dj-assets | Modify the "href" or "src" attributes of elements with a path prefix and wrap them in a Django static command. |
Syntax | <html dj-assets="asset_identifier;asset_prefix">...</html> |
Example Input | <html dj-assets="assets;module"><img src="assets/image.png"></html> |
Example Output | <html><img src="{% static 'module/assets/image.png' %}"/></html> |
dj-attr | Dynamically assign attributes using Django template variables. |
Syntax | <element dj-attr="attribute1;value1~attribute2;value2~attribute3;value3"></element> |
Example Input | <div dj-attr="class;my-class~id;my-id"></div> |
Example Output | <div class="{{ my-class }}" id="{{ my-id }}"></div> |
dj-block | Replace the element with Django block tags. |
Syntax | <element dj-block="blockname">Content</element> |
Example Input | <div dj-block="content">Content</div> |
Example Output | {% block content %}Content{% endblock %} |
dj-command | Replace the element with a Django template command. |
Syntax | <element dj-command="command"></element> |
Example Input | <div dj-command="url 'index'"></div> |
Example Output | {% url 'index' %} |
dj-for | Replace the element with a Django template for loop. |
Syntax | <element dj-for="item in list">Content</element> |
Example Input | <div dj-for="item in list"><p>Hello</p></div> |
Example Output | {% for item in list %}<p>Hello</p>{% endfor %} |
dj-for-wrap | Wrap the element within a Django template for loop. |
Syntax | <element dj-for-wrap="item in list">Content</element> |
Example Input | <div dj-for-wrap="item in list">Content</div> |
Example Output | {% for item in list %}<div>Content</div>{% endfor %} |
dj-if, dj-elif, dj-else | Replace the elements with a Django template if-elif-else structure. |
Syntax | <element dj-if="condition">Content</element> <element dj-elif="condition">Content</element> <element dj-else="condition">Content</element> |
Note | The dj-elif and dj-else attributes are optional. Multiple dj-elif attributes are allowed. |
Example Input | <div dj-if="condition1">Test</div><div dj-elif="condition2">Test2</div><div dj-else>Test3</div> |
Example Output | {% if condition1 %}Test{% elif condition2 %}Test2{% else %}Test3{% endif %} |
dj-include | Replace the content of the element with a Django template include command. |
Syntax | <element dj-include="template_name"></element> |
Example Input | <div dj-include="template_name.html"></div> |
Example Output | {% include "template_name.html" %} |
dj-remove-default | Remove the Doctype, "head" element, and "script" element within the "body" element. It also unwraps the "body" and "html" elements, leaving only the remaining content of the "body" element. |
Syntax | <html dj-remove-default>...</html> |
Note | This is meant to remove all the default html wrapper code most static html generators produce. |
Example Input | <!DOCTYPE html><html dj-remove-default><head>...</head><body>Content<script>...</script></body></html> |
Example Output | Content |
dj-remove | Remove the element. |
Syntax | <element dj-remove></element> |
Example Input | <div><p dj-remove></p></div> |
Example Output | |
dj-static | Replace the value of the specified tag with a Django template static command, using the specified static file path. |
Syntax | <element dj-static="tag;static_file_path"></element> |
Example Input | <img dj-static="src;images/pic.jpg"> |
Example Output | <img src="{% static 'images/pic.jpg' %}"/> |
dj-style | Modify the style attribute of a element with django variables. |
Syntax | <element dj-style="property1;value1;value_type1~property2;value2;value_type2"></element> |
Note | The value_type is optional. If not included still add the ; after the value. |
Example Input | <div style="color:red" dj-style="background-color;color;~padding;padding;px"> |
Example Output | <div style="color:red;background-color:{{ color }};padding:{{ padding }}px"> |
dj-style-raw | Modify the style attribute of a element. The value will be inserted as is. |
Syntax | <element dj-style-raw="property1;value1~property2;value2"></element> |
Example Input | <div style="color:red" dj-style-raw="background-color;blue~color:{{ color }}"> |
Example Output | <div style="color:{{ color }};background-color:blue"> |
dj-unwrap | Remove the element's tags but keeps its content. |
Syntax | <element dj-unwrap>Content</element> |
Example Input | <div dj-unwrap><p>Hello, world!</p></div> |
Example Output | <p>Hello, world!</p> |
dj-var | Replace the element's content with a Django template variable. |
Syntax | <element dj-var="variable_name">Content</element> |
Example Input | <p dj-var="greeting">Hello, world!</p> |
Example Output | <p>{{ greeting }}</p> |