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Paco Gomez edited this page Mar 11, 2015 · 18 revisions

vCloud Air Network Management with vca-cli

This section describes the network operations available through vca-cli

Network Commands

The following is a list of network related commands:

dhcp      Operations with Edge Gateway DHCP Service
firewall  Operations with Edge Gateway Firewall Rules
gateway   Operations with Edge Gateway
nat       Operations with Edge Gateway NAT Rules
network   Operations with Networks
org       Operations with Organizations
vdc       Operations with Virtual Data Centers (vdc)
vpn       Operations with Edge Gateway VPN

Network Configuration Overview

The org command provides the list of networks defined in the organization:

$ vca org info
Details for org 'M735816878-4430':
| Type       | Name                                 |
| Org Id     | 0ea8e6de-8dc0-4b2d-83a0-629544be5465 |
| Org Name   | M735816878-4430                      |
| catalog    | blueprints                           |
| catalog    | Public Catalog                       |
| orgNetwork | blueprints-network                   |
| orgNetwork | M735816878-4430-default-routed       |
| orgNetwork | M735816878-4430-default-isolated     |
| vdc        | M735816878-4430                      |

The vdc command lists the networks available in the virtual data center and the edge gateways (usually one), with a summary of the configuration:

$ vca vdc info
Virtual Data Center 'M735816878-4430' for 'default' profile; details:
| Type         | Name                             |
| edge gateway | M735816878-4430                  |
| network      | blueprints-network               |
| network      | M735816878-4430-default-routed   |
| network      | M735816878-4430-default-isolated |
| vApp         | ubu                              |
| vApp         | nodejs_host_e538b                |
| vApp         | mongod_host_af84c                |
| vAppTemplate | managed_template                 |
Compute capacity:
| Resource    |   Allocated |   Limit |   Reserved |   Used |   Overhead |
| CPU (MHz)   |       30000 |   30000 |      15000 |      0 |          0 |
| Memory (MB) |       61440 |   61440 |      61440 |   3072 |         97 |
Edge Gateways:
| Name            | External IPs                 | DHCP   | Firewall   | NAT   | VPN   | Routed Networks                                    | Syslog   | Uplinks   |
| M735816878-4430 |, | On     | Off        | On    | On    | M735816878-4430-default-routed, blueprints-network |          | d2p3-ext  |

In this example, the name of the edge gateway is M735816878-4430

Working with Networks

The network command lists the networks in the virtual data center:

vca network
Networks available in Virtual Data Center 'M735816878-4430':
| Name                             | Mode      | Gateway       | Netmask       | POOL IP Range                 |
| M735816878-4430-default-isolated | isolated  |  | |   |
| M735816878-4430-default-routed   | natRouted | | | |
| blueprints-network               | natRouted | | | |

To add a new network, use vca network add as shown in the example:

$ vca network add --network routed-120 --gateway M735816878-4430 --gateway_ip \
      --netmask --dns1 --pool
| Start Time          | Duration       | Status   |
| 2015-03-11 12:55:46 | 0 mins 34 secs | success  |

The --pool option allows to define the range of IP addresses to be used for the static IP pool.

To delete an existing network, use vca network delete. Here is an example:

$ vca network delete --network routed-120

| Start Time          | Duration      | Status   |
| 2015-03-11 12:59:21 | 1 mins 1 secs | success  |
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