A custom cluster is a user-built cluster that can be highly customized through a configuration file
type: "custom"
name: "" # the name of this cluster
kubeconfig: "" # the path of kubeconfig file, use "" to use $HOMEDIR/.kube/.config or use in-cluster way
# default config value
node: # the way to fetch node machine level data
type: "proxy" # via the a agent DaemonSet
namespace: "kube-jarvis" # the namespace of agent
daemonset: "kube-jarvis-agent" # the name of agent DaemonSet
components: # the components that should to explore their information
kube-apiserver: # this is the example of component "kube-apiserver"
# the default components also includes as follow
# "kube-apiserver", "kube-scheduler", "kube-controller-manager", "etcd", "kube-proxy"
# "coredns", "kube-dns", "kubelet", "kube-proxy", "dockerd", "containerd"
type: "auto" # the way used to explore this component,
# Auto : try follow ways one by one
# Bare : use "ps" command to explore component on nodes
# Label: select pods with label selector to explore component
# StaticPod: use static pod on node to explore component
name: "kube-apiserver" # the real name of target component
namespace: "kube-system" # the namespace of the component if use "Lable" or "StaticPod" exploring
masternodes: true # only explore component on master nodes
# the master nodes are nodes with label item "node-role.kubernetes.io/master" exist
nodes: [] # only explore component on target nodes
# will try explore component on all nodes if "masternodes" is false and "nodes" is empty
labels: # the labels that used to select pod when use "Label" exploring
k8s-app : "kube-apiserver"