Customize tmux-sidebar
by placing options in .tmux.conf
and reloading Tmux
How can I run some other command in the sidebar?
set -g @sidebar-tree-command 'ls -1'
Can I have the sidebar on the right?
set -g @sidebar-tree-position 'right'
I don't like the default 'prefix + Tab' key binding. Can I change it to be 'prefix + e'?
set -g @sidebar-tree 'e'
How can I change the default 'prefix + Backspace' to be 'prefix + w'?
set -g @sidebar-tree-focus 'w'
I see the tree sidebar uses 'less' as a pager. I would like to use 'view'.
set -g @sidebar-tree-pager 'view -'
The default sidebar width is 40 columns. I want the sidebar to be wider by default!
set -g @sidebar-tree-width '60'
Can I colorize the
directory listing in the sidebar?
set -g @sidebar-tree-command 'tree -C'
The command used to display the directory listing
, if set) must support color codes. If it does not,
unusual characters - the color control codes - will be visible in the sidebar.