Make cython extensions for linux AND windows before any release
Dev Strategy
- Test Framework for automated tests : split tests YAML into small chunks, one per algorithm
- I18n Framework
- Write python installer (use
) - Dependencies not available in QGIS3 default installation
- SciPy for morphology operations (eg. BinaryClosing) and better Voronoi Polygons
Migration of QGis 2.14 Algorithms to QGis 3.4
Tools for Rasters (raster)
- BinaryClosing
- DifferentialRasterThreshold (may be replaced by qgis:rastercalculator)
ExtractRasterValueAtPoints(replaced by qgis:rastersampling) -
Tools for Vectors (vector)
DeduplicateLines(replaced by qgis:deleteduplicategeometries) - InterpolateLine
- JoinByNearest
- LineMidpoints
- MeasureDistanceToPointLayer
- MergeGeometries
PointOnSurface(replaced by native:pointonsurface) -
RandomSamples - RandomPoissonDiscSamples
- RegularHexSamples
- RemoveSmallPolygonalObjects
- SafePolygonIntersection
SegmentEndpoints(replaced by qgis:extractspecificvertices) - SelectByDistance
- SelectNearestFeature
SplitLine(replaced by native:explodelines) -
SplitLineIntoSegments(replaced by native:explodelines) - UniquePoints
UniqueValuesTable(not used) - UpdateFieldByExpression
- UpdateFieldByExpressionInPlace
Hydrography (hydrography)
- AggregateLineSegments
- AggregateLineSegmentsByCat (merged with AggregateLineSegments)
- DensifyNetworkNodes
- IdentifyNetworkNodes
- InverseLongitudinalTransform
- LengthOrder
- LocatePolygonAlongLine
- LongestPathInDirectedAcyclicGraph (renamed to LongestPathInDirectedGraph)
- LongestPathInDirectedAcyclicGraphMultiFlow (merged with LongestPathInDirectedGraph)
- LongitudinalTransform
- MatchNearestLine
- MatchNearestLineUpdate
- MatchNetworkNodes
- MatchNetworkSegments
- MeasureLinesFromOutlet (renamed to MeasureNetworkFromOutlet)
- MeasurePointsAlongLine (merged with ProjectPointOnNearestLine)
- NetworkNodes
- ProjectPointsAlongLine (renamed to ProjectPointOnNearestLine)
- ReverseFlowDirection (
replaced by native:reverselinedirection) - SelectConnectedComponents
- SelectDownstreamComponents (merged with SelectConnectedComponents)
- SelectFullLengthPaths
- SelectGraphCycle
- SelectMainDrain (renamed to ExportMainDrain)
- SelectShortTributaries
- SelectUpstreamComponents (merged with SelectConnectedComponents)
Sequencing(replaced by BuildDirectedStreamNetwork) - StrahlerOrder
Metrics (metrics)
- DetrendDEM
- FilterByMinRank
- AggregateFeatures
- Add dissolve result option
- Add new segmentation algorithms (Lise Vaudor)
LocalFeatureSize(replaced by PolygonWidth) - OrthogonalTransects (possible alternative is native:transect)
- PlanformMetrics
- Add summary by DGO
- SegmentMeanSlope
- SegmentMeanValue
- SegmentPlanarSlope
Sinuosity - Sum
- WeightedMean
Lateral (lateral)
- FastDeleteExteriorPolygons
- EdgeWeighting
- ShortestDistanceToTargets
- WeightedDistanceToTargets
- ComputeFrictionCost
- TrianglesToEdges
- NodesFromEdges
- DirectedGraphFromUndirected
Spatial Components (spatial_components)
- DisaggregatePolygon
- LeftRightDGO
- MedialAxis (replaced by ValleyCenterLine)
- PolygonSkeleton
- ValleyBottom (need to be tested)
Unstable(unstable, must be fixed)-
CenterLine -
LeftRightBox -
MatchPolygonWithMostImportantLine -
MatchPolygonWithNearestCentroid -
SimplifyVisvalingam -
New algorithms
- TopologicalStreamBurn
- FlowAccumulation
- FocalMean/FocalAnalysis (TODO add more aggregation/filter options such as std, median, sum, min, max)
- SciPyVoronoiPolygons
- RasterInfo
- FixLinkOrientation
- DirectedStreamNetwork
- MeanderingEnvelope
- ValleyBottom based on dem+flow direction
- UpstreamChannelLength
- KnickPoint
- Vectorize Stream Features
- SetMCoordFromMeasureField
- LineStringZSlope
- TransformCoordinateByExpression
- LineStringBufferByM
- Fill Sinks (Wang & Liu)
- Strahler Order (Raster)
- Simple Raster Filter (Mean, Median, Max, Min, Std/Var...)
- ConnectLines
- Variable Length Transect By Interval
- Variable Length Transect By Point
- Spatial Components
- Oriented centerline
- ValleyCenterLine
- Identify Network Nodes
- Drape
- Check/Fix Link orientation
- Stream Network
- Topological stream burn
- Vectorize streams
- Orient streams ?
- Valley bottom
- RelativeDEM
- ValleyBottom
- Oriented centerline
- Disaggregation Processes
- Polyline disaggregation (=Planform metrics)
- Segmentation
- Disaggregate Polygon
- To complete with disaggregate line
- Sequencing
- Identifey network nodes
- Drape
- Check/Fix link orientation
- Metrics
- Contact length
- Discontinuities
- Elevation and slope
- Drape
- LineStringZ Slope
- Morphometry (=Planform metrics)
- Watershed
- Width (=MeanPolygonByDGO, could be simplyfied by only near feature detection)
- Statistics
- Hubert test (=Hubert-Kehagias Aggregation)
- Spatial Components