A common requirement is to persist on an application servers JSessionID. This identifier can be embedded within a cookie or in the header for devices such as cell phones that may not support cookies. This rule can be used with the Universal Persistence feature to create a new JSessionID persistence. The exact parameters, such as the cookie name or length may need to be altered depending on the application server used.
if { [HTTP::cookie exists "JSessionID"] } {
persist uie [HTTP::cookie "JSessionID"]
} else {
set jsess [findstr [HTTP::uri] "JSessionID" 11 ";"]
if { $jsess != "" } {
persist uie $jsess
if { [HTTP::cookie exists "JSessionID"] } {
persist add uie [HTTP::cookie "JSessionID"]
In the following example we will add a persist for 20 minutes, or update the timer if the entry pre-exists.
if avi.http.get_cookie("JSESSIONID") then
avi.vs.table_insert(avi.http.get_cookie("JSESSIONID"), avi.pool.server_ip(), 1200)
In the following we will rename the pool before applying it to a virtual service.
default_pool = "pool1"
if avi.http.get_cookie("JSESSIONID") then
avi.pool.select(default_pool, avi.vs.table_lookup(avi.http.get_cookie("JSESSIONID")))