2 Kinds of Chnage:
- technology driven
- evolutionary architecture
- business driven
- Agile is for buiness/domain-driven change
- technology driven
Why predict the future?
- When change is difficult / expensive
- dont have to be
goals are good, but how do you know, that you come nearer to the goal
- how can you tell, that you don't degrade
ea depends on agile
- devops
- ci/cd
- makes ea easier
ff fix requirements: Implementations can change, but only within the boundaries, that is given by the fitnesse functions
ff are:
- monitors -> Continous ff
- unit/functional tests
- metrics
- chaos engineering
ff categories
- triggerd
- continous
- static
- dynamic
- rely on a shifting definition based on extra context.
- automatic
- manual
- temporal / time-based
- domain-specific
- Most are unit/function/acceptance tests
- intentional
- before the design
- emergende
- discover while dev / ops -> As you build the system
- ff is a living part of the system. It evolves with it
ff != test
- ff: architectural characteristics
- unit/UAT/function for tests for the problem domain
Fitness-Functions are for non-functional requirements, unit/UAT/func tional test for functional requirements?
Chaos monkey for flipping the dependency: Not longer dependend to Amazon, which is not controlled by netflix. So they became independend
FF as executable Specification
component is physically (module not). Component consists of multiple modules
Smaller Quantum Size implies Evolutionary
And more evolutionary leads to less 10%-Danger, because you can evolutionate away from it? If true: smaller Quantum Size leads to less risk of 10%-Trap?
- Hybrits can bring you out of the trap: For example
Put in Practice:
- Identify dimesions
- NO ivy tower!
- Define functions
- Usse deployment piplines and/or continous fitness functions
- Pipleine + Monitoring Repeat
- Identify dimesions
FF in Deployment Pipeline
Stages of CI Pipleine can use different Repos. For example for Security-STage: Only one repo has to be changed. Multiple Dimension Moularization.
- SEcurity
- Code-STyle
- Mem-Checks
- EA allowes Experiments
- Hypothis-Driven-Development
- Innovations Dilemma
- The future is already here, it is just not equali distributed
- Books
- Contionous Delivery
- Lean Entrprise
- Refactoring Databases
- Intrastructure as Code
- Release it
- Evolutionary Archtitecure
- At leas Continouse Integration
- CI
- Continous Delivery
- Contionous Delivery can have manual steps and does not update the system automatically
- Continous Deployment no more manual steps
- Evolutionary Architecture
- Only know anything: Run experiment --> The sientific method
- cycle-time: Total time between check-in and running in productionclea
- process-ff
- smoke-test: Just see a little bit
- deployment-pipeline can measure cycle-times
- cloud-bees for jenins
- More and more stable tests
- cycle-time-guard
- prevent degrading
- simon brown: Modular Monolith
- The more reusable, the less usable
- service-templates
- FF also just test a single thing
- FF should be as local as possible
- Teams should own the pipelines, architects should support