Browser need to support FormData
- Chrome
- Firefox 4+
- Safari 5+
- IE10+
Fallback support (currently only on "$(button).ajaxUploadPrompt(options)") Will only send the file.
- IE 7-8
- Firefox 3.6
- Opera 11
- Drag and drop files
- Prompt
// You can use same options as $.ajax();
// can be a string or jQuery object that selects a input:file
// or an array containing key pair or name/value [{name, value}]
// or an object
// The value should be a File object if it is the file you want to upload
// Same as above, with a difference, it takes all values in the form.
// Same as $.ajaxUpload, with a difference, it will create a prompt and then send
// Same as above, with a difference, it binds a click event.
// Make a dropzone for uploading files
// Same parameters as $.post();
$.ajaxUploadPost(url, [ data ], [ success(data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) ], [ dataType ]);
I appreciate all feedback, thanks!
2013-11-20 - v1.9
- Fix pass correct options (codler #6)
- Fix support for IE10 & bug fixes (santiripper jhg #3)
... See commit log ...
2010-12-31 - v1.0
- First commit. (codler)