2/14/2021 Just a few simple guidelines for now, more to come later.
-Tim MacDonald, [email protected]
When contributing, always fork from the master branch, not the current default. The default branch of the repo will always be 1 branch older than the master. This means if you take the default clone option you will be cloning something other than the master.
Follow PEP8 ( https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ )
I know that the source code has a TON of PEP8 violations in it. I am working on cleaning these up slowly. Please don't add anymore. I suggest using an editor with a built in PEP8 linter like Pycharm.
Tabs should not be imported into each other. If a function should be shared put it in the shared.py file.
all "copy" operations should be split into 2 methods, an export and an import. These export and import functions should reside in shared.py. All copy/backup/restore methods should leverage the import/export functions. This way if you improve or modify export/import then all copy/backup/restore methods will get the improvement.