ b/grapesy/src/Network/GRPC/Client/Call.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ module Network.GRPC.Client.Call (
, recvInitialResponse
) where
+import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.Thread.Delay qualified as UnboundedDelays
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
@@ -104,6 +106,13 @@ data Call rpc = SupportsClientRpc rpc => Call {
-- If there are still /inbound/ messages upon leaving the scope of 'withRPC' no
-- exception is raised (but the call is nonetheless still closed, and the server
-- handler will be informed that the client has disappeared).
+-- Note on timeouts: if a timeout is specified for the call (either through
+-- 'callTimeout' or through 'connDefaultTimeout'), when the timeout is reached
+-- the RPC is cancelled; any further attempts to receive or send messages will
+-- result in a 'GrpcException' with 'GrpcDeadlineExceeded'. As per the gRPC
+-- specification, this does /not/ rely on the server; this does mean that the
+-- same deadline also applies if the /client/ is slow (rather than the server).
withRPC :: forall rpc m a.
(MonadMask m, MonadIO m, SupportsClientRpc rpc, HasCallStack)
=> Connection -> CallParams rpc -> Proxy rpc -> (Call rpc -> m a) -> m a
@@ -153,6 +162,67 @@ startRPC conn _ callParams = do
+ -- The spec mandates that
+ --
+ -- > If a server has gone past the deadline when processing a request, the
+ -- > client will give up and fail the RPC with the DEADLINE_EXCEEDED status.
+ --
+ -- and also that the deadline applies when when wait-for-ready semantics is
+ -- used.
+ --
+ -- We have to be careful implementing this. In particular, we definitely
+ -- don't want to impose the timeout on the /client/ (that is, we should not
+ -- force the client to exit the scope of 'withRPC' within the timeout).
+ -- Instead, we work a thread that cancels the RPC after the timeout expires;
+ -- this means that /if/ the client that attempts to communicate with the
+ -- server after the timeout, only then will it receive an exception.
+ --
+ -- The thread we spawn here is cleaned up by the monitor thread (below).
+ --
+ -- See
+ --
+ -- o
+ -- o
+ mClientSideTimeout <-
+ case callTimeout callParams of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just t -> fmap Just $ forkLabelled "grapesy:clientSideTimeout" $ do
+ UnboundedDelays.delay (timeoutToMicro t)
+ let timeout :: SomeException
+ timeout = toException $ GrpcException {
+ grpcError = GrpcDeadlineExceeded
+ , grpcErrorMessage = Nothing
+ , grpcErrorMetadata = []
+ }
+ -- We recognized client-side that the timeout we imposed on the server
+ -- has passed. Acting on this is however tricky:
+ --
+ -- * A call to 'closeRPC' will only terminate the /outbound/ thread;
+ -- the idea is the inbound thread might still be reading in-flight
+ -- messages, and it will terminate once the last message is read or
+ -- the thread notices a broken connection.
+ -- * Unfortunately, this does not work in the timeout case: /if/ the
+ -- outbound thread has not yet terminated (that is, the client has
+ -- not yet sent their final message), then calling 'closeRPC' will
+ -- result in a RST_STREAM being sent to the server, which /should/
+ -- result in the inbound connection being closed also, but may not,
+ -- in the case of a non-compliant server.
+ -- * Worse, if the client /did/ already send their final message, the
+ -- outbound thread has already terminated, no RST_STREAM will be
+ -- sent, and the we will continue to wait for messages from the
+ -- server.
+ --
+ -- Ideally we'd inform the receiving thread that a timeout has been
+ -- reached and to "continue until it would block", but that is hard
+ -- to do. So instead we just kill the receiving thread, which means
+ -- that once the timeout is reached, the client will not be able to
+ -- receive any further messages (even if that is because the /client/
+ -- was slow, rather than the server).
+ void $ Thread.cancelThread (Session.channelInbound channel) timeout
+ closeRPC channel cancelRequest $ ExitCaseException timeout
-- Spawn a thread to monitor the connection, and close the new channel when
-- the connection is closed. To prevent a memory leak by hanging on to the
-- channel for the lifetime of the connection, the thread also terminates in
@@ -163,6 +233,7 @@ startRPC conn _ callParams = do
(Session.channelInbound channel))
(Right <$> readTMVar connClosed)
+ forM_ mClientSideTimeout killThread
case status of
Left _ -> return () -- Channel closed before the connection
Right mErr -> do
diff --git a/grapesy/test-grapesy/Test/Sanity/BrokenDeployments.hs b/grapesy/test-grapesy/Test/Sanity/BrokenDeployments.hs
index 58b63157..f7f8cdcb 100644
--- a/grapesy/test-grapesy/Test/Sanity/BrokenDeployments.hs
+++ b/grapesy/test-grapesy/Test/Sanity/BrokenDeployments.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
module Test.Sanity.BrokenDeployments (tests) where
+import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Data.ByteString.Char8 qualified as BS.Strict.Char8
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 qualified as BS.Strict.UTF8
@@ -54,6 +55,9 @@ tests = testGroup "Test.Sanity.BrokenDeployments" [
, testGroup "Undefined" [
testCase "output" test_undefinedOutput
+ , testGroup "Timeout" [
+ testCase "serverIgnoresTimeout" test_serverIgnoresTimeout
+ ]
connParams :: Client.ConnParams
@@ -380,3 +384,40 @@ test_undefinedOutput = do
if isFirst
then return $ throw $ DeliberateException (userError "uhoh")
else return $ defMessage & #id .~ req ^. #id
+ Timeouts
+-- | Check that timeouts don't depend on the server
+-- When a timeout is set for an RPC, the server should respect it, but the
+-- client should not /depend/ on the server respecting it.
+-- See also .
+test_serverIgnoresTimeout :: Assertion
+test_serverIgnoresTimeout = respondWithIO response $ \addr -> do
+ mResp :: Either GrpcException
+ (StreamElem NoMetadata (Proto PongMessage)) <- try $
+ Client.withConnection connParams (Client.ServerInsecure addr) $ \conn ->
+ Client.withRPC conn callParams (Proxy @Ping) $ \call -> do
+ Client.sendFinalInput call defMessage
+ Client.recvOutput call
+ case mResp of
+ Left e | grpcError e == GrpcDeadlineExceeded ->
+ return ()
+ Left e ->
+ assertFailure $ "unexpected error: " ++ show e
+ Right _ ->
+ assertFailure "Timeout did not trigger"
+ where
+ response :: IO Response
+ response = do
+ threadDelay 10_000_000
+ return def
+ callParams :: Client.CallParams Ping
+ callParams = def {
+ Client.callTimeout = Just $
+ Client.Timeout Client.Millisecond (Client.TimeoutValue 100)
+ }
diff --git a/grapesy/test-grapesy/Test/Util/RawTestServer.hs b/grapesy/test-grapesy/Test/Util/RawTestServer.hs
index 03362f23..a3b465fe 100644
--- a/grapesy/test-grapesy/Test/Util/RawTestServer.hs
+++ b/grapesy/test-grapesy/Test/Util/RawTestServer.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Test.Util.RawTestServer
( -- * Raw test server
+ , respondWithIO
-- * Abstract response type
, Response(..)
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ withTestServer server k = do
ServerConfig {
serverInsecure = Just $ InsecureConfig {
insecureHost = Just ""
- , insecurePort = 0
+ , insecurePort = 50051
, serverSecure = Nothing
@@ -51,7 +52,12 @@ withTestServer server k = do
-- | Server that responds with the given 'Response', independent of the request
respondWith :: Response -> (Client.Address -> IO a) -> IO a
-respondWith response = withTestServer $ \_req _aux respond ->
+respondWith resp = respondWithIO (return resp)
+-- | Version of 'respondWith' that constructs the response
+respondWithIO :: IO Response -> (Client.Address -> IO a) -> IO a
+respondWithIO mkResponse = withTestServer $ \_req _aux respond -> do
+ response <- mkResponse
respond (toHTTP2Response response) []
data Response = Response {