Setting up an Amazon Web Services cloud integration requires establishing a trust relationship between Amazon and Operations for Applications. This involves creating a role in Amazon Web Services, providing it with read-only access, and getting the Role ARN.
Then, you can register the integration:
In the Name text box, enter a meaningful name.
In the Role ARN text box, enter the Role ARN from Amazon IAM.
(Optional) To register CloudTrail, click Show Advanced Options and provide the necessary information.
Bucket Name - The S3 bucket that contains CloudTrail logs.
In AWS, go to CloudTrail >Trails to see the bucket name.
(Optional) Prefix - A log file prefix specified when you created the CloudTrail.
The default prefix is
. If you use a custom prefix, you must put it here without using a forward slash at the end of the prefix, i.e. a trailing slash. -
Region - AWS Region where the CloudTrail logs reside.
Click Register.
For information about registering and configuring CloudWatch, see Configure CloudWatch Data Ingestion.
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