Releases: ualbertalib/DMPonline_v4
Portage-French deployment 4.1.1-1.20
v4.1.1-1.20.el6 updated project list view path to avoid exception
Portage-French deployment 4.1.1-1.19
Portage-French deployment 4.1.1-1.19
This deployment branch includes:
Updated seeds.rb file to initiate the database with the Portage template v1.0.
v4.1.1-1.16.el6 Production deployment
This release includes:
merge with the latest commit from DCC DigitalCurationCentre@f026173
upgraded rails, devise, activeadmin and several other critical gems, and prepared for the rails 3 to 4 upgrade, and fixed the nokogiri gem's missing html directory
fixes #35 #33 #32 #31 #30 #29 #28 #27 #26
added text and background colors in the editor #19
added comment functionality for shared plan #18
Portage-French deployment 4.1.1-1.18
Portage-French deployment 4.1.1-1.18
This deployment branch includes:
updated French translations for the interface and email from University of Montreal.
Portage-French deployment 4.1.1-1.17
This deployment branch includes:
all changes, fixes and gem upgrades from
full i18n support for bilingual interface
full i18n support for bilingual content (with globalize gem)
require more translations in all locale files, and template content etc.
v4.1.1-1.13.el6 Production deployment
This release includes:
merge with the latest commit from DCC DigitalCurationCentre@f026173
upgraded rails, devise, activeadmin and several other critical gems, and prepared for the rails 3 to 4 upgrade
fixes #35 #33 #32 #31 #30 #29 #28 #27 #26
added text and background colors in the editor #19
added comment functionality for shared plan #18
Portage-French deployment 4.1.1-1.14
This deployment branch includes:
- all changes, fixes and gem upgrades from
- full i18n support for bilingual interface
- full i18n support for bilingual content (with globalize gem)
- require more translations in all locale files, and template content etc.