The tests directory contains a Vagrantfile that spawns a Debian 9 VM.
- First install Vagrant (version >= 2)
- Then boot the VM.
sudo apt install -y virtualbox
cd tests
vagrant up --provider=virtualbox
To clear the VM:
cd tests
vagrant destroy -f && vagrant up
Note that you can take advantage of snapshots to speedup the clearing process.
Some unit tests exist for the custom ansible module.
python -B -m unittest discover -p "*" playbooks/library
There are two ways of testing, using a docker image (preferred way) or using directly Ansible.
Installing direnv or a similar tool is recommended to automatically load environment variables from files inside your directory. Direnv automatically loads variables inside .envrc files.
- Create a .envrc.
cat <<EOF > .envrc
export MODULES_ROOT="$PWD"/test/sample-infra
export SSH_HOST=
Building the docker image and running it is the preferred way of testing as you don't need to install Ansible on your machine.
- Install direnv to automatically load environment variables from .envrc.
- Add the following variables in your .envrc.
cat <<EOF >> .envrc
export SSH_FINGERPRINT='$(ssh-keyscan -H'
export SSH_PRIVATE_KEY='$(cat ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key)'
- Then build the Docker image and run it against the VM.
docker build -t totakoko/compose-deploy:dev . && docker run -it --rm \
-v "$MODULES_ROOT:/modules:ro" \
- First install Ansible.
- Add the following to your ~/.ssh/config.
User root
IdentityFile ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
- Add the server fingerprint to your known hosts
ssh-keyscan -H >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts
- Finally, run the deployment script against the VM.
./ deploy