diff --git a/html-imports.min.js b/html-imports.min.js
index ab5a6dc..b93c407 100644
--- a/html-imports.min.js
+++ b/html-imports.min.js
@@ -7,20 +7,19 @@
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-'use strict';(function(u){function z(a,b){if("function"===typeof window.CustomEvent)return new CustomEvent(a,b);var c=document.createEvent("CustomEvent");c.initCustomEvent(a,!!b.bubbles,!!b.cancelable,b.detail);return c}function l(a){if(v)return a.ownerDocument!==document?a.ownerDocument:null;var b=a.__importDoc;if(!b&&a.parentNode){b=a.parentNode;if("function"===typeof b.closest)b=b.closest("link[rel=import]");else for(;!p(b)&&(b=b.parentNode););a.__importDoc=b}return b}function D(a){var b=document.querySelectorAll("link[rel=import]:not(import-dependency)"),
-c=b.length;if(c)for(var e=0,d=b.length,h;e]*)(rel=['|"]?stylesheet['|"]?[^>]*>)/g,f={A:function(a,b){a.href&&a.setAttribute("href",f.i(a.getAttribute("href"),b));a.src&&a.setAttribute("src",f.i(a.getAttribute("src"),b));if("style"===a.localName){var c=f.u(a.textContent,b,F);a.textContent=f.u(c,b,G)}},u:function(a,
-b,c){return a.replace(c,function(a,c,h,g){a=h.replace(/["']/g,"");b&&(a=f.v(a,b));return c+"'"+a+"'"+g})},i:function(a,b){return a&&E.test(a)?a:f.v(a,b)},v:function(a,b){if(void 0===f.g){f.g=!1;try{var c=new URL("b","http://a");c.pathname="c%20d";f.g="http://a/c%20d"===c.href}catch(e){}}if(f.g)return(new URL(a,b)).href;c=f.w;c||(c=document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("temp"),f.w=c,c.l=c.createElement("base"),c.head.appendChild(c.l),c.j=c.createElement("a"));c.l.href=b;c.j.href=a;return c.j.href||
-a}},C={async:!0,load:function(a,b,c){if(a)if(a.match(/^data:/)){a=a.split(",");var e=a[1],e=-1d.status?b(e,a):c(e)};d.send()}else c("error: href must be specified")}},
-w=/Trident/.test(navigator.userAgent)||/Edge\/\d./i.test(navigator.userAgent);k.prototype.f=function(a){a=a.querySelectorAll("link[rel=import]");for(var b=0,c=a.length;b]*)(rel=['|"]?stylesheet['|"]?[^>]*>)/g,d={w:function(a,b){a.href&&a.setAttribute("href",d.h(a.getAttribute("href"),b));a.src&&a.setAttribute("src",d.h(a.getAttribute("src"),b));
+if("style"===a.localName){var c=d.s(a.textContent,b,C);a.textContent=d.s(c,b,D)}},s:function(a,b,c){return a.replace(c,function(a,c,k,g){a=k.replace(/["']/g,"");b&&(a=d.u(a,b));return c+"'"+a+"'"+g})},h:function(a,b){return a&&B.test(a)?a:d.u(a,b)},u:function(a,b){if(void 0===d.f){d.f=!1;try{var c=new URL("b","http://a");c.pathname="c%20d";d.f="http://a/c%20d"===c.href}catch(e){}}if(d.f)return(new URL(a,b)).href;c=d.v;c||(c=document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("temp"),d.v=c,c.j=c.createElement("base"),
+c.head.appendChild(c.j),c.i=c.createElement("a"));c.j.href=b;c.i.href=a;return c.i.href||a}},y={async:!0,load:function(a,b,c){if(a)if(a.match(/^data:/)){a=a.split(",");var e=a[1],e=-1f.status?b(e,a):c(e)};f.send()}else c("error: href must be specified")}},t=/Trident/.test(navigator.userAgent)||/Edge\/\d./i.test(navigator.userAgent);g.prototype.c=function(a){var b=this;h(a.querySelectorAll("link[rel=import]"),function(a){return b.m(a)})};g.prototype.m=function(a){var b=this,c=a.href;if(void 0!==this.a[c]){var e=this.a[c];e&&e.__loaded&&(a.import=e,this.l(a))}else this.b++,this.a[c]="pending",y.load(c,function(a,e){a=b.C(a,e||c);b.a[c]=a;b.b--;b.c(a);
+b.o()},function(){b.a[c]=null;b.b--;b.o()})};g.prototype.C=function(a,b){if(!a)return document.createDocumentFragment();t&&(a=a.replace(E,function(a,b,c){return-1===a.indexOf("type=")?b+" type=import-disable "+c:a}));var c=document.createElement("template");c.innerHTML=a;if(c.content)a=c.content;else for(a=document.createDocumentFragment();c.firstChild;)a.appendChild(c.firstChild);if(c=a.querySelector("base"))b=d.h(c.getAttribute("href"),b),c.removeAttribute("href");var e=0;h(a.querySelectorAll('link[rel=import], link[rel=stylesheet][href][type=import-disable],\n style:not([type]), link[rel=stylesheet][href]:not([type]),\n script:not([type]), script[type="application/javascript"],\n script[type="text/javascript"]'),
+function(a){p(a);d.w(a,b);a.setAttribute("import-dependency","");"script"===a.localName&&!a.src&&a.textContent&&(a.setAttribute("src","data:text/javascript;charset=utf-8,"+encodeURIComponent(a.textContent+("\n//# sourceURL="+b+(e?"-"+e:"")+".js\n"))),a.textContent="",e++)});return a};g.prototype.o=function(){var a=this;if(!this.b){this.g.disconnect();this.flatten(document);var b=!1,c=!1,e=function(){c&&b&&(a.c(document),a.b||(a.g.observe(document.head,{childList:!0,subtree:!0}),a.A()))};this.F(function(){c=
+!0;e()});this.D(function(){b=!0;e()})}};g.prototype.flatten=function(a){var b=this;h(a.querySelectorAll("link[rel=import]"),function(a){var c=b.a[a.href];(a.import=c)&&c.nodeType===Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE&&(b.a[a.href]=a,a.readyState="loading",a.import=a,b.flatten(c),a.appendChild(c))})};g.prototype.D=function(a){function b(f){if(f {\r\n\r\n /********************* base setup *********************/\r\n const useNative = Boolean('import' in document.createElement('link'));\r\n\r\n // Polyfill `currentScript` for browsers without it.\r\n let currentScript = null;\r\n if ('currentScript' in document === false) {\r\n Object.defineProperty(document, 'currentScript', {\r\n get() {\r\n return currentScript ||\r\n // NOTE: only works when called in synchronously executing code.\r\n // readyState should check if `loading` but IE10 is\r\n // interactive when scripts run so we cheat. This is not needed by\r\n // html-imports polyfill but helps generally polyfill `currentScript`.\r\n (document.readyState !== 'complete' ?\r\n document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1] : null);\r\n },\r\n configurable: true\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n /********************* path fixup *********************/\r\n const ABS_URL_TEST = /(^\\/)|(^#)|(^[\\w-\\d]*:)/;\r\n const CSS_URL_REGEXP = /(url\\()([^)]*)(\\))/g;\r\n const CSS_IMPORT_REGEXP = /(@import[\\s]+(?!url\\())([^;]*)(;)/g;\r\n const STYLESHEET_REGEXP = /(]*)(rel=['|\"]?stylesheet['|\"]?[^>]*>)/g;\r\n\r\n // path fixup: style elements in imports must be made relative to the main\r\n // document. We fixup url's in url() and @import.\r\n const Path = {\r\n\r\n fixUrls(element, base) {\r\n if (element.href) {\r\n element.setAttribute('href',\r\n Path.replaceAttrUrl(element.getAttribute('href'), base));\r\n }\r\n if (element.src) {\r\n element.setAttribute('src',\r\n Path.replaceAttrUrl(element.getAttribute('src'), base));\r\n }\r\n if (element.localName === 'style') {\r\n const r = Path.replaceUrls(element.textContent, base, CSS_URL_REGEXP);\r\n element.textContent = Path.replaceUrls(r, base, CSS_IMPORT_REGEXP);\r\n }\r\n },\r\n\r\n replaceUrls(text, linkUrl, regexp) {\r\n return text.replace(regexp, (m, pre, url, post) => {\r\n let urlPath = url.replace(/[\"']/g, '');\r\n if (linkUrl) {\r\n urlPath = Path.resolveUrl(urlPath, linkUrl);\r\n }\r\n return pre + '\\'' + urlPath + '\\'' + post;\r\n });\r\n },\r\n\r\n replaceAttrUrl(text, linkUrl) {\r\n if (text && ABS_URL_TEST.test(text)) {\r\n return text;\r\n } else {\r\n return Path.resolveUrl(text, linkUrl);\r\n }\r\n },\r\n\r\n resolveUrl(url, base) {\r\n // Lazy feature detection.\r\n if (Path.__workingURL === undefined) {\r\n Path.__workingURL = false;\r\n try {\r\n const u = new URL('b', 'http://a');\r\n u.pathname = 'c%20d';\r\n Path.__workingURL = (u.href === 'http://a/c%20d');\r\n } catch (e) {}\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (Path.__workingURL) {\r\n return (new URL(url, base)).href;\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Fallback to creating an anchor into a disconnected document.\r\n let doc = Path.__tempDoc;\r\n if (!doc) {\r\n doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('temp');\r\n Path.__tempDoc = doc;\r\n doc.__base = doc.createElement('base');\r\n doc.head.appendChild(doc.__base);\r\n doc.__anchor = doc.createElement('a');\r\n }\r\n doc.__base.href = base;\r\n doc.__anchor.href = url;\r\n return doc.__anchor.href || url;\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n /********************* Xhr processor *********************/\r\n const Xhr = {\r\n\r\n async: true,\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @param {!string} url\r\n * @param {!function(!string, string=)} success\r\n * @param {!function(!string)} fail\r\n */\r\n load(url, success, fail) {\r\n if (!url) {\r\n fail('error: href must be specified');\r\n } else if (url.match(/^data:/)) {\r\n // Handle Data URI Scheme\r\n const pieces = url.split(',');\r\n const header = pieces[0];\r\n let resource = pieces[1];\r\n if (header.indexOf(';base64') > -1) {\r\n resource = atob(resource);\r\n } else {\r\n resource = decodeURIComponent(resource);\r\n }\r\n success(resource);\r\n } else {\r\n const request = new XMLHttpRequest();\r\n request.open('GET', url, Xhr.async);\r\n request.onload = () => {\r\n // Servers redirecting an import can add a Location header to help us\r\n // polyfill correctly. Handle relative and full paths.\r\n // Prefer responseURL which already resolves redirects\r\n // https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/#the-responseurl-attribute\r\n let redirectedUrl = request.responseURL || request.getResponseHeader('Location');\r\n if (redirectedUrl && redirectedUrl.indexOf('/') === 0) {\r\n // In IE location.origin might not work\r\n // https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/1763802/location-origin-is-undefined-in-ie-11-on-windows-10-but-works-on-windows-7\r\n const origin = (location.origin || location.protocol + '//' + location.host);\r\n redirectedUrl = origin + redirectedUrl;\r\n }\r\n const resource = /** @type {string} */ (request.response || request.responseText);\r\n if (request.status === 304 || request.status === 0 ||\r\n request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300) {\r\n success(resource, redirectedUrl);\r\n } else {\r\n fail(resource);\r\n }\r\n };\r\n request.send();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n };\r\n\r\n /********************* importer *********************/\r\n\r\n const isIE = /Trident/.test(navigator.userAgent) ||\r\n /Edge\\/\\d./i.test(navigator.userAgent);\r\n\r\n const importSelector = 'link[rel=import]';\r\n\r\n // Used to disable loading of resources.\r\n const importDisableType = 'import-disable';\r\n\r\n const disabledLinkSelector = `link[rel=stylesheet][href][type=${importDisableType}]`;\r\n\r\n const importDependenciesSelector = `${importSelector}, ${disabledLinkSelector},\r\n style:not([type]), link[rel=stylesheet][href]:not([type]),\r\n script:not([type]), script[type=\"application/javascript\"],\r\n script[type=\"text/javascript\"]`;\r\n\r\n const importDependencyAttr = 'import-dependency';\r\n\r\n const rootImportSelector = `${importSelector}:not(${importDependencyAttr})`;\r\n\r\n const pendingScriptsSelector = `script[${importDependencyAttr}]`;\r\n\r\n const pendingStylesSelector = `style[${importDependencyAttr}],\r\n link[rel=stylesheet][${importDependencyAttr}]`;\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Importer will:\r\n * - load any linked import documents (with deduping)\r\n * - whenever an import is loaded, prompt the parser to try to parse\r\n * - observe imported documents for new elements (these are handled via the\r\n * dynamic importer)\r\n */\r\n class Importer {\r\n constructor() {\r\n this.documents = {};\r\n // Used to keep track of pending loads, so that flattening and firing of\r\n // events can be done when all resources are ready.\r\n this.inflight = 0;\r\n this.dynamicImportsMO = new MutationObserver(m => this.handleMutations(m));\r\n // Observe changes on .\r\n this.dynamicImportsMO.observe(document.head, {\r\n childList: true,\r\n subtree: true\r\n });\r\n // 1. Load imports contents\r\n // 2. Assign them to first import links on the document\r\n // 3. Wait for import styles & scripts to be done loading/running\r\n // 4. Fire load/error events\r\n this.loadImports(document);\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @param {!(HTMLDocument|DocumentFragment|Element)} doc\r\n */\r\n loadImports(doc) {\r\n const links = /** @type {!NodeList} */\r\n (doc.querySelectorAll(importSelector));\r\n for (let i = 0, l = links.length; i < l; i++) {\r\n this.loadImport(links[i]);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @param {!HTMLLinkElement} link\r\n */\r\n loadImport(link) {\r\n const url = link.href;\r\n // This resource is already being handled by another import.\r\n if (this.documents[url] !== undefined) {\r\n // If import is already loaded, we can safely associate it to the link\r\n // and fire the load/error event.\r\n const imp = this.documents[url];\r\n if (imp && imp['__loaded']) {\r\n link.import = imp;\r\n this.fireEventIfNeeded(link);\r\n }\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n this.inflight++;\r\n // Mark it as pending to notify others this url is being loaded.\r\n this.documents[url] = 'pending';\r\n Xhr.load(url, (resource, redirectedUrl) => {\r\n const doc = this.makeDocument(resource, redirectedUrl || url);\r\n this.documents[url] = doc;\r\n this.inflight--;\r\n // Load subtree.\r\n this.loadImports(doc);\r\n this.processImportsIfLoadingDone();\r\n }, () => {\r\n // If load fails, handle error.\r\n this.documents[url] = null;\r\n this.inflight--;\r\n this.processImportsIfLoadingDone();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Creates a new document containing resource and normalizes urls accordingly.\r\n * @param {string=} resource\r\n * @param {string=} url\r\n * @return {!DocumentFragment}\r\n */\r\n makeDocument(resource, url) {\r\n if (!resource) {\r\n return document.createDocumentFragment();\r\n }\r\n\r\n if (isIE) {\r\n // should be appended to . Not doing so\r\n // in IE/Edge breaks the cascading order. We disable the loading by\r\n // setting the type before setting innerHTML to avoid loading\r\n // resources twice.\r\n resource = resource.replace(STYLESHEET_REGEXP, (match, p1, p2) => {\r\n if (match.indexOf('type=') === -1) {\r\n return `${p1} type=${importDisableType} ${p2}`;\r\n }\r\n return match;\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n let content;\r\n const template = /** @type {!HTMLTemplateElement} */\r\n (document.createElement('template'));\r\n template.innerHTML = resource;\r\n if (template.content) {\r\n // This creates issues in Safari10 when used with shadydom (see #12).\r\n content = template.content;\r\n } else {\r\n // not supported, create fragment and move content into it.\r\n content = document.createDocumentFragment();\r\n while (template.firstChild) {\r\n content.appendChild(template.firstChild);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n // Support in imported docs. Resolve url and remove its href.\r\n const baseEl = content.querySelector('base');\r\n if (baseEl) {\r\n url = Path.replaceAttrUrl(baseEl.getAttribute('href'), url);\r\n baseEl.removeAttribute('href');\r\n }\r\n\r\n const n$ = /** @type {!NodeList} */\r\n (content.querySelectorAll(importDependenciesSelector));\r\n // For source map hints.\r\n let inlineScriptIndex = 0;\r\n for (let i = 0, l = n$.length, n; i < l && (n = n$[i]); i++) {\r\n // Listen for load/error events, then fix urls.\r\n whenElementLoaded(n);\r\n Path.fixUrls(n, url);\r\n // Mark for easier selectors.\r\n n.setAttribute(importDependencyAttr, '');\r\n // Generate source map hints for inline scripts.\r\n if (n.localName === 'script' && !n.src && n.textContent) {\r\n const num = inlineScriptIndex ? `-${inlineScriptIndex}` : '';\r\n const content = n.textContent + `\\n//# sourceURL=${url}${num}.js\\n`;\r\n // We use the src attribute so it triggers load/error events, and it's\r\n // easier to capture errors (e.g. parsing) like this.\r\n n.setAttribute('src', 'data:text/javascript;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(content));\r\n n.textContent = '';\r\n inlineScriptIndex++;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n return content;\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Waits for loaded imports to finish loading scripts and styles, then fires\r\n * the load/error events.\r\n */\r\n processImportsIfLoadingDone() {\r\n // Wait until all resources are ready, then load import resources.\r\n if (this.inflight) return;\r\n\r\n // Stop observing, flatten & load resource, then restart observing .\r\n this.dynamicImportsMO.disconnect();\r\n this.flatten(document);\r\n // We wait for styles to load, and at the same time we execute the scripts,\r\n // then fire the load/error events for imports to have faster whenReady\r\n // callback execution.\r\n // NOTE: This is different for native behavior where scripts would be\r\n // executed after the styles before them are loaded.\r\n // To achieve that, we could select pending styles and scripts in the\r\n // document and execute them sequentially in their dom order.\r\n let scriptsOk = false,\r\n stylesOk = false;\r\n const onLoadingDone = () => {\r\n if (stylesOk && scriptsOk) {\r\n // Catch any imports that might have been added while we\r\n // weren't looking, wait for them as well.\r\n this.loadImports(document);\r\n if (this.inflight) return;\r\n\r\n // Restart observing.\r\n this.dynamicImportsMO.observe(document.head, {\r\n childList: true,\r\n subtree: true\r\n });\r\n this.fireEvents();\r\n }\r\n }\r\n this.waitForStyles(() => {\r\n stylesOk = true;\r\n onLoadingDone();\r\n });\r\n this.runScripts(() => {\r\n scriptsOk = true;\r\n onLoadingDone();\r\n });\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @param {!HTMLDocument} doc\r\n */\r\n flatten(doc) {\r\n const n$ = /** @type {!NodeList} */\r\n (doc.querySelectorAll(importSelector));\r\n for (let i = 0, l = n$.length, n; i < l && (n = n$[i]); i++) {\r\n const imp = this.documents[n.href];\r\n n.import = /** @type {!Document} */ (imp);\r\n if (imp && imp.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {\r\n // We set the .import to be the link itself, and update its readyState.\r\n // Other links with the same href will point to this link.\r\n this.documents[n.href] = n;\r\n n.readyState = 'loading';\r\n // Suppress Closure warning about incompatible subtype assignment.\r\n ( /** @type {!HTMLElement} */ (n).import = n);\r\n this.flatten(imp);\r\n n.appendChild(imp);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Replaces all the imported scripts with a clone in order to execute them.\r\n * Updates the `currentScript`.\r\n * @param {!function()} callback\r\n */\r\n runScripts(callback) {\r\n const s$ = document.querySelectorAll(pendingScriptsSelector);\r\n const l = s$.length;\r\n const cloneScript = i => {\r\n if (i < l) {\r\n // The pending scripts have been generated through innerHTML and\r\n // browsers won't execute them for security reasons. We cannot use\r\n // s.cloneNode(true) either, the only way to run the script is manually\r\n // creating a new element and copying its attributes.\r\n const s = s$[i];\r\n const clone = /** @type {!HTMLScriptElement} */\r\n (document.createElement('script'));\r\n // Remove import-dependency attribute to avoid double cloning.\r\n s.removeAttribute(importDependencyAttr);\r\n for (let j = 0, ll = s.attributes.length; j < ll; j++) {\r\n clone.setAttribute(s.attributes[j].name, s.attributes[j].value);\r\n }\r\n // Update currentScript and replace original with clone script.\r\n currentScript = clone;\r\n s.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, s);\r\n whenElementLoaded(clone, () => {\r\n currentScript = null;\r\n cloneScript(i + 1);\r\n });\r\n } else {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n };\r\n cloneScript(0);\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Waits for all the imported stylesheets/styles to be loaded.\r\n * @param {!function()} callback\r\n */\r\n waitForStyles(callback) {\r\n const s$ = /** @type {!NodeList} */\r\n (document.querySelectorAll(pendingStylesSelector));\r\n let pending = s$.length;\r\n if (!pending) {\r\n callback();\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n // should be appended to . Not doing so\r\n // in IE/Edge breaks the cascading order\r\n // https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/platform/issues/10472273/\r\n // If there is one imported, we must move all imported\r\n // links and styles to .\r\n const needsMove = isIE && !!document.querySelector(disabledLinkSelector);\r\n for (let i = 0, l = s$.length, s; i < l && (s = s$[i]); i++) {\r\n // Listen for load/error events, remove selector once is done loading.\r\n whenElementLoaded(s, () => {\r\n s.removeAttribute(importDependencyAttr);\r\n if (--pending === 0) {\r\n callback();\r\n }\r\n });\r\n // Check if was already moved to head, to handle the case where the element\r\n // has already been moved but it is still loading.\r\n if (needsMove && s.parentNode !== document.head) {\r\n // Replace the element we're about to move with a placeholder.\r\n const placeholder = document.createElement(s.localName);\r\n // Add reference of the moved element.\r\n placeholder['__appliedElement'] = s;\r\n // Disable this from appearing in document.styleSheets.\r\n placeholder.setAttribute('type', 'import-placeholder');\r\n // Append placeholder next to the sibling, and move original to .\r\n s.parentNode.insertBefore(placeholder, s.nextSibling);\r\n let newSibling = importForElement(s);\r\n while (newSibling && importForElement(newSibling)) {\r\n newSibling = importForElement(newSibling);\r\n }\r\n if (newSibling.parentNode !== document.head) {\r\n newSibling = null;\r\n }\r\n document.head.insertBefore(s, newSibling);\r\n // Enable the loading of .\r\n s.removeAttribute('type');\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Fires load/error events for imports in the right order .\r\n */\r\n fireEvents() {\r\n const n$ = /** @type {!NodeList} */\r\n (document.querySelectorAll(importSelector));\r\n // Inverse order to have events firing bottom-up.\r\n for (let i = n$.length - 1, n; i >= 0 && (n = n$[i]); i--) {\r\n this.fireEventIfNeeded(n);\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Fires load/error event for the import if this wasn't done already.\r\n * @param {!HTMLLinkElement} link\r\n */\r\n fireEventIfNeeded(link) {\r\n // Don't fire twice same event.\r\n if (!link['__loaded']) {\r\n link['__loaded'] = true;\r\n // Update link's import readyState.\r\n link.import && (link.import.readyState = 'complete');\r\n const eventType = link.import ? 'load' : 'error';\r\n link.dispatchEvent(newCustomEvent(eventType, {\r\n bubbles: false,\r\n cancelable: false,\r\n detail: undefined\r\n }));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @param {Array} mutations\r\n */\r\n handleMutations(mutations) {\r\n for (let i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {\r\n const m = mutations[i];\r\n if (!m.addedNodes) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n for (let ii = 0; ii < m.addedNodes.length; ii++) {\r\n const elem = m.addedNodes[ii];\r\n if (!elem || elem.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {\r\n continue;\r\n }\r\n // NOTE: added scripts are not updating currentScript in IE.\r\n if (isImportLink(elem)) {\r\n this.loadImport( /** @type {!HTMLLinkElement} */ (elem));\r\n } else {\r\n this.loadImports( /** @type {!Element} */ (elem));\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * @param {!Node} node\r\n * @return {boolean}\r\n */\r\n const isImportLink = node => {\r\n return node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.localName === 'link' &&\r\n ( /** @type {!HTMLLinkElement} */ (node).rel === 'import');\r\n };\r\n\r\n /**\r\n * Waits for an element to finish loading. If already done loading, it will\r\n * mark the element accordingly.\r\n * @param {!(HTMLLinkElement|HTMLScriptElement|HTMLStyleElement)} element\r\n * @param {function()=} callback\r\n */\r\n const whenElementLoaded = (element, callback) => {\r\n if (element['__loaded']) {\r\n callback && callback();\r\n } else if ((element.localName === 'script' && !element.src) ||\r\n (element.localName === 'style' && !element.firstChild)) {\r\n // Inline scripts and empty styles don't trigger load/error events,\r\n // consider them already loaded.\r\n element['__loaded'] = true;\r\n callback && callback();\r\n } else {\r\n const onLoadingDone = event => {\r\n element.removeEventListener(event.type, onLoadingDone);\r\n element['__loaded'] = true;\r\n callback && callback();\r\n };\r\n element.addEventListener('load', onLoadingDone);\r\n // NOTE: We listen only for load events in IE/Edge, because in IE/Edge\r\n //