Display a message to the user. The message banner has short and clear content with key information in bold.
import { MessageBanner } from '@folio/stripes/components';
<MessageBanner type="success">Success</MessageBanner>
<MessageBanner type="error">Error</MessageBanner>
<MessageBanner type="warning">Warning</MessageBanner>
<MessageBanner type="error">
<li><strong>Using an unordered HTML list</strong></li>
<li>Your password must include one numeric value</li>
<li>Your password must include one special charater</li>
<li>Your password must be at least 8 charaters</li>
For accessibility reasons we want the <MessageBanner>
to remain in the DOM so that screen readers will update and read out the contents of the component as it changes.
If you need the <MessageBanner>
to enter and exit the UI then you should use the show
-prop to handle this. Using this prop will ensure that the screen reader related DOM element remains in the DOM after the visual part of the component exits.
// Bad
{ message && <MessageBanner>{message}</MessageBanner>}
// Good
<MessageBanner show={!!message}>{message}</MessageBanner>
You can further improve the screen reader experience by adding a more specific dismiss button aria-label. For this purpose you can use the dismissButtonAriaLabel
-prop to change the message that will be read out load. This label defaults to "Hide message"
Setting the dismissible
-prop enables the option for the user to hide the <MessageBanner>
. It is also possible to control the visibility externally by using the show
-prop. See an example below this section.
<MessageBanner dismissible>
I'm dismissible
Passing the show
-prop makes it possible to control the visibility externally. This also enables enter/exit transitions.
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
<Button onClick={() => setShow(!show)}>Toggle</Button>
// Optional
onEnter={() => console.log('Enter')}
onEntered={() => console.log('Entered')}
onExit={() => console.log('Exit')}
onExited={() => console.log('Exited')}
Hello World
Name | Type | Description | Options | Default |
aria-live | string | Sets the aria-live -attribute for the root element. |
off, polite, assertive | assertive |
autoFocusDismissButton | bool | Autofocuses the dismiss button when the <MessageBanner> enters the DOM. This requires that the dismissable -prop is set to true |
false | |
type | string | Sets the style of the <MessageBanner> |
default, error, success, warning | default |
children | node | Renders the contents of the <MessageBanner> |
dismissable | boolean | Adds a close icon and makes the <MessageBanner> dismissable |
true/false | false |
dismissButtonAriaLabel | string | Adds an aria-label attribute for the dismiss <IconButton> . |
"Hide message" | |
dismissButtonProps | object | Add custom props for the dismiss button. This can be useful for e.g. adding a custom class name for the internal <IconButton> . |
{} | |
icon | string | Renders an icon next to the message. Supports all icons available for the <Icon> -component. When the type -prop is set to either "success", "error" and "warning" the <MessageBanner> will have icons by default but these too can be overwritten by using the icon -prop. If you want to remove the icon entirely you can simply set icon to null |
onEnter | func | Callback when the <MessageBanner> enters |
onEntered | func | Callback when the <MessageBanner> has entered |
onExit | func | Callback when the <MessageBanner> exits |
onExited | func | Callback when the <MessageBanner> has exited |
className | string | Adds a custom class name for the <MessageBanner> |
contentClassName | string | Adds a custom class name for the content element inside the <MessageBanner> |
element | string, element, func | Changes the root element of the <MessageBanner> |
div | |
show | boolean | Control the visiblity externally. Using the show-prop will enable the <MessageBanner> to transition in and out. |
true/false |
The remaining props passed to <MessageBanner>
will be spread onto the root element of the component. This component also accepts a ref