Kotter applications are fun to write, sure, but how do you test them?
This library is a collection of utility classes and methods to help you do exactly that! This README aims to cover the main ways you can use it to test your Kotter applications.
For assertThat
calls used in the examples below, those come from my testing assertion
library Truthish, but of course you can use any assertion approach you like.
Kotter tests use the testSession
utility method to create a Kotter session bound to an in-memory test terminal.
This terminal comes with a handful of powerful test methods which will be discussed throughout the rest of this document.
The basic structure of every Kotter test is as follows:
fun basicKotterTestStructure() = testSession { terminal ->
// Your test code goes here
The terminal is created for the test and destroyed afterward. You can write tests confidently knowing that each one gets to work with its own isolated terminal.
The most fundamental way to query a terminal's contents are by checking its buffer
property directly. You can also use
the lines()
extension method (which is the same buffer data but split on newlines).
section {
textLine("This is a test...")
"This is a test...\n" + Codes.Sgr.RESET
// Alternately:
"This is a test...",
Most users should not be checking buffer
or lines()
directly. They require you to be familiar with both ANSI escape
codes and how Kotter instructions generate them. Furthermore, the order of escape codes is not guaranteed to be stable
in future versions of the library.
However, they can be very useful when debugging why a test isn't working. You can use the replaceControlCharacters
utility method plus println
s to essentially dump the state of the terminal:
section {
textLine("This is a test...")
In the above case, this results in the following output
If you don't call replaceControlCharacters
, the println
will process the escape codes, often swallowing them. This
can be problematic when you're scratching your head at the test framework yelling at you that "Test string" is not
equal to "Test string"! (If this does happen to you, it's likely because the strings are not equal due to differing
escape codes).
Additionally, as you can see, spaces are also replaced with ·
for clarity. This can help users debug the case where
an equality check is failing due to trailing spaces.
The \e[0m
text above represents an ANSI escape code. You can read more
about CSI sequences
and SGR parameters if
you're curious to learn more about them, as these both are used heavily in Kotter.
In this specific case, the \e[
prefix indicates a CSI control sequence, while the m
indicates the preceding numeric value should be parsed as an SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) parameter. The number 0
here refers to the SGR "reset" command (as in "reset any graphical styles set up to this point"). Remember, Kotter
sections always clear all styles upon exiting, so you'll see this particular escape code a lot if you start printing
stuff out.
You can also apply stripFormatting
to the buffer (or the lines()
output), at which point, it could be a quick way to
assert expected output, for example in a test like this:
section {
bold { textLine("Instructions") }
text("Press "); cyan { text("ARROW KEYS") }; textLine(" to move")
text("Press "); cyan { text("SPACE") }; textLine(" to fire")
text("Press "); cyan { text("Q") }; textLine(" to quit")
"Press ARROW KEYS to move",
"Press SPACE to fire",
"Press Q to quit",
Kotter sections can run multiple times. In a normal Kotter application, each time a new render happens, the output of the previous render gets wiped out and replaced with the new one.
In contrast, the test terminal's buffer is not aware of repaints at all. As you apply render after render, they all
accumulate into the buffer (unless you call terminal.clear()
at some point).
However, tests are often only interested in the final state of the terminal after all the renders have been applied, rather than concerning themselves with internal, temporary states.
You can call resolveRerenders
to produce output that discards previous, stale renders. This method returns its output
as a list of separate lines (i.e. a List<String>
var count by liveVarOf(0)
section {
textLine("Final count: $count")
}.run {
for (i in 0 until 3) {
which, after a few seconds pass, prints out:
Similar to terminal.buffer
and terminal.lines()
, you are not expected to call this method directly yourself outside
of local debugging.
The next section will introduce a very useful utility method which calls resolveRerenders
under the hood for you.
lets you essentially declare a second Kotter section which will get compared with the original section.
This provides the perfect level of abstraction for most tests.
A concrete example should make this clear. Imagine we are testing a method that renders a progress bar given some arguments:
import com.example.utils.progress.renderProgressBar
var percent by liveVarOf(0)
section {
text("Progress: ")
renderProgressBar(barLength = 10, percent)
textLine(" $percent%")
}.run {
percent = 70
terminal.assertMatches {
textLine("Progress: #######--- 70%")
Sometimes, you will want to verify intermediate render states instead of repainting over them.
To support this, we provide the ability to wait in the run
block until some condition is met.
var blinkOn by liveVarOf(false)
section {
if (blinkOn) invert()
textLine("Blinking test.")
}.onFinishing {
blinkOn = false
}.run {
blockUntilRenderMatches(terminal) {
textLine("Blinking test.")
blinkOn = !blinkOn
blockUntilRenderMatches(terminal) {
textLine("Blinking test.")
terminal.assertMatches {
textLine("Blinking test.")
Without blocking, we wouldn't be able to assert, with confidence, that the blinking effect was on at the end and that
the onFinishing
block was responsible for turning it off.
In order to prevent blocking from freezing tests on a CI, the blockUntilRenderMatches
and blockUntilInputMatches
methods have a default timeout of 1 second. You can pass in a longer timeout, including Duration.INFINITE
, on a
case-by-case basis if you need this to last longer.
Normally, Kotter operations should take no longer than a few milliseconds, and in our experience, 1 second has never resulted in a false negative.
The lowest level method for simulating user input is the sendKeys
method on the test terminal instance. (There is also
a sendKey
method if you only want to send a single key).
The sendKeys
method takes raw int values which represent the ASCII values of the keys that should be typed.
section {
}.runUntilInputEntered {
// Send the ASCII values for "Hello, world!"
72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 44, 32, 119, 111, 114, 108, 100, 33
terminal.sendKey(13) // ASCII code for the enter key
terminal.assertMatches {
text("Hello, world! ") // "input" includes a trailing space for the cursor
We use runUntilInputEntered
in the above case because otherwise the section might finish running and rendering
before reading in all input, as handling input happens on a separate thread.
You will probably never use sendKeys
directly yourself, as the other input methods are a bit more intuitive to use as
well as read (even if they just delegate to sendKeys
under the hood).
Often, you want to send a control code, a special value which represents an arrow key or a delete operation. You can use
the sendCode
method for this, which takes in one of the following values:
// Full path: Ansi.Csi.Codes.Sgr.Keys
object Keys {
val HOME: Code
val INSERT: Code
val DELETE: Code
val END: Code
val PG_UP: Code
val PG_DOWN: Code
val UP: Code
val DOWN: Code
val LEFT: Code
val RIGHT: Code
which you might use in a test like so:
section {
/* ... */
}.runUntilSignal {
onKeyPressed {
if (key == Keys.DOWN) { signal() }
/* ... other keys ... */
Finally, the most common input helper method is type
, which takes in a string or a variable number of character
arguments and converts them to use sendKeys
under the hood.
You can type ANSI control characters as well, which is a readable way to simulate the enter key. Bringing it all together:
section {
text("Hello, ")
}.runUntilInputEntered {
// alternately: terminal.type('w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!')
The full list of control characters are:
// Full path: Ansi.CtrlChars
object CtrlChars {
const val EOF: Char
const val BACKSPACE: Char
const val TAB: Char
const val ENTER: Char
const val ESC: Char
const val DELETE: Char
Perhaps the easiest way to simulate a key press is to use the convenience terminal.press
method, which takes Kotter
section { /* ... */ }.runUntilInputEntered {
terminal.press(Keys.H, Keys.E, Keys.L)
terminal.press(Keys.RIGHT) // Autocomplete "hello"
This is probably the method most people will want to use for their tests -- there's no need to worry about typing vs
codes, or remembering if you should be using Ansi.CtrlChars
or Ansi.Csi.Codes.Sgr.Keys
Pressing Key
s is technically an inverted approach, because Kotter Key
s are really the final result of transforming
raw ASCII values and sequence codes into a simple enum. They represent the terminating end of an input pipeline, in
other words! However, as a mental model, most users of the Kotter library aren't don't really need to be aware of
The press
method, under the hood, actually figures out whether to call type
, sendCode
, or sendKey
for you,
based on the key you are pressing.
Real timers can be the bane of instant unit tests and the source of many a flaky test. As a result, test timers, which allow you to pass time manually, are a common feature in testing libraries.
In a Kotter test, you can create a test timer calling the data.useTestTimer
method inside a run
section {
/* ... */
}.run {
val timer = data.useTestTimer()
/* ... */
Recall the data
property comes from the Kotter Session. It's the very same property discussed here in
the Kotter documentation.
The useTestTimer
method extends data
because it registers itself into it as a side effect, bound to the
lifecycle of the run block.
You should call this method as soon as possible, probably the very first line in your run block. If an actual timer is
triggered before you call useTestTimer
, the call will result in a runtime exception.
In fact, because a section
block render is kicked off instantly as soon as the run block starts, you are encouraged to
provide an early abort until the test timer is ready. This ensures that nothing in your section block will request a
timer without you realizing it. (Inputs and animations both do this, for example.)
var testTimerReady by liveVarOf(false)
section {
if (!testTimerReady) return@section
/* ... */
}.run {
val timer = data.useTestTimer()
testTimerReady = true
/* ... */
It is pretty common to combine blocking methods and test timers together, as in the following example:
val spinningAnim = textAnimOf(listOf("⠸", "⠋", "⠙", "⠸", "⠴", "⠦"), Anim.ONE_FRAME_60FPS)
var testTimerReady by liveVarOf(false)
section {
if (!testTimerReady) return@section
text(' ')
}.run {
val timer = data.useTestTimer()
testTimerReady = true
blockUntilRenderMatches(terminal) {
text("⠸ Calculating...")
blockUntilRenderMatches(terminal) {
text("⠋ Calculating...")
/* ... etc. ... */
While in an actual test you would not likely need to test a Kotter animation (we've already done that extensively in the official library!), it is nice to see that we can step the timer forward EXACTLY one frame at a time, which would be impossible to do with a traditional system timer.
Kotter itself leverages this library to test its own components. Feel free to browse its test sources to see if you can find a pattern that you can apply to your own tests.
Let's conclude this document with a reasonably realistic example.
Imagine we've created a widget that presents the users with a list of choices, and they can use the arrow keys plus ENTER or press a number key to select an option.
The code for such a widget might look like this:
fun Session.promptChoices(message: String, choices: List<String>): String {
var selectedIndex by liveVarOf(0)
section {
choices.forEachIndexed { index, choice ->
if (index == selectedIndex) {
text("> ")
} else {
text(" ")
textLine("${index + 1}) $choice")
}.runUntilSignal {
onKeyPressed {
when (key) {
Keys.UP -> selectedIndex = (selectedIndex - 1).coerceAtLeast(0)
Keys.DOWN -> selectedIndex = (selectedIndex + 1).coerceAtMost(choices.size - 1)
Keys.ENTER -> signal()
Keys.DIGIT_1, Keys.DIGIT_2, Keys.DIGIT_3, Keys.DIGIT_4, Keys.DIGIT_5, Keys.DIGIT_6, Keys.DIGIT_7, Keys.DIGIT_8, Keys.DIGIT_9 -> {
val digit = (key as CharKey).code.digitToInt()
val index = digit - 1
if (index < choices.size) {
selectedIndex = index
return choices[selectedIndex]
Calling it would look like:
session {
"Choose a color",
listOf("Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Purple"),
// Output:
// Choose a color
// > 1) Red
// 2) Orange
// 3) Yellow
// 4) Green
// 5) Blue
// 6) Purple
This works -- feel free to try it! But how do we test it?
The biggest problem in this case is we need to simulate user input. We don't want to do this until after
is registered in the widget's run block.
For code like this, I can recommend two approaches:
- updating the signature to be testable
- breaking the widget down into pieces
Let's add a callback which the user can use to respond to the widget being ready for user input, onInputReady
internal fun Session.promptChoices(
message: String,
choices: List<String>,
onInputReady: suspend () -> Unit, // New line
): String {
var selectedIndex by liveVarOf(0)
section {
/* ... same as before ... */
}.runUntilSignal {
onKeyPressed {
/* ... same as before ... */
onInputReady() // New line
return choices[selectedIndex]
fun Session.promptChoices(message: String, choices: List<String>) =
promptChoices(message, choices, onInputReady = {})
Above, we created an internal
API for the test and a public
API for the user.
Even though onInputReady
would probably be a harmless event to expose to the user, it is still encouraged to hide
it, in order to keep your APIs as minimal and simple as possible.
With this change, we are ready to test our widget:
fun `user can navigate to an answer using arrow keys`() {
var answer = ""
testSession { terminal ->
answer = promptChoices(
"Choose a color",
listOf("Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Purple"),
onInputReady = {
// Or, if you prefer a one-liner:
// press(Keys.DOWN, Keys.DOWN, Keys.ENTER)
Another approach is to break the widget's render and run logic into separate methods:
internal fun MainRenderScope.renderChoices(
message: String,
choices: List<String>,
selectedIndex: Int,
) {
choices.forEachIndexed { index, choice ->
if (index == selectedIndex) {
text("> ")
} else {
text(" ")
textLine("${index + 1}) $choice")
// This method fires `signal()` when the choice selection is confirmed.
// This should therefore be called within a `runUntilSignal` block.
internal fun RunScope.handleChoiceSelection(
getSelectedIndex: () -> Int,
maxIndex: Int,
setSelectedIndex: (Int) -> Unit,
) {
onKeyPressed {
when (key) {
Keys.UP -> setSelectedIndex((getSelectedIndex() - 1).coerceAtLeast(0))
Keys.DOWN -> setSelectedIndex((getSelectedIndex() + 1).coerceAtMost(maxIndex - 1))
Keys.ENTER -> signal()
Keys.DIGIT_1, Keys.DIGIT_2, Keys.DIGIT_3, Keys.DIGIT_4, Keys.DIGIT_5, Keys.DIGIT_6, Keys.DIGIT_7, Keys.DIGIT_8, Keys.DIGIT_9 -> {
val digit = (key as CharKey).code.digitToInt()
val index = digit - 1
if (index < maxIndex) {
At this point, the promptChoices
method basically just delegates:
fun Session.promptChoices(message: String, choices: List<String>): String {
var selectedIndex by liveVarOf(0)
section {
renderChoices(message, choices, selectedIndex)
}.runUntilSignal {
getSelectedIndex = { selectedIndex },
maxIndex = choices.size,
setSelectedIndex = { selectedIndex = it }
return choices[selectedIndex]
And now, the test is straightforward, as we can just call the individual parts ourselves directly:
fun `user can navigate to an answer using arrow keys`() = testSession { terminal ->
var selectedIndex by liveVarOf(0)
val colorChoices = listOf("Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Purple")
section {
renderChoices("Choose a color", colorChoices, selectedIndex)
}.runUntilSignal {
getSelectedIndex = { selectedIndex },
maxIndex = colorChoices.size,
setSelectedIndex = { selectedIndex = it }
Admittedly, this approach does feel a bit like you're duplicating the widget a little. It's also unfortunate that the
method has to be called inside a runUntilSignal
block, which can only be communicated by
documentation but not enforced by the code itself.
However, sometimes breaking Kotter logic up into smaller functions is the more natural way to organize the code anyway. In that case, this sort of testing approach is a natural fit.
This document aimed to cover the main ways you can use the Kotter Test Support library to test your Kotter applications.
Please consider raising a question or mentioning an idea if you think there are ways that this library or README could be improved and/or expanded upon.
Thank you!