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DS 4400 Final Project: Detecting Credit Card Fraud With Machine Learning**

Project Information:

Nick Bagley and Will Conti

Spring 2021 - Supervised Machine Learning in Data Science (DS4400)

Problem Statement

The problem that we are trying to solve is how to defend against credit card fraud. This is a classification problem, and the machine learning algorithm should be able to classify a given transaction as either being valid or fraudulent. This is helpful to both the individual customer using the card and to the banks that supply the cards. By being able to flag a transaction as fraudulent a bank can put a hold on the purchase and contact the customer to confirm its validity. This reduces the risk that a customer gets their account compromised, or the risk that they do not catch the faulty transaction themselves and lose money from it. It also saves the bank money because they will not have to refund the customer for fraudulent transactions if they are able to catch them before they execute. This is an important problem to solve because it can really ruin somebody’s finances if they are a victim of credit card fraud that goes uncaught. There were 271,823 cases of credit card fraud reported in the United States in 2019, and a total of $24.2 billion was lost due to credit card fraud worldwide in 2018. The problem is extremely widespread and affects millions of stakeholders.

From a machine learning perspective there are a few key factors to consider. We determined that the most important thing in our models should be the power to correctly predict fraud. It is crucial to catch as many fraudulent transactions as possible, even if that means it may identify some valid transactions as fraud. Customers would rather validate a transaction that was a false alarm than suffer a financial loss from a missed fraud case.




Presentation Slides:

Code Notebook:

Dataset and Exploratory Analysis

The dataset that we used is the Credit Card Transactions Fraud Detection Dataset from Kaggle, foundhere. We are unable to access real credit transaction data due to privacy laws, so this dataset contains simulated transactions of 1000 different customers between 800 different merchants. This simulation tool was created by Brandon Harris, and is written in Python using the ‘faker’ library to generate the list of transactions. The data was run over a time series of January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2020. This structure allowed us to create new features that were aggregated by time and date of transaction. The dataset is extremely large. The data was already split into two csv files, one for training and one for testing. The training dataset contained 1.3 million transactions, and the testing dataset contained another 500,000 transactions. There were initially 23 columns in the dataset. A snapshot of the head of the original dataset is shown below. This is broken up into two images in order to clearly see all of the features without having the text be too small or stretched out. Both of these images show the same five transactions.

These are the initial columns given to us in the dataset. The final column ‘is_fraud’ is our target variable in our classification. A value of 0 indicates that the transaction is valid, and a value of 1 shows that it is fraudulent. Our next step was to remove any features that are not relevant to the problem. We did some external research on credit card fraud to find out what features are typically important in detecting it. We combined this with some analysis of our own in order to see which features could be deleted. This led us to drop columns such as name, date of birth, gender, and address.

Once we removed irrelevant columns we started on feature engineering in order to add some predictive features of our own. This started with a one-hot encoding of the category feature so that it could be used by our model. Then we ran some extensive aggregation functions on our dataset. We used the credit card number of the transaction in order to iteratively find the means and standard deviations of the amount, latitude, and longitude features. These were applied to every row, getting updated on every new transaction. We also found the difference between the transactions latitude and longitude and the average longitude and latitude for that credit card number. This shows how far away the transaction took place from where that customer lives, which is often a strong indicator of fraud. We applied the difference to the amount feature as well, showing how far off the transaction’s amount is from the average amount for that customer. One of the final and most important aggregations that we applied was to keep track of the past frauds for each credit card number. Below are some of the visualizations we produced to see the feature correlation after we applied our engineering functions to the dataset.

This is a chart of feature importance generated from the Random Forest algorithm. The features that are most strongly correlated with the target are the differences between the longitude, latitude, and amount. This coincides with the research we did on credit card fraud, and also the intuitive sense of what might indicate a fraudulent transaction. This chart also shows an interesting ranking of purchase categories in terms of fraud.

This heatmap shows correlation between different features. This chart provides us with some interesting insights. The customer longitude and latitude is strongly correlated to the merchant longitude and latitude. This is why the difference between the transaction’s location and the average location is so important in predicting fraud. Purchases made far from a customer’s address are more likely to be fraudulent. Below we will show some visualizations that look at individual features in more depth.

Here we can see the correlation between the hour of the purchase and whether the transaction is fraudulent. Transactions that are made during business hours are very rarely fraud. Most credit card fraud occurs between 10:00 p.m and 3:00 a.m, so this is something that our model will pick up on and use to aid its predictions.

This chart shows the range of different amounts found across the transaction data. Most credit card transactions are made with relatively small amounts of money. However, the dataset does contain outliers. Transactions with large amounts are rare in the dataset. This can be an indicator of fraud if the amount is abnormal compared to the averages in the data.

Through this exploratory analysis of our dataset we were able to come up with a final set of 35 features to predict our target variable. We experimented with removing and adding some different features from this set, but we found that our models performed best with this combination. We scaled the values in the dataset using a normalization function in Python, and then we had a dataset ready for modeling.

Approach and Methodology

One of the major issues that we encountered early on was the imbalance of the dataset. The graph below shows just how few transactions were fraudulent in respect to the entire dataset.

This made it so that our models would predict transactions as ‘not fraud’ every time. Doing this would result in an accuracy of over 99%, but that is not a good metric to go by since it caught so few frauds. We wanted to improve the recall, so we had to take some steps to prepare our dataset for modeling.

An approach to imbalanced data is to apply data algorithms to it. We looked into different undersampling and oversampling algorithms that we could apply to our dataset. We used the SMOTE Oversampler and the Random Undersampler algorithms from Python’s imbalance learn package. We tried applying each of these individually, and also combining them to see which method resulted in the best baseline metrics for our models. We found that applying undersampling only was the best way to improve our baseline model scores. However, because of the way that we applied our aggregations to the data the transactions towards the end of the dataset had more accuracy information than those in the beginning. The random undersampling algorithm pulled transactions from all over the dataset equally, but to maximize our model’s efficiency we wanted to use the transactions that already had accurate aggregations applied to them. We wrote our own code in order to undersample our dataset, focusing on the transactions that occurred later. We undersampled the dataset down to 300,000 transactions, which greatly improved our models. Since we applied the aggregations before we undersampled, the transactions still benefited from the information given by the 1.3 million transaction instances. Once we had the data algorithms applied we began to spot-check different algorithms in order to find the most effective model for our problem.

While our data sampling algorithm helped mitigate some of the data imbalance problem, we were still facing a largely imbalanced dataset. We spent some time researching approaches to imbalanced learning, finding this articlewhich suggested several models that are known to be effective on imbalanced data. We tested many of the models discussed in the article, but a large number of them yielded very poor results. Every model showed an accuracy of over 0.99, but that is a misleading representation of the model’s performance in this scenario. The imbalanced dataset allows the model to predict a valid transaction everytime and obtain an accuracy of 0.99. This means that we need to focus on the precision and the recall of the models. The way that we identified the effective models is by comparing the F1 score and the ROC curves. Below is a graph of ROC curves from some different models that we tried.

As seen in the graph above the AdaBoost and XGboost algorithms perform the best out of the models that we plotted. We were able to obtain a precision of 0.51, a recall of 0.59, and an F1 score of 0.55 for AdaBoost without any tuning, and we obtained a precision of 0.80, a recall of 0.64, and an F1 score of 0.71 for XGboost. Decision Trees and kNN performed very poorly on this dataset, while LDA performed decently well in comparison. The metrics for LDA were significantly worse than AdaBoost though, obtaining a precision of 0.16, a recall of 0.73, and an F1 score of just 0.26.

These results showed us that a boosting algorithm performs best on our dataset, so we focused on these two algorithms going forward. We continued to work on the AdaBoost algorithm, tuning the parameters to obtain the best results. We found that the algorithm worked best with n_estimators set to 100 and a learning rate of 0.1. This increased our F1 score from 0.55 to 0.57, which is still not as good as XGboost so we focused mainly on that.

When researching gradient boosting algorithms we found that they can often perform well on imbalanced datasets. We tried the algorithm initially with no applied metrics. The XGboost performed the best out of any algorithm that we tried so far. These results were notably better than the AdaBoost model so we decided to optimize the XGboost as much as possible. The boosting algorithms outperformed all other types of models for this problem.

The next step to improving our model is adjusting the parameters for the XGboost algorithm. We used the model given from the xgboost package in Python, which is separate from the Scikit models that we used for our other models. This package gave the option for several different parameters to the model, but there were only a couple that were applicable in our scenario. The first hyperparameter we looked at was the feature weights. This allows us to set feature weights for column sampling. We used the feature importance and correlation gathered earlier to adjust the feature weights. However, after playing around with this it was evident that the model’s performance was not getting any better, and in some cases it was even getting worse. The other parameter that is important in boosting is the weight. We found a nice visualization from Analytics Vidhya that shows the process of XGboost on an imbalanced dataset, and displays where weights will be important in classification.

As shown in the chart above, the gradient boosting algorithm works based on the loss function. By applying a different weight to the classes in our dataset we are able to penalize the misclassification made by the minority class. We applied a high class weight to the fraudulent transactions while lowering the class weights for the valid transactions. We tested several different class weights, but none of them had as much of an impact on the metrics as we were hoping. Our best result improved the recall from 0.64 to 0.84 for the testing set. This was the best result that we were able to achieve in terms of recall when adjusting the weights and the hyperparameters of our XGboost model. However, it lowered the precision too much so we had to tune the algorithm differently in order to deal with the tradeoff. The metrics of our final model are shown below, along with the parameters that we applied in order to achieve these results.

Discussion and Result Interpretation

Our best balanced model was able to achieve an accuracy of 0.99, a precision of 0.64, a recall of 0.79, and an F1 score of 0.71. These results are a massive improvement from our very first models that we ran. When we first downloaded the dataset we ran several models before doing any data sampling or feature engineering. These models were resulting in F1 scores of below 0.10 which was a terrible starting point. We had to combine in-depth data engineering with various data sampling techniques in order to achieve a workable baseline model for our imbalanced dataset.

Through the model testing process we found that using ensemble boosting algorithms was the most effective modeling technique for this problem. Many of the other models that are said to be good at imbalanced classification, such as decision trees and kNN, performed very badly. This was an interesting finding because finding the algorithm that works best is so unique to the problem. There is no one model that always works best for imbalanced data. Instead we had to try many different ones that were suggested for imbalanced data and find which was most applicable to the credit card fraud dataset. Once we found out that XGboost was the best model we were able to achieve good results.

After adjusting some of the parameters of the XGboost model we were able to get an F1 score of 0.75. However, this model had a recall of 0.70 and a precision of 0.81. Our goal for this model was to emphasize recall over precision, so we were not satisfied with these metrics. We tuned the model with several different parameters that adjusted this precision recall tradeoff. We were able to get a recall of 0.84, but this resulted in a huge decrease in precision down to 0.38. This was too large of a tradeoff, so when tuning our model we focused on emphasizing recall while still not lowering precision by too large a number. Our final model that we found was best balanced has a precision of 0.64 and a recall of 0.79. These different models emphasize different metrics, and it is really up to the end user what model would be best to use based on their use case and their goals.

The model still misses some transactions that are fraud, and also misclassifies some valid transactions as being fraudulent. However, it is nearly impossible to correctly classify all transactions because many fraudulent do not have any real red flags. If a fraudulent transaction occurs close to the customer, during business hours, and at an average purchase size, the model will most likely not pick it up as fraud. However, most fraudulent transactions do not fall into these categories. That is why we are able to pick up most instances of fraud, but there are still some that slip under our model’s radar. Similarly, valid transactions are sometimes made far from a customer’s home, and at a purchase amount higher than they usually make. Since these transactions do not follow the typical pattern of valid transactions, the model may classify them as fraudulent even though they are not. However, most valid transactions do not have these characteristics, so our model classifies most valid transactions correctly.

Our main goal was to improve the recall metric so that as much fraud as possible was identified. We concluded that it was more important for a customer to be notified of possible fraudulent transactions, even if they were occasionally false alarms. We faced the problem of a precision recall tradeoff, but our final model was in a spot that we were satisfied with, having a precision of 0.64 and a recall of 0.79. This would have a real impact on catching fraud, without excessively flagging every transaction as a possible instance of fraud.

Conclusion Credit card fraud continues to be a large problem in the modern world. Thousands of people are affected and billions of dollars are lost every year. Our goal was to create a model that would have a notable impact on this problem, and after much experimentation we were able to produce an effective model. The main challenge that we faced in our problem was the massive imbalance between valid and fraudulent transactions in our dataset. This required us to spend a lot of our time preparing the data for analysis. Once we had our data ready we were able to easily apply our models and compare them to each other. The XGboost handled the imbalanced data best out of any model, and after adjusting some parameters it produced meaningful results that would have a real impact in mitigating the damages of credit card fraud. This problem is continually being worked on in the real world with advanced technology and millions of data points. Through this project we were able to identify some of the interesting aspects and difficulties involved in solving the credit card fraud problem.

Team Member Contribution Throughout this project we worked together on research, analysis, and reporting. We did all the coding in a colab notebook, often working together in person or on a zoom call. When we were not working simultaneously we provided each other with constant updates. We both did independent research in order to gather new ideas for our project, and would discuss this research together and find out how to apply it to the project. Both the presentation and the final report were kept in a Google Drive folder that we both had access to so we were able to both add to them and make edits to them.