diff --git a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md index bf3f6b6..871760e 100644 --- a/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md +++ b/.github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ - [ ] A clear description of the change has been included in this PR. - [ ] Spec Semver version has been updated in the VERSION file -- [ ] Tagged this branch with new semver version and an annotation describing the change (ex: `git tag -a 4.1.0 -m "Spec version 4.1.0 - did a thing"`) +- [ ] Tagged this branch with new semver version and an annotation describing the change (ex: `git tag -s 4.1.0 -m "Spec version 4.1.0 - did a thing"`) - [ ] All schema validation tests have been updated appropriately and are passing. - [ ] Version numbers have been updated as per the [Versioning Guidelines](../CONTRIBUTING.md#verison-changes). - [ ] Major/minor version changes only: A writeup has been included discussing the motivation and impact of this change. diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index d3eb3b6..714bab8 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -24,11 +24,18 @@ The spec version is this repo's most recent semver Git tag - this means that if Any changes that affect _project_ version must update both `git tag` and the [VERSION](VERSION) file. -Rather than use a changelog, we ask that you use annotated `git tags` when bumping the spec Semver, and use the annotation message to describe the change. -> Example: `git tag -a 4.1.0 -m "Spec version 4.1.0 - twiddled a doohickey"`) +#### Tracking Versions +Rather than use a CHANGELOG file, we ask that you use annotated `git tags` when bumping the spec Semver, and use the annotation message to describe the change. +> Example: `git tag -s 4.1.0 -m "Spec version 4.1.0 - twiddled a doohickey"`) + +Please use the raw semver when tagging - no `v4.1.0`, just `4.1.0` A list of `git tag` versions and their annotations can be generated at will via `git tag -n` +To create a CHANGELOG file, run the following command + +`git tag -n --sort=-v:refname > CHANGELOG` + ## Asking Questions & Submitting Feeback Please use GitHub issues to ask questions, submit suggestions, or otherwise provide feedback. Thank you!