Tags: Customers, Email, Signup
Super basic, super useful. :) Get an email alert whenever a customer account is created.
- View in the task library: tasks.mechanic.dev/customer-signup-email
- Task JSON, for direct import: task.json
- Preview task code: script.liquid
"to__email_required": "",
"subject__required": "New customer: {% if customer.email %}{{ customer.email }}{% else %}#{{ customer.id }}{% endif %}",
"body__multiline_required": "Hey there! A new customer has signed up. Here are their details:\n\nName: {% capture full_name %}{{ customer.first_name }} {{ customer.last_name }}{% endcapture %}{% if full_name != blank %}{{ full_name | strip }}{% else %}(none){% endif %}\nEmail: {{ customer.email | default: \"(none)\" }}\nPhone: {{ customer.phone | default: \"(none)\" }}\n{{ customer.note | strip }}\n\n<a href=\"https://{{ shop.myshopify_domain }}/admin/customers/{{ customer.id }}\" target=\"_blank\">Manage in Shopify</a>\n\nThanks,\n- Mechanic, for {{ shop.name }}"
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Super basic, super useful. :) Get an email alert whenever a customer account is created.
Find this task in the library at tasks.mechanic.dev, and use the "Try this task" button. Or, import this task's JSON export – see Importing and exporting tasks to learn how imports work.
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